Description: Shrubs or trees, glabrous.
Leaves 1- or 3-foliolate; stipules triangular, falling early, scars visible at lower nodes.
Inflorescences terminal, cymose, much branched. Calyx lobes 4 or 5, persistent and enlarging during fruit formation. Petals 4 or 5, small or absent. Stamens 10, perigynous; anthers small, connective produced into a recurved appendage. Ovary half-inferior, 2-locular; 4 ovules in each loculus.
Nut 1-seeded, small, surrounded by the enlarged persistent calyx coloured pink to bright red.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 6 species, New Guinea & Australia. Australia: 6 species (5 species endemic), Qld, N.S.W.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves 3-foliolate | Ceratopetalum gummiferum |
| Leaves 1-foliolate, apparently simple but lamina articulate on petiole | Ceratopetalum apetalum |