Description: Shrubs.
Leaves alternate, petiolate, flat, margins entire to toothed, glabrous to woolly.
Heads broad-campanulate, in terminal corymbs or corymbose panicles, pedunculate; involucral bracts 2- or 3-seriate, unequal, herbaceous with narrow scarious margins, free, reflexed in fruit; receptacle slightly convex, naked, pitted. Ray florets 1-seriate, female, fertile, ligulate; style filiform with short obtuse branches, glabrous. Disc florets bisexual, sterile, tubular, 5-merous; anthers sagittate at the base with terminal appendages; style short, branches vestigial.
Ray achenes drupe-like with an outer fleshy layer surrounding a bony endocarp; pappus absent. Disc achenes abortive.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 species, E & southern Africa. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by J. A. Scott Taxon concept: