Description: Bulbous herbs with fibrous roots.
Leaves basal, usually linear, annual.
Inflorescence an elongate raceme; scape hollow. Perianth stellate; tepals 6, free, in 2 unequal whorls, white with an outer green midvein in some species. Upper pedicels shorter in length than lower pedicels. Staminal filaments flat, broader at base, sheathing ovary at base. Ovules 2–many per loculus; stigma capitate or lobed.
Capsule surrounded by persistent perianth; seeds numerous, globose, angled or flattened.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 140 species, mostly sub-Saharan Africa (1 sp. extending to Ethiopia). Australia: 1 species (naturalized), N.S.W., S.A.
Commonly cultivated for its usually large heads of star-like white flowers; occasional garden escape or fully naturalized.
Text by KL Wilson (March 2012) Taxon concept: Manning et al. 2009
One species in NSW: Albuca bracteata |