Description: Perennial herbs with tuberous roots. Flowering stems ascending, leafy towards the base.
Leaves opposite or alternate, [often imbricate,] succulent, entire, glabrous, sessile.
Inflorescences few-flowered cymes; bracts opposite, scarious. Sepals enclosing the petals, not persistent. Petals 5, free. Stamens 8–10. Ovary superior, ovoid to globose, ovules numerous.
Capsule 3-valved, epicarp shed early, endocarp membranous and persistent, the endocarp valves surrounded by and alternate with hardened, white, bristle-like remains of mesocarp; seeds numerous.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 70 species, Africa & Australia. Australia: 1 species (endemic).
Text by J. G. West Taxon concept: