Description: Shrubs or small trees with scaly buds; mostly monoecious.
Leaves alternate or opposite, glabrous, mostly with 2 embedded marginal glands 3–5 mm above base, pinnately veined; translucent dots visible in lamina with a lens; stipules obsolete.
Inflorescence a terminal raceme, male and female flowers often mixed. Sepals mostly 5, shortly fused. Petals usually 5, free, longer than the sepals. Stamens c. 40–50. Ovary 3-locular, each loculus with 1 ovule; styles free or shortly united, deeply bifid.
Capsule ± globose, 3-lobed, at first fleshy but finally separating into three 1-seeded units; seeds oblong.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 12 species, Australia, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island. Australia: 3 species, Qld, N.S.W.
Text by T. A. James & G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | All leaves opposite, petiole less than 10 mm long and without a distinct swelling at apex | Baloghia inophylla |
| Most leaves alternate, petiole usually more than 15 mm long and with a distinct swelling at apex, occasionally some leaves (bracts) opposite and petiole less than 10 mm long and without a swelling at apex | Baloghia marmorata |