Common Name: Apples
Description: Shrubs or trees.
Leaves dimorphic; juvenile leaves opposite, hispid with simple unicelled hairs and raised oil glands; adult leaves opposite, usually glabrous, sometimes hispid.
Inflorescences comprising unit 3–7-flowered umbellasters, aggregated into determinate or indeterminate thyrsoid conflorescences. Sepals 4 or 5, free, reduced to persistent projections on rim of hypanthium. Petals imbricate, clawed. Stamens numerous in several whorls, regularly inflexed in bud; anthers versatile, dehiscing by parallel longitudinal slits. Ovary usually 3-locular, enclosed by hypanthium except at top; ovules numerous, 1 per loculus maturing to seed, remainder forming chaff.
Capsule papery or thinly woody, ovoid or campanulate, often strongly ribbed, mostly hispid, nectary disc narrow, flat or depressed; seeds broad-elliptic, irregularly flattened; cotyledons folded.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 13 species, endemic Australia. Australia: Qld., N.S.W., Vic.
Woodland plants from Atherton Tableland to eastern Victoria, with the centre of diversity in the north and central coast regions of N.S.W.
Text by K. Hill Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Bark shedding, smooth | 2 |
| Bark persistent, more or less fibrous | 3 |
2 | Fruit more or less smooth, less than 12 mm diam | Angophora leiocarpa |
| Fruit distinctly ribbed, more than 12 mm diam Back to 1 | Angophora costata |
3 | Adult leaves with tapering base, petiole usually more than 4 mm long | 4 |
| Adult leaves with base more or less cordate, petiole 0–4 mm long Back to 1 | 10 |
4 | Petioles usually up to 8 mm long | 5 |
| Petioles usually more than 8 mm long Back to 3 | 8 |
5 | Leaves coriaceous | 6 |
| Leaves chartaceous Back to 4 | 7 |
6 | Leaf length:breadth ratio 7–10:1 | Angophora crassifolia |
| Leaf length:breadth ratio 4–7:1 Back to 5 | Angophora inopina |
7 | Adult leaves mostly less than 1 cm wide | Angophora bakeri |
| Adult leaves often more than 1 cm wide Back to 5 | Angophora paludosa |
8 | Adult leaves less than 1 cm wide | Angophora exul |
| Adult leaves more than 1.5 cm wide Back to 4 | 9 |
9 | Pedicels more than 10 mm long | Angophora woodsiana |
9 | Pedicels less than 10 mm long | Angophora floribunda |
10 | Adult leaves less than 2.5 cm wide | Angophora melanoxylon |
| Adult leaves more than 2.5 cm wide Back to 3 | 11 |
11 | Fruit more than 12 mm long | 12 |
| Fruit less than 11 mm long Back to 10 | Angophora subvelutina |
12 | Adult leaves with apex rounded | Angophora hispida |
| Adult leaves with apex acute Back to 11 | Angophora robur |