Description: Small to medium trees, with simple hairs, unarmed.
Leaves opposite, 1-foliolate or pinnately 3–13-foliolate; leaflets with margins entire or toothed; lateral leaflets opposite.
Inflorescences axillary in the upper axils or terminal, paniculate. Flowers bisexual. Sepals 5, [free or] basally fused or fused into a lobed cup. Petals 5, valvate, free, not persistent in fruit. Stamens 10, free, divergent. Carpels 5, basally fused, lacking a sterile apex; styles fused, arising from about the middle of the carpels; stigma scarcely differentiated from style; ovules 4–6 in each carpel.
Fruit of 1 or 2 cocci, the undeveloped carpels persisting; cocci usually transversely ridged, with rounded or truncate apices; seeds released (probably forcibly) from dehiscing cocci, shiny, brown.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 7 species, endemic Australia. Australia: Qld, N.S.W.
Text by P. G. Richards Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Scars of inner pair of bud scales directly above those of outer pair; ovary sparsely hairy; ovules 5 per loculus; mature cocci sparsely hairy, 8–10 mm wide. | Bosistoa floydii |
| Scars of inner pair of bud scales remote from those of outer pair; ovary woolly; ovules 4 per loculus; mature cocci densely and minutely hairy, 10–25 mm wide. | 2 |
2 | Petals ± glabrous; leaves 3–13-foliolate, leaflets mostly 7–11, margins usually crenate; cocci >15 mm wide. | Bosistoa pentacocca |
| Petals pubescent; leaves 1-foliolate or 3-foliolate, margins entire; cocci c. 10–13 mm wide. Back to 1 | Bosistoa transversa |