Description: Dwarf annual herbs, hairy.
Leaves cauline, alternate sometimes appearing opposite, ± sessile, entire, hairy.
Heads terminal in sessile, dense clusters or compound; involucre of leaves and leaf-like bracts; receptacle disc-like or slightly branched; bracts of partial heads in several rows, margins usually hyaline; lamina of outer bracts barely constricted, hairs along margins; middle and inner bracts constricted and ± reflexed, middle with hairs at constriction, inner glabrous; bracts united by hairs. Florets c. 10–60 per head, tubular, bisexual; corolla 5- or rarely 4-toothed. Anthers tailed, with terminal appendage. Style branches truncate, with short hairs.
Achenes obovoid, glabrous; pappus of 5 or rarely 4 bristles, fused at base, tapering towards apex, ± plumose.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 4 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all mainland States.
Text by E. A. Brown Taxon concept: