Description: Shrubs or small trees, often with exfoliating bark.
Leaves alternate, often aromatic when crushed; sessile to shortly petiolate.
Flowers 5-merous, usually 3 or more clustered on axillary shoots, sessile to shortly pedicellate; bracteoles shed before anthesis, not scarious. Hypanthium usually obtuse. Sepals imbricate, persistent. Petals spreading, white, not persistent. Stamens numerous, shorter than petals, in 5 bundles opposite the petals but appearing free; anthers opening by slits, with a gland near the connective. Stigma capitate. Ovary consistently 3-locular; ovules usually in 6 rows on a broad placenta.
Fruit thin-walled, glabrous or variously pubescent. Seeds obovoid to cuneate; testa cells narrow-reticulate.
Distribution and occurrence: A genus of 10 species extending from northern N.S.W. to tropical northern Australia, plus a single species in New Guinea. Plants occur in various habitats, including coastal heath, rocky ridges or gorges, and riparian communities.
Species in this genus were formerly included in Leptospermum but are distinguished by the distinctive clustered flowers and fruits.
Text by Peter G. Wilson Taxon concept: Wilson & Heslewood (2023) Taxon 72: 550–571
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves usually <5 mm wide, tapering to a narrow base | 2 |
| Leaves usually 5–10 mm wide, broad-based | Aggreflorum speciosum |
2 | Hypanthium glabrous or almost so; stem flanges present | 3 |
| Hypanthium hairy, pubescent or silky; stem flanges absent Back to 1 | Aggreflorum ellipticum |
3 | Leaves 20–50 mm long, apex acute to acuminate; new growth silky-hairy | Aggreflorum brachyandrum |
| Leaves to 25 mm long, apex obtuse or mucronate; new growth sparsely hairy Back to 2 | Aggreflorum benwellii |