Description: Erect herbs, stems usually unbranched.
Leaves usually in a basal rosette and small; cauline leaves alternate and becoming smaller up peduncle.
Inflorescence a branched cyme with 1–3 pairs of branches, each branch of 2–30 flowers or reduced to 1 flower; flowers sessile or pedicellate. Perianth persistent in fruit; tube cylindric or 3-angled or 3-winged; lobes 3 or 6. Stamens 3; anthers ± sessile, loculi separated by a broad connective. Ovary 3-locular with axile placentation.
Capsule opening transversely.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 60 species, subtropical & tropical regions of Africa, South America, South-East Asia & Australia. Australia: 3 species (native), all States except S.A.
Text by D. J. Bedford & A. J. Whalen Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Burmannia disticha |