Mature leaves in whorls of 3, decurrent below the triangular, scale-like leaf tip. Juvenile leaves in whorls of 4, decurrent below a spreading needle-like upper portion, in some species remaining on mature trees.
Male cones ovoid, obovoid, oblong or cylindrical, solitary or several together at the ends of the branchlets. Female cones 10–30 mm diam., ± globose to ovoid, cone scales mostly 6, sometimes 8 if the cones borne on juvenile foliage, scales in a single whorl. Ovules numerous.
Seeds winged.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Stems triangular with acute angles in cross section in fresh material, ± 3-winged in dried material; dorsal surface of the leaf acutely keeled | 2 |
| Stems grooved-cylindrical to ± triangular with obtuse angles in cross section in fresh material, grooved to ± 3-lobed in dried specimens, dorsal surface of the leaf rounded or prominently, but not acutely, keeled | 3 |
2 | Female cones with alternate scales reduced in size; cones <15 mm diam | Callitris baileyi |
| Female cones with all scales the same size; cones >15 mm diam Back to 1 | Callitris macleayana |
3 | Dorsal surface of the leaves prominently keeled; stems ± triangular with rounded-obtuse angles to ± 3-lobed in cross section; cone scales with a distinct dorsal protuberance or apical point, cones not warted | 4 |
| Dorsal surface of the leaves rounded; stems grooved-cylindrical in cross section; cone scales without a prominent dorsal protuberance or sometimes a small point present, cones sometimes warted Back to 1 | 8 |
4 | Leaves mostly >5 mm long | Callitris muelleri |
| Leaves usually 2–4 mm long Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Columellas large, widely 3-lobed, often to 5 mm long | Callitris monticola |
| Columellas short, 3-lobed, 3-partite or with 3 or 4 separate parts Back to 4 | 6 |
6 | Cones globose to depressed-globose; cone scales with a dorsal protuberance | 7 |
| Cones slightly elongated, ± ovoid; cone scales with a blunt point usually thickened by a short dorsal point, evenly tapering towards the apex Back to 5 | Callitris oblonga |
7 | Cones with a short, wide, conical protuberance on the dorsal surface; smaller cone scales less than half as long as the alternate scales, all scales thick and angular | Callitris rhomboidea |
| Cones with a small dorsal point near the apex; smaller cone scales about three-quarters the length of the alternate scales, thinner and tapering Back to 6 | Callitris endlicheri |
8 | Cone scales thick, united below to form a thick cone-base; cones densely warted, or warts sparse or absent | 9 |
| Cone scales thin, separate almost to the base; cones not warted Back to 3 | 10 |
9 | Cones usually 25 mm or more in diam., smooth or sparsely warted; trees to 20 m high | Callitris gracilis |
| Cones usually <25 mm diam., densely warted; shrubs or small trees to 8 m high Back to 8 | Callitris verrucosa |
10 | Foliage dark green; columella often 5–7 mm long; growing on coastal sands | Callitris columellaris |
| Foliage usually bluish grey; columella usually <5 mm long; growing inland from the coast, especially on the Western Slopes Back to 8 | Callitris glaucophylla |