Description: Shrubs or small trees, young branches, lower surface of leaves and involucres tomentose with stellate hairs.
Leaves alternate, margins entire or irregularly crenate, petiolate.
Heads in dense axillary panicles shorter than the leaves, discoid; involucral bracts 1-seriate, linear, tomentose, ± joined at base; receptacle flat, pitted. Anthers obtuse at base. Style branches ± flattened, obtuse, papillose from below the middle. Florets all tubular, bisexual, scarcely longer than the involucre.
Achenes cylindrical, striate, glabrous; pappus bristles finely toothed, ± persistent, twice as long as achenes.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 species, endemic Australia. Australia: N.S.W., Vic., Tas.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept: