Synonyms: Asclepiodora APNI* Podostigma APNI*
Description: Erect perennial herbs, stems woody at base; latex opaque, yellowish.
Leaves without glands at base of lamina.
Flowers in loose umbels on long terminal or lateral peduncles. Calyx segments small, narrow. Corolla spreading at base of flower, deeply divided into reflexed lobes. Column elongated, with 5 large, fleshy, spreading corona segments at top; segments sac-shaped or boat-shaped, each with a long, incurved horn arising from inner face; pollinia 2 per anther, pendent. Style head broad, apex truncate, depressed.
Follicles smooth, erect, slender, tapered into a narrow beak; seeds with a silky coma.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 120 species, North & Central America. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by G. J. Harden & J. B. Williams Taxon concept: