Description: Annual or perennial herbs or small shrubs.
Leaves cauline and/or basal, alternate, flat, margins usually toothed or lobed.
Inflorescence terminal or axillary, pedunculate, heads solitary or in cymes. Heads campanulate to ± globose; involucral bracts herbaceous with scarious margins, in several series; receptacle convex, small scales sometimes present. Ray florets ligulate, female, in 1 to many series. Disc florets yellow, tubular, bisexual but the ovary usually abortive.
Achenes flattened, cuneate, sometimes winged, glabrous or hairy; pappus of rigid, usually barbed awns, often alternating with scales, rarely absent.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 26 species, Australia & Asia. Australia: 24 species (endemic), all mainland States.
Text by J. Everett Taxon concept:
Taxa not yet included in identification key
Calotis pubescens,
Calotis sp. Zara (E.Officer s.n. NSW14995) NSW Herbarium
| Key to the species | |
1 | Pappus of scales alternating with rigid awns | 2 |
| Pappus of awns only | 6 |
2 | Awns barbed towards apex, smooth at the base | 3 |
| Awns densely barbed over whole length Back to 1 | 5 |
3 | Faces of the achenes with a few minute tubercles; pappus scales broader than long | 4 |
| Faces of the achenes densely tuberculate; pappus scales longer than broad Back to 2 | Calotis glandulosa |
4 | Plants sparingly branched; leaves linear to oblanceolate; pappus scales lacerate towards apex | Calotis dentex |
| Plants much-branched; leaves cuneate with basal auricles; pappus scales infolded towards apex Back to 3 | Calotis cuneifolia |
5 | Heads appearing sessile; pappus awns erect, scales entire or slightly lobed | Calotis squamigera |
| Heads on slender peduncles; pappus awns spreading, scales deeply dissected, often obscured by hairs Back to 2 | Calotis hispidula |
6 | Achenes winged | 7 |
| Achenes without wings Back to 1 | 10 |
7 | Body of achenes hairy | 8 |
| Body of achenes glabrous Back to 6 | 9 |
8 | Awns stout and barbed | Calotis porphyroglossa |
| Awns fine and plumose Back to 7 | Calotis plumulifera |
9 | Achene wings very broad, anchor-shaped with long hairs on the margins; leaves mainly cauline | Calotis ancyrocarpa |
| Achene wings narrow, glabrous; leaves in a basal rosette Back to 7 | Calotis anthemoides |
10 | Awns fine, flexible and plumose | Calotis inermis |
| Awns stout and rigid Back to 6 | 11 |
11 | Pappus awns 2–5, equal in length | 12 |
| Pappus awns more than 4, unequal in length Back to 10 | 15 |
12 | Leaves in a basal cluster; plant stoloniferous; pappus awns free at the base | Calotis scapigera |
| Leaves cauline; plant sometimes stoloniferous; pappus awns expanded and united at the base Back to 11 | 13 |
13 | Body of the achene strongly tuberculate; plants hairy with septate hairs | 14 |
| Body of the achene smooth; plants glabrous Back to 12 | Calotis erinacea |
14 | Awns 2, diverging at right angles to the plane of the body, deeply ridged at the base | Calotis cymbacantha |
| Awns 3 or more, diverging at various angles to the plane of the body Back to 13 | Calotis moorei |
15 | Major pappus awns 2, at right angles to the plane of the body; secondary awns 4–8 in 2 groups; body of the achene tuberculate and glabrous | Calotis lappulacea |
| Major pappus awns 4 or more Back to 11 | 16 |
16 | Non-stoloniferous herbs; basal leaves soon withering | 17 |
| Stoloniferous herbs; basal leaves conspicuous, tufted or in a rosette Back to 15 | 19 |
17 | Heads solitary; apex of the achenes flat | 18 |
| Heads in a cymose panicle; apex of the achenes projecting as a hairy cone within the circle of the awns Back to 16 | Calotis latiuscula |
18 | Plants glabrous; body of achenes smooth | Calotis erinacea |
| Plants septate hairy; body of achenes tuberculate Back to 17 | Calotis moorei |
19 | Awns in 1 ring | Calotis scabiosifolia |
| Awns in 2 rings, the inner fine and plumose Back to 16 | Calotis cuneata |