Description: Trees.
Leaves alternate, margins entire, domatia present.
Inflorescences leaf-opposed or axillary, thyrsoid. Calyx cupular, 5-lobed. Flowers bisexual and/or unisexual and then plants polygamous or dioecious. Petals 5, free. Stamens 5; filaments free, anthers dorsifixed. Ovary 1-locular; ovules 2 or 3.
Fruit a 1-seeded drupe; endocarp woody; seed with a longitudinal groove.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 20 species, tropical America, & Pacific Is. Australia: 2 species (endemic), Qld, N.S.W.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Citronella moorei |