Description: Climber with twining stems, latex milky.
Leaves with glands at base of lamina.
Flowers in pedunculate lateral few-flowered cymes. Sepals 5. Corolla campanulate, tube cylindrical and inflated at base, lobes shorter than tube. Staminal corona absent, petaline corona present, of 5 free segments inserted on corolla tube near base, segments broad, obtuse, incurved, shorter than column; pollinia ovoid, 2 per anther, pendent. Column short, broad, style head with 2 long slender apical segments.
Follicles broad-ovoid; seeds numerous, coma long and silky.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 or 3 spp., S. Amer. Aust.: 1 sp. (naturalized).
Text by G. J. Harden & J. B. Williams Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Araujia sericifera |