Flowers axillary, mostly solitary or in pairs. Sepals 4, outer 2 fused or free in bud. Petals 4, unequal. Disc present. Stamens 6–many, spreading, longer than the petals. Gynophore c. as long as stamens; ovary 1-locular with few to many ovules.
Berry mostly indehiscent, globose to sub-cylindrical, smooth or sculptured, pericarp usually thick, often corky or leathery; fruit usually pendent on a long stalk (pedicel plus the elongated gynophore).
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves less than 30 mm long, mostly 2-ranked and the stems zigzag; usually twining or scrambling plants, rarely erect shrubs | 2 |
| Leaves more than 30 mm long, not distinctly 2-ranked and twigs not zigzag; mostly erect shrubs or trees, often scrambling in juvenile stage | 5 |
2 | Leaves narrow-oblong, more than 4 times as long as wide. (Juveniles climbing or scrambling) | Capparis lasiantha |
| Leaves more or less ovate, less than 2 times as long as wide Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Spines 1–3 mm long, mostly recurved; apex of leaves not spinescent | 4 |
| Spines 4–15 mm long, straight; apex of leaves usually spinescent. (Juveniles climbing or scrambling) Back to 2 | Capparis arborea |
4 | Mature leaves glabrous, apex obtuse to notched; petiole 0–2 mm long | Capparis sarmentosa |
| Leaves mostly pubescent on both surfaces, rarely glabrous above, apex acute; petiole 2–3 mm long. (Juveniles mostly scrambling) Back to 3 | Capparis mitchellii |
5 | Leaves densely hairy on both surfaces | 6 |
| Leaves at least glabrous above Back to 1 | 7 |
6 | Branchlets and leaves covered with a more or less orange-brown indumentum, later often turning greyish; leaves more or less ovate to narrow-oblong, base rounded; petiole 2–4 mm long | Capparis lasiantha |
| Branchlets and leaves usually covered with yellowish to greyish indumentum; leaves more or less obovate to oblanceolate, tapering to base; petiole 6–15 mm long Back to 5 | Capparis mitchellii |
7 | Leaves <4 times as long as wide or >15 mm wide | 8 |
| Lamina >4 times as long as wide and <15 mm wide Back to 5 | Capparis loranthifolia |
8 | Buds not strongly ribbed | 9 |
| Buds strongly 4-ribbed Back to 7 | Capparis canescens |
9 | Secondary veins obscure, 3 or 4 pairs; lamina tapering into petiole | Capparis mitchellii |
| Secondary veins distinct, 6–10 pairs; lamina rounded at base Back to 8 | 10 |
10 | Leaves glabrous on lower surface; tree or scrambling shrub; inner sepals 8–11 mm wide | Capparis arborea |
| Leaves pubescent on lower surface; tall scrambler or vine: inner sepals 4–6.5 mm wide Back to 9 | Capparis velutina |