Description: Perennial herbs with appressed hairs, branched from near base.
Leaves basal, margins entire.
Inflorescences head-like, formed by several shortly pedunculate cymes each with an involucre of short bracts; flowers sessile, erect, each surrounded by 4 scarious bracteoles. Flowers ± actinomorphic. Hypanthium clylindric, surrounding ovary but free from it. Calyx lobes 5, subulate, plumose. Corolla blue, tubular, 5-lobed. Stamens hypogynous; anthers cohering to each other. Ovary superior, 1-locular; ovule solitary; style simple, ultimately much-exceeding corolla.
Fruit indehiscent, enclosed by the hardened hypanthium; 1-seeded.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 1 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all States.
Text by R. C. Carolin Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Brunonia australis |