Fronds erect, 1-pinnate with the pinnae usually lobed or deeply divided; lower pinnae usually gradually reduced in size; lower surface of lamina bearing numerous fine white hairs along the veins; basal veins of the segments usually anastomosing.
Sori always with hairy indusium.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Basal pinnae not, or only slightly, reduced | Christella parasitica |
| Basal 2–4 pairs of pinnae gradually reduced in size | 2 |
2 | Lobes of pinnae divided half to two-thirds of the way to the midrib; fronds mostly 40–80 cm high, dark green, the basal pinnae 3–5 cm long | Christella dentata |
| Lobes of pinnae divided three-quarters of the way to the midrib; fronds usually 30–70 cm high, pale green, the basal pinnae 1.5–3 cm long Back to 1 | Christella hispidula |