Synonyms: Dichopogon APNI*
Description: Perennial herbs, roots with stalked or sessile tubers.
Leaves radical, linear, flat, often withering early; leaf fibres from previous seasons often present.
Inflorescence racemose or paniculate, scapose; flowers usually 1–9 per node, sometmes chocolate- or vanilla-scented, sometimes secund; pedicels erect, spreading to nodding, usually articulate close to flower. Tepals free, rotate to reflexed, not spirally twisted after flowering, pale blue, purple or white; outer tepals narrow, 3–5-veined; inner tepals elliptic to circular. Stamens 6; filaments glabrous or hirsute; anthers linear, longer than filaments, introrse to latrorse, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, sometimes with 2 or 4 densely hairy basal appendages. Ovules 1–6 per loculus; style simple.
Fruit a capsule, sometimes enclosed by perianth; seeds globose to angular, black.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 18 species, Australia, New Zealand & New Caledonia, Madagascar. Australia: 13 species (12 endemic), all states.
Arthropodium was formerly placed in the family Anthericaceae. The genus Dichopogon is now included in Arthropodium.
Text by J.G. Conran, S. McCune & D.W. Hardin. Updated by R.L.Barrett 10 Mar. 2021 Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Anthers usually shorter than filaments; filaments hirsute or finely pubescent | 2 |
| Anthers longer than filaments; filaments glabrous | 5 |
2 | Flowers 1 per node | Arthropodium minus |
| Flowers 2 or more per node Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Inner tepals fimbriate | Arthropodium sp. Snowy R. catchment (N.G.Walsh 6195) |
| Inner tepals not fimbriate Back to 2 | 4 |
4 | Leaves usually glaucous; tepals white to pale blue or pink; anthers purple black | Arthropodium milleflorum |
| Leaves not glaucous; tepals greenish pink; anthers white to pale green Back to 3 | Arthropodium sp. South-east Highlands (N.G.Walsh 811) |
5 | Pedicels 1 per node | Arthropodium strictum |
| Pedicels 2–6 per node Back to 1 | 6 |
6 | Flowers and fruit nodding; stamen appendages usually purple | Arthropodium fimbriatum |
| Flowers and fruit erect; stamen appendages usually yellow Back to 5 | Arthropodium sp. Albury (A.D.J.Piesse 9) |