Description: Evergreen woody vines, climbing with tendrils; branchlets tetragonal to subterete.
Leaves opposite, [simple to] compound (3-foliolate), often composed of 2 leaflets and often a terminal simple tendril (the terminal pinna being replaced by a tendril).
Inflorescences few-flowered. Calyx cupular to campanulate, membranous. Corolla tubular to campanulate, straight; stamens 4, included.
Fruit a woody capsule, echinate; seeds thick, wingless or winged on one side.
Distribution and occurrence: World: ?2 species, tropical America; Australia: 1 species, N.S.W., naturalised.
Clytostoma is sometimes treated as a synonym of Bignonia.
Text by (based on) E. Fischer et al., Bignoniaceae, in K. Kubitzki (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 7: 9-38 (2004) Taxon concept: Australian Plant Census (accessed May 2017)