Description: Branching perennials with extravaginal innovations.
Leaves with ligule a row of hairs.
Inflorescences of 2 types, one terminal, the other axillary. Terminal inflorescence spike-like and of chasmogamous spikelets. Axillary inflorescence of a single cleistogamous spikelet, either terminating short leafy branches or in the axils of leaf sheaths.
Spikelets dimorphic, adaxial. Florets 2, the lower sterile and reduced to the lemma, the upper bisexual. Lower glume of chasmogamous spikelets very short and 1-nerved or absent; upper 5–7-nerved, a little shorter than the spikelet. Lower glume of cleistogamous spikelets absent or minute; upper glume a little shorter than the spikelet, 6–9-nerved. Lower lemma subequal to the spikelet, 5–7-nerved; upper lemma equal to the spikelet, mucronate, glabrous or with a few sparse hairs, 5–7-nerved. Palea 2-nerved, similar to the lemma.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 species, endemic Australia. Australia: Qld, N.S.W.
Text by S. W. L. Jacobs & C. A. Wall Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Cleistogamous spikelets terminating leafy branchlets | Cleistochloa rigida |
| Cleistogamous spikelets in the axis at the base of some leaf sheaths | Cleistochloa subjuncea |