Common Name: Rock Rose
Description: Small shrubs with simple and stellate indumentum.
Leaves simple, opposite.
Flowers bisexual, almost actinomorphic, in cymes or solitary. Sepals 5, free, unequal. Petals 5, free, convolute in bud, caducous. Stamens numerous, on a hypogynous disc; anthers versatile, opening by slits. Ovary superior, 1-locular, 3–10–carpellate; placentation parietal, usually intruding into ovary; ovules several; style simple.
Fruit a loculicidal capsule. Seeds with endosperm; embryo curved.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 35 species, native to Macaronesia, S. Central Europe to Medit. and NW. Iran. Australia (naturalised) 5 species, S.A., N.S.W., A.C.T., Vic., Tas.
Text by A.S. George, adapted by Kerry Gibbons 18 Apr. 2023. Taxon concept: Flora of Australia Online [accessed 17 Apr. 2023]. Distribution and occurrence: Kew Plants of the World Online; Australian Plant Census [both accessed 17 Apr. 2023].
One species in NSW: Cistus salviifolius |