Description: Trees.
Leaves unifoliate, imparipinnate, stipules prominent, tuft domatia along midvien, orbicular trichomes present.
Inflorescence axillary, often in a series; a cyme or panicle. Flowers small and sometimes sessile or nearly so, 4- 6-merous and cream coloured.
Fruit a capsule, with hairy seeds or with seeds with minute wings and a papillate surface.
Distribution and occurrence: Four species, 2 in New Zealand and 2 in Australia. Temperate rainforest.
Text by Louisa Murray (2015), partly revised by Herve Sauquet (Dec 2019) Taxon concept: J.C. Bradford et al. in Kubitzki - The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Volume 6, 2004, p 106.
One species in NSW: Ackama paniculosa |