Inflorescence racemose. Sepals erect or spreading, dimorphic. Style generally c. 1 mm long.
Siliqua linear, c. 1 mm wide; seeds finely papillose, in 1 or 2 rows, mucilaginous when wet.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Plants shrubby; most or all leaves 2–multi-pinnatisect; inflorescence elongating | 2 |
| Plant herbaceous; leaves lyrate-pinnatisect to 3-pinnatisect; inflorescence dense | 3 |
2 | Inflorescence a raceme; style less than 1 mm long; ovary and fruit more or less sessile, fruit linear; stem usually papillose | Arabidella trisecta |
| Inflorescence elongating from a short corymb; style c. 2 mm long; ovary and fruit on a short gynophore, fruit linear to ellipsoid; stem glabrous Back to 1 | Arabidella sp. Tibooburra (R.G.Coveny 13552) |
3 | Leaves mostly 2–3-pinnatisect | Arabidella nasturtium |
| Leaves 1-pinnatisect or lyrate-pinnatifid Back to 1 | 4 |
4 | Plant glabrous | Arabidella procumbens |
| Plant pubescent, hairs simple Back to 3 | Arabidella eremigena |