Immature leaves bipinnate, mature leaves bipinnate or reduced to terete or flat phyllodes; 1 or more glands often present on the leaf rachis or petiole or along the upper margin of the phyllode; the base of the petiole or phyllode is often distinctive and ± swollen and is called the pulvinus; stipules often caducous, occasionally spinescent.
Flowers small, in globose, ± ovoid or cylindrical heads in simple, racemose or sometimes paniculate inflorescences, the main axis sometimes grows out into a leafy shoot; separate male and bisexual flowers in each head. Sepals and petals 4 or 5, free or variously united. Stamens numerous, free, exserted, usually yellow. Style filiform, ± longer than the stamens.
Pods mostly leathery or cartilaginous, sometimes woody, flat to terete, usually dehiscent; seeds transverse to longitudinal in the pod; funicle often folded or expanded into a fleshy aril.
The following records of species occurring naturally in N.S.W. have not been substantiated: A. dietrichiana F. Muell. [A. juncifolia Benth. var. planifolia Benth.]; A. gnidium Benth.; A. longispicata Benth.; A. menzellii J.M. Black; A. nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Del.; A. prainii Maiden [A. prolifera J.M. Black]; A. resinicostata Pedley.
Many species are commonly cultivated as ornamentals; various species have been used for shade, shelter belts, hedges and fodder as they are fast-growing. A number of species are also the source of timber (e.g. A. melanoxylon); the bark of others are used for tannin, gum and dyes. Seeds are used in food, such as 'wattle seed ice cream' and 'wattle seed scones'.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Mature leaves reduced to phyllodes; immature bipinnate leaves usually not persisting, although sometimes reappearing; phyllodes always present on the mature plants. | 2 |
| Mature leaves bipinnate; phyllodes never or rarely produced. | 12 |
2 | Phyllodes with a distinctly pungent-pointed apex. | 13 |
| Phyllodes without pungent-pointed apex. Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Flowers in cylindrical heads (length greater than diam.). | 4 |
| Flowers in ± globose heads (length ± equals diam.). Back to 2 | 5 |
4 | Flower heads ± ovoid to short-cylindrical, rachis usually <1.5 cm long. | 51 |
| Flower heads ± long-cylindrical, rachis mostly >1.5 cm long. Back to 3 | 67 |
5 | Phyllodes with 2 or more ± equally prominent longitudinal veins. | 6 |
| Phyllodes with only 1 prominent longitudinal vein (other longitudinal veins, if present, are less prominent), or all of the veins obscure. Back to 3 | 7 |
6 | Phyllodes with distinct lateral or reticulate veins. | 106 |
| Phyllodes without lateral or reticulate veins apparent. Back to 5 | 129 |
7 | Phyllodes with distinct lateral or reticulate veins (at least in dried material). | 8 |
| Phyllodes without distinct lateral or reticulate veins. Back to 5 | 9 |
8 | Phyllodes usually <5 cm long. | 155 |
| Phyllodes mostly >5 cm long. Back to 7 | 190 |
9 | Flower heads in axillary or terminal racemes or panicles. | 10 |
| Flower heads on simple axillary peduncles or at least appearing so (axillary axis <1 mm long). Back to 7 | 11 |
10 | Phyllodes usually <8 times as long as broad. | 239 |
| Phyllodes mostly >8 times as long as broad. Back to 9 | 261 |
11 | Phyllodes usually <2.5 cm long. | 315 |
| Phyllodes usually >2.5 cm long. Back to 9 | 337 |
12 | Pinnules >2 mm wide. | 361 |
| Pinnules <2 mm wide. Back to 1 | 377 |
13 | Flowers in ovoid to cylindrical heads >8 mm long (length greater than diam.). | 14 |
| Flowers in ± globose heads (length ± equals diam.) or rarely heads ± ovoid and <7 mm long. Back to 2 | 17 |
14 | Phyllodes decurrent on stems. | Acacia triptera |
| Phyllodes not decurrent on stems (pulvinus usually evident). Back to 13 | 15 |
15 | Phyllodes regularly whorled, either without or with only 1 prominent longitudinal vein. | Acacia verticillata |
| Phyllodes not or rarely regularly whorled, with 2 or more prominent longitudinal veins. Back to 14 | 16 |
16 | Phyllodes 1.5–4 cm long; flower heads 2–3 cm long, pedunculate; pods ± straight. | Acacia oxycedrus |
| Phyllodes 1–2.5 cm long; flower heads c. 1–1.3 cm long, ± sessile; pods strongly curved. Back to 15 | Acacia rhigiophylla |
17 | Phyllodes with 2 or more ± equally prominent longitudinal veins. | 18 |
| Phyllodes with only 1 longitudinal vein prominent, lateral veins conspicuous or obscure, or veins not apparent. Back to 13 | 30 |
18 | Phyllodes <5 times as long as broad, 0.3–1.5 cm long, asymmetric with a hump on the upper margin. | 19 |
| Phyllodes >5 times as long as broad, 1–13 cm long, ± symmetric, sometimesslightly curved but without a conspicuous hump on upper margin. Back to 17 | 20 |
19 | Phyllodes 2–4 mm wide, usually >3 times as long as broad; peduncles 6–12 mm long. | Acacia amblygona |
| Phyllodes 3–8 mm wide, usually <2 times as long as broad; peduncles 2–8 mm long. Back to 18 | Acacia pravifolia |
20 | Phyllodes terete or at least 4-angled. | 21 |
| Phyllodes ± flat. Back to 18 | 27 |
21 | Phyllodes 4–13 cm long, >30 times as long as broad. | 22 |
| Phyllodes mostly 1–4 cm long, <25 times as long as broad. Back to 20 | 24 |
22 | Phyllodes with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus. | Acacia rigens |
| Phyllodes with marginal gland at least a few mm from the pulvinus Back to 21 | 23 |
23 | Branchlets ± hairy; peduncles hairy; flowers 5-merous; confined to the Blue Mtns. | Acacia ptychoclada |
| Branchlets ± glabrous; peduncles glabrous; flowers 4-merous; widespread western species. Back to 22 | Acacia havilandiorum |
24 | Phyllodes in clusters of 2–7 (except on new growth); heads with >50 flowers. | Acacia tetragonophylla |
| Phyllodes usually solitary at nodes; heads with <30 flowers. Back to 21 | 25 |
25 | Phyllodes splayed at the base, leaving an ovate to obovate scar 2–5.5 mm long when lost; heads 17–25-flowered; flower heads pale yellow; peduncles 14–21 mm long. | Acacia atrox |
| Phyllodes not splayed at base, sometimes arising from small stem projections; heads 12–20-flowered; flower heads bright yellow; peduncles 1.5–5 mm long; Back to 24 | 26 |
26 | Phyllodes with 8 strongly raised lighter-coloured veins; gland near base on swelling; widespread in western districts. (NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP). | Acacia colletioides |
| Phyllodes with c. 20 scarcely raised veins; gland 2–7 mm above base; only recorded in the extreme SW of the State (SFWP). Back to 25 | Acacia nyssophylla |
27 | Phyllodes with conspicuous minor veins between prominent longitudinal veins. | 28 |
| Phyllodes without minor veins apparent between prominent longitudinal veins. Back to 20 | 29 |
28 | Pods curved to coiled; sepals fused for more than half their length; 1–4 heads in axils; south from the Coonabarabran area. | Acacia lanigera |
| Pods ± straight; sepals free or fused to about half their length; 2–8 heads in axils; north from the Tamworth district. Back to 27 | Acacia venulosa |
29 | Branchlets ± terete, coarsely hairy; phyllodes with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus or gland absent; peduncles 2–6 mm long. | Acacia bynoeana |
| Branchlets distinctly angled, glabrous; phyllodes with marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode; peduncles 10–20 mm long. Back to 27 | Acacia trinervata |
30 | Phyllodes usually <4 cm long. | 31 |
| Phyllodes mostly >4 cm long. Back to 17 | 47 |
31 | Phyllodes >2 mm wide. | 32 |
| Phyllodes <2 mm wide. Back to 30 | 37 |
32 | Stipules mostly 5–15 mm long, spinescent and usually persistent. | Acacia paradoxa |
| Stipules if present usually 1–2 mm long, subulate but not spinescent, often caducous. Back to 31 | 33 |
33 | Phyllodes ± triangular, 0.4–1 cm long, with a gland on the upper lobe or angle. | Acacia gunnii |
| Phyllodes ± linear or narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, >1 cm long, gland usually not as above. Back to 32 | 34 |
34 | Phyllodes and branchlets pubescent; pods densely brownish hairy. | Acacia aspera |
| Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous; pods glabrous or almost so. Back to 33 | 35 |
35 | Branchlets prominently angled, with raised longitudinal ridges; phyllodes terete or 4-angled; flowers 4-merous; heads with 12–30 flowers. | Acacia genistifolia |
| Branchlets ± terete, not conspicuously ridged; phyllodes flat; flowers 5- or rarely 6-merous; heads with 30–60 flowers. Back to 34 | 36 |
36 | Branchlets smooth and ± tessellated, not resinous; peduncles 2–10 mm long; widespread, from Glen Innes to Captains Flat and Gundagai (NT, CT, ST, SWS). | Acacia siculiformis |
| Branchlets rough, resinous; peduncles 10–20 mm long; confined to the Bourke and Enngonia district (NWP). Back to 35 | Acacia maitlandii |
37 | Phyllodes continuous with the stems. | Acacia continua |
| Phyllodes articulate on the stems. Back to 31 | 38 |
38 | At least some phyllodes reflexed or phyllodes crowded on short axillary shoots and appearing clustered at nodes. | 39 |
| Phyllodes neither reflexed nor crowded on short axillary shoots and appearing clustered at nodes. Back to 37 | 40 |
39 | Phyllodes 0.5–1 mm wide, 0.6–1.5 cm long; heads 18–30-flowered, lemon yellow; flowers 4-merous; south from Eden district (SC). | Acacia aculeatissima |
| Phyllodes c. 1 mm wide, 1–4 cm long; heads 50–65-flowered, bright yellow; flowers 5-merous; western species (NWP, NFWP, SFWP). Back to 38 | Acacia tetragonophylla |
40 | Branchlets angled or flattened and becoming ribbed, mostly glabrous; phyllodes with a ± prominent raised gland 2–3 mm above base. | Acacia genistifolia |
| Branchlets neither angled or flattened, not ribbed, hairy or glabrous; phyllodes with an inconspicuous basal gland, or gland absent. Back to 38 | 41 |
41 | Phyllodes mostly >2.5 cm long. | 42 |
| Phyllodes usually <2.5 cm long. Back to 40 | 43 |
42 | Phyllodes 2.5–7 cm long; pods 2–5 cm long and c. 10 mm wide; flower heads bright yellow; western species (NFWP, SFWP). | Acacia carneorum |
| Phyllodes 2.5–4 cm long; pods 4–9 cm long, 3–4 mm wide; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured; coastal species (NC, CC). Back to 41 | Acacia quadrilateralis |
43 | Peduncles 0–3 mm long, shorter than the heads; confined to the Blue Mtns, from Newnes Junction to Lawson (CT). | Acacia asparagoides |
| Peduncles 7–20 mm long, longer than the heads; widespread species, throughout the State. Back to 41 | 44 |
44 | Phyllodes flat, ± narrow-elliptic, with gland near middle; branchlets resinous. | Acacia maitlandii |
| Phyllodes terete or ± 4-angled, gland absent or near base; branchlets not resinous. Back to 43 | 45 |
45 | Phyllodes ± terete and abruptly contracted to apex; pods only slightly constricted between the seeds; peduncles stout, up to 0.5 mm diam. | Acacia echinula |
| Phyllodes ± 4-angled and tapered evenly from near base to apex; pods strongly constricted between the seeds; peduncles slender, <0.3 mm diam. Back to 44 | 46 |
46 | Phyllodes broader at base (with a gland-angle), often crowded along stems (>5 nodes per cm); stipules usually 1–2 mm long, persistent; flower heads pale yellow to ± white. | Acacia ulicifolia |
| Phyllodes not broadening at base (without a gland-angle), not crowded on stems (usually <5 nodes per cm); stipules usually <1 mm long, not persistent; flower heads bright yellow. Back to 45 | Acacia brownii |
47 | Phyllodes ± terete or slightly angled, <1.5 mm diam. | 48 |
| Phyllodes flattened or 4-angled but not ± terete, 1.5–3 mm wide. Back to 30 | 50 |
48 | Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous; branchlets with yellowish ridges; pods strongly curved, twisted or coiled, strongly constricted between the seeds. | Acacia rigens |
| Phyllodes and branchlets minutely pubescent; branchlets without yellowish ridges; pods straight to curved, not or only slightly constricted between the seeds. Back to 47 | 49 |
49 | Marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode (phyllode often incurved abruptly at gland); flowers 4-merous; widespread western species. | Acacia havilandiorum |
| Marginal gland near base of the phyllode; flowers 5-merous; confined to the Blue Mtns. Back to 48 | Acacia ptychoclada |
50 | Phyllodes 4-angled, 2.5–7 cm long; pods 2–5 cm long and 8–12 mm wide; western species (NFWP, SFWP). | Acacia carneorum |
| Phyllodes flattened, 5–10 cm long; pods 4–7 cm long and 3–4 mm wide; Mt George to Bralga Tops (NC, NT). Back to 47 | Acacia juncifolia |
51 | Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 2.5–5 cm long and 2–5 mm wide; peduncles 5–12 mm long; branchlets, phyllodes and pods resinous; chiefly confined to the Dubbo, Mendooran and Gilgandra area. | Acacia ixodes |
| Without the above combination of characters and distribution. Back to 4 | 52 |
52 | Phyllodes <4 cm long. | 53 |
| Phyllodes >4 cm long. Back to 51 | 57 |
53 | Phyllodes ± triangular with marginal gland on upper angle. | Acacia cultriformis |
| Phyllodes not triangular, marginal gland near base of phyllode Back to 52 | 54 |
54 | Pods 7–15 mm wide and glabrous; phyllodes with numerous faint, closely-spaced, non-anastomosing longitudinal veins; widespread on Slopes and plains. | Acacia aneura |
| Pods 3–5 mm wide or if 7–13 mm wide then densely hairy; phyllodes with several longitudinal veins and reticulate between or with only midvein prominent and lateral veins obscure; ST species. Back to 53 | 55 |
55 | Phyllodes glabrous, 2–4 longitudinal veins prominent, lateral veins reticulate; heads 1 or 2 on axillary peduncles 0–2 mm long. | Acacia alpina |
| Phyllodes hairy, only midvein prominent, lateral veins obscure; heads 1–10, usually in axillary racemes with axis 1–5 cm long, peduncles 1–10 mm long. Back to 54 | 56 |
56 | Phyllodes less than twice as long as broad, with an oblique or hooked mucro. | Acacia costiniana |
| Phyllodes twice as long as broad, with a straight mucro. Back to 55 | Acacia lucasii |
57 | Pods mostly 2–3 cm long and 7–15 mm wide. | Acacia aneura |
| Pods 3–10 cm long and 2–8 mm wide. Back to 52 | 58 |
58 | Phyllodes >4 mm wide. | 59 |
| Phyllodes usually <4 mm wide. Back to 57 | 61 |
59 | Phyllodes finely appressed-hairy, ± oblanceolate to obovate; heads 0.5–0.8 cm long, 3–8 in an axillary raceme 1–5 cm long. | Acacia dorothea |
| Phyllodes ± glabrous, elliptic to narrow-elliptic; heads 0.8–3.5 cm long, 1 or 2 in axils of phyllodes or on short axillary axis. Back to 58 | 60 |
60 | Phyllodes with midvein more prominent than other longitudinal veins, narrow-elliptic to ± linear, straight; peduncles 4–10 mm long. | Acacia subtilinervis |
| Phyllodes with 3 longitudinal veins prominent, ± elliptic, ± falcate; peduncles 2–4 mm long. Back to 59 | Acacia georgensis |
61 | Phyllodes 0.5–1 mm wide, ± compressed-terete, multistriate; west from Nyngan. | 62 |
| Phyllodes 1–4 mm wide, ± linear to very narrow-elliptic, faintly striate; widespread, from the coast to inland districts. Back to 58 | 63 |
62 | Pods 2–3 mm long; bark curling off in narrow strips; phyllodes 13–18 cm long; flowers 5-merous | Acacia curranii |
| Pods 5–7 mm long; bark not curling off in narrow strips; phyllodes 5–16 cm long; flowers 4-merous. Back to 61 | Acacia burkittii |
63 | Heads 8–15-flowered; flowers 4-merous; southern species (SC, ST, SWS). | 64 |
| Heads 14 to >50-flowered; flowers 5-merous; northern species (NC, NT, NWS, NWP, NFWP). Back to 61 | 65 |
64 | Flower heads bright yellow; pods hairy; south from Holbrook area (SWS). | Acacia phasmoides |
| Flower heads pale yellow to yellow; pods glabrous; south of the Tuross R. (SC, ST). Back to 63 | Acacia mucronata |
65 | Phyllodes mostly 15–22 cm long; heads usually 14–22-flowered; coast and ranges, north from Bendemeer and east from Inverell district (NC, NT, NWS). | Acacia granitica |
| Phyllodes usually 4–15 cm long; heads >25-flowered; north from Bourke and Tooraweenah, common in the Pilliga Scrub. Back to 63 | 66 |
66 | Phyllodes usually 8–15 cm long (range 5–21 cm); heads 1–2.5 cm long, >50-flowered, on short axillary axes usually 5–20 mm long; pods 2–3 mm wide; north from Tooraweenah district (NWS, NWP). | Acacia caroleae |
| Phyllodes usually 4–8 cm long; heads 0.5–1.5 cm long, 25–35-flowered, on axillary peduncles 3–5 mm long; pods 4–6 mm wide; north and west from Bourke district (NWP, NFWP). Back to 65 | Acacia sibirica |
67 | Phyllodes terete to ± linear, >15 times longer than broad, most phyllodes 1–6 mm wide (range 1–10 mm wide); either no prominent longitudinal veins obvious (though longitudinal striations sometimes present in dried material) or 1 or more longitudinal veins obvious. | 68 |
| Phyllodes neither terete nor ± linear, ± oblong to narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate, <15 times longer than broad, mostly >6 mm wide (range 2–40 mm wide); with 1 or more prominent longitudinal veins; Back to 4 | 80 |
68 | Phyllodes regularly 1–3 mm wide and distinctly grey or grey-green. | 69 |
| Phyllodes regularly 2–8 mm wide, rarely distinctly greyish, usually green. Back to 67 | 71 |
69 | Phyllodes 4–10 cm long, glabrous; pods 7–15 mm wide, ± flat, narrowly winged; seeds oblique. | Acacia aneura |
| Phyllodes 8–20 cm long, hairy; pods 5–8 mm wide, thickly biconvex or ± terete, not winged; seeds longitudinal. Back to 68 | 70 |
70 | Shrubs to 3 m high; phyllodes thick, sometimes almost terete; pods ± terete. | Acacia ramulosa |
| Shrubs or small trees 3–6 m high; phyllodes ± flat, never terete; pods thickly biconvex but not terete. Back to 69 | Acacia brachystachya |
71 | Branchlets grey; young foliage and peduncles often hairy; pods with margins thickened. | Acacia petraea |
| Branchlets reddish brown; young foliage and peduncles glabrous or sparsely hairy; pods with margins not thickened. Back to 68 | 72 |
72 | Phyllodes ± straight and thick, ± stiff. | 73 |
| Phyllodes mostly curved, sometimes ± straight, ± thin, flexible; widespread, from the coast to inland districts. Back to 71 | 75 |
73 | Phyllode margins not resinous, smooth, apex acute with a mucro; flower heads bright yellow, 1–2 cm long; on the coast south from the Nowra district and on the ranges south of the Wolgan R. | 74 |
| Phyllode margins granular-resinous (at least when young, lens needed), irregularly indented, not smooth, apex obtuse, without a mucro; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured, 4–5 cm long; widespread on the coast and ranges, west to the Braidwood areas and Rylstone. Back to 72 | Acacia obtusifolia |
74 | Phyllodes 2–6 mm wide; heads very sparsely flowered, usually with 10–20 flowers; flowers 4-merous; south of the Tuross R. (SC, ST). | Acacia mucronata |
| Phyllodes 6–15 mm wide; heads densely flowered, with >50 flowers; flowers 5-merous; on the coast south from the Nowra district and on the ranges south of the Wolgan R. Back to 73 | Acacia subtilinervis |
75 | Phyllodes usually <12 cm long (range 5–15), mostly with appressed white hairs. | Acacia floribunda |
| Phyllodes mostly >12 cm long (range 6–30), or if less then glabrous. Back to 72 | 76 |
76 | Inland species, west from the Wollemi N.P.; flower heads bright yellow, usually 1.5–3 cm long; flowers 5-merous; secondary veins not anastomosing. | 77 |
| Coastal species; flower heads pale yellow to ± white, rarely bright yellow, mostly 3–7 cm long, if 2–3 cm long then flowers pale yellow to ± white; flowers mostly 4-merous; secondary veins anastomosing. Back to 75 | 78 |
77 | Apex of the phyllodes elongate and usually curved or recurved; pod with rough surfaces; phyllodes 2–8 mm wide, bright-green. | Acacia doratoxylon |
| Apex of the phyllodes mostly straight or slightly curved, not recurved; pods with smooth surfaces; phyllodes 1.5–4 mm wide, bluish grey-green. Back to 76 | Acacia caroleae |
78 | Phyllodes with >6 ± closely spaced longitudinal veins; restricted distribution on the north coast, north of Lismore and in the Laurieton district (NC). | 79 |
| Phyllodes with 4–6 widely spaced longitudinal veins, or secondary veins ± reticulate; widespread on the coast, north from Batemans Bay area. Back to 76 | Acacia longissima |
79 | Secondary veins sparsely anastomosing; grows in wet sclerophyll forest and rainforest, north from the Lismore district. | Acacia orites |
| Secondary veins densely anastomosing; grows in dry sclerophyll forest, restricted to Middle Brother and North Brother Mtns near Laurieton. Back to 78 | Acacia courtii |
80 | Lower veins of phyllodes joining with the lower margin or together some distance from the base (not including minor veins, see Venation details figure above). | 81 |
| Lower veins of phyllodes not joining with the lower margin or with each other above the base (not including minor veins, see Venation details figure above). Back to 67 | 86 |
81 | Phyllodes, branchlets and peduncles finely silky with fawn to golden hairs when young, becoming silvery; recorded from near Enngonia (NWP). | Acacia cowleana |
| Phyllodes branchlets and peduncles glabrous, or if ± hairy then hairs not fawn to golden. Back to 80 | 82 |
82 | Pods 8–20 mm wide, ± woody and transversely veined; seeds ± transverse; phyllodes with lower veins joining with the lower margin some distance from the base, minor longitudinal veins not anastomosing. | 83 |
| Pods 2–5 mm wide, neither woody nor prominently transversely veined; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes with lower veins joining with each other, but not with the lower margin, minor longitudinal veins anastomosing. Back to 81 | 84 |
83 | Flower heads bright yellow; ovary densely hairy at least on upper half; phyllodes glaucous to sub-glaucous; recorded in the Grafton area. | Acacia aulacocarpa |
| Flower heads pale yellow to lemon yellow; ovary glabrous; phyllodes pale grey-green to dark grey-green; pods 10–20 mm wide; widespread in coastal areas, north from the Bellinger Valley. Back to 82 | Acacia disparrima |
84 | Flower heads bright yellow; flowers dense on rachis (check in bud stage). | Acacia crassa |
| Flower heads pale yellow to yellow; flowers scattered on rachis (check in bud). Back to 82 | 85 |
85 | Pulvinus mostly 5–9 mm long; branchlets not reddish, often scurfy. | Acacia concurrens |
| Pulvinus mostly 3–4 mm long; branchlets ± reddish, not scurfy. Back to 84 | Acacia leiocalyx |
86 | Branchlets strongly angled or flattened, 5–10 mm wide; confined to the Tenterfield district. | Acacia pycnostachya |
| Branchlets terete or slightly to moderately flattened or angled, <5 mm wide; widespread, not confined to the Tenterfield district. Back to 80 | 87 |
87 | Phyllodes with minor longitudinal veins anastomosing (see Venation details figure above). | 88 |
| Phyllodes with minor longitudinal veins not clearly anastomosing (see Venation details figure above). Back to 86 | 94 |
88 | Phyllode margins granular-resinous (at least when young, lens needed) irregularly indented, not smooth, apex obtuse, without a mucro; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured. | Acacia obtusifolia |
| Phyllode margins ± smooth, apex mostly acute or if obtuse then with a mucro; flower heads bright yellow to ± white. Back to 87 | 89 |
89 | Phyllodes <6 times as long as broad; pods ± curled or twisted; prostrate or decumbent shrub 0.5–3 m high, grows in heath and sclerophyll forest on coastal headlands, sand dunes and adjacent alluvial flats (NC, CC, SC). | Acacia longifolia |
| Phyllodes >6 times as long as broad; pods straight, curved or twisted; erect or spreading tree or shrub 1–16 m high in sclerophyll communities and the margins of rainforest, coast and ranges (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, NWP). Back to 88 | 90 |
90 | Phyllodes 2–10 mm wide. | Acacia floribunda |
| Phyllodes mostly 10–30 mm wide. Back to 89 | 91 |
91 | Peduncles 4–8 mm long; flower heads bright yellow; inland species, north and west from Denman and Wollar (NWS, CWS, NWP). | Acacia crassa |
| Peduncles 0–4 mm long; flower heads bright yellow to ± white; widespread on the coast and ranges (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, CWS). Back to 90 | 92 |
92 | Pods ± curled and twisted; flower heads 4–6 cm long; peduncles and rachis with a golden pubescence. | Acacia maidenii |
| Pods ± straight; flower heads 1.5–4.5 cm long; peduncles and rachis glabrous, or if pubescent not golden pubescent. Back to 91 | 93 |
93 | Pods not moniliform; flowers June-Oct.; on the coast and ranges, but not at higher altitudes (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST). | Acacia longifolia |
| Pods moniliform; flowers Oct.-Mar.; at higher altitudes in the Australian Alps (ST). Back to 92 | Acacia dallachiana |
94 | Pods 2–4 cm long and 7–15 mm wide. | Acacia aneura |
| Pods usually 4–15 cm long and 2–6 mm wide. Back to 87 | 95 |
95 | Branchlets and young phyllodes and pods distinctly hairy, hairs simple, appressed or spreading. | 96 |
| Branchlets, young phyllodes and pods either ± glabrous or if not glabrous then hairs reddish glandular or scurfy with minute whitish or brownish scales. Back to 94 | 99 |
96 | Mature phyllodes <5 times as long as broad; peduncles 0–2 mm long; pods hairy; Emmaville to Torrington district and Kingstown area (NT, NWS). | Acacia pubifolia |
| Mature phyllodes mostly >5 times as long as broad; peduncles 2–7 mm long; pods glabrous or hairy; chiefly on the coast and ranges south from the Hunter Valley and possibly in the Grafton district. Back to 95 | 97 |
97 | Mature phyllodes finely appressed-hairy; hairs on peduncles appressed; flower heads pale to bright yellow; on the coast and ranges, from the Hunter Valley south to Tathra (NC, CC, SC, CT, ST, CWS). | Acacia binervia |
| Mature phyllodes glabrous to sparsely hairy; flower heads bright yellow; restricted to the Bulga to Broke area in the Hunter Valley and possibly near Grafton (NC). Back to 96 | 98 |
98 | Phyllodes mostly 10–15 cm long, green; phyllodes on young growth ± obovate, ± densely hairy; recorded for the Grafton district (NC). | Acacia julifera |
| Phyllodes usually 3.5–10 cm long, grey-green; phyllodes on young growth ± elliptic, glabrous or almost so; restricted to the Bulga and Broke area (NC). Back to 97 | Acacia bulgaensis |
99 | Phyllodes ± thick and straight or occasionally curved; veins and margins of young phyllodes ± yellowish; flower heads 1–3 cm long. | Acacia subtilinervis |
| Without the above combination of characters. Back to 95 | 100 |
100 | Peduncles 4–10 mm long, mostly on an axillary axis 1–2 mm long; flowers well-separated on rachis at flowering stage. | Acacia sparsiflora |
| Peduncles usually 0–5 mm long, on an axillary axis to 25 mm long; flower heads borne directly in the phyllode axils; flowers crowded on rachis at flowering stage. Back to 99 | 101 |
101 | Flower heads sessile, pale yellow. | Acacia williamsiana |
| Flower heads with peduncles 1–6 mm long, bright yellow or if pale yellow to cream-coloured then on an axillary axis to 25 mm long. Back to 100 | 102 |
102 | Pods ± glabrous, sometimes pruinose but not scurfy. | 103 |
| Pods usually with simple or glandular hairs, or scurfy. Back to 101 | 104 |
103 | Young phyllodes pubescent; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured; chiefly north from the Manning R., also from Coxs R. And near Tallowa Dam (NC, CC, NT, CT). | Acacia blakei |
| Young phyllodes glabrous and ± resinous; flower heads bright yellow; Rylstone district to Dharug N.P. (CC, CT). Back to 102 | Acacia matthewii |
104 | Pods ± scurfy, hairs absent or margins sparsely ciliate; near Tathra and Wadbilliga Creek (SC). | Acacia georgensis |
| Pods with hairs, simple and/or reddish brown glandular; widespread, chiefly north and west from the upper Hunter Valley, also near Glen Davis (NT, CT, NWS, CWS, NWP). Back to 102 | 105 |
105 | Phyllodes falcate, mostly 6–23 cm long and 10–35 mm wide; flower heads 3–6 cm long; pods usually 5–15 cm long. | Acacia cheelii |
| Phyllodes ± straight, usually 4–10 cm long and 5–10 mm wide; flower heads 1.5–3 cm long, pods 3–7.5 cm long. Back to 104 | Acacia burrowii |
106 | Branchlets flattened, ± zigzagged; flower heads 1–10, on axillary peduncles 8–12 mm long, or rarely on an axillary axis 1–10 mm long | Acacia complanata |
| Branchlets not flattened, ± straight; flower heads in axils of phyllodes or in axillary racemes or panicles. Back to 6 | 107 |
107 | Flower heads in racemes or panicles, axillary axis >5 mm long. | 108 |
| Flower heads 1–8 on axillary peduncles or on axillary axis usually <5 mm long. Back to 106 | 114 |
108 | Phyllodes >20 mm wide and with 2 or 3 prominent yellowish longitudinal veins and ± undulate margins; pods 9–16 mm wide. | 109 |
| Phyllodes usually <20 mm wide or if >20 mm wide then without 2 or 3 yellowish longitudinal veins and margins not undulate; pods 2–8 mm wide. Back to 107 | 110 |
109 | Phyllodes mostly 3-veined, secondary veins forming a fine reticulation; flowers 4-merous; north from Mullumbimby (NC). | Acacia bakeri |
| Phyllodes mostly 2-veined, secondary veins coarsely anastomosing; flowers 5-merous; north from Narooma (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT). Back to 108 | Acacia binervata |
110 | Phyllodes mostly >7 mm wide (range 4–30); pods 4–8 mm wide, curved to twisted; heads with usually 20–50 flowers; axis of racemes mostly >2 cm long. | 111 |
| Phyllodes usually <7 mm wide (range 3–8); pods 2–3 mm wide, ± straight; heads with 4–20 flowers; axis of racemes usually <2 cm long. Back to 108 | 113 |
111 | Phyllodes with 2 longitudinal veins, second vein less prominent and towards the upper margin; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost usually 1–3 cm above base; peduncles glabrous. | Acacia difformis |
| Phyllodes with 3–7 ± equally prominent longitudinal veins; phyllodes with 1 small gland near base; peduncles hairy. Back to 110 | 112 |
112 | Branchlets usually ± terete, glabrous; phyllodes mostly acute; pods 4–7 mm wide; funicle whitish, folded below the seed; flowers chiefly Jan. to April. | Acacia implexa |
| Branchlets angled, at first pubescent, becoming glabrous; phyllodes mostly obtuse; pods 5–8 mm wide; funicle orange to reddish, folded and ± completely surrounding seed; flowers mostly July to Dec. Back to 111 | Acacia melanoxylon |
113 | Phyllodes ± linear, with c. 10 longitudinal veins; heads with 4–8 flowers, bright yellow; chiefly on the ranges and in the Mudgee district (NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS). | Acacia dawsonii |
| Phyllodes usually oblanceolate, with 3–7 longitudinal veins; heads with 12–20 flowers, pale yellow to yellow; mainly in West Wyalong to Condobolin and Forbes area (CWS, SWS, SWP). Back to 110 | Acacia trineura |
114 | Phyllodes regularly 0.5–4 cm long. | 115 |
| Most phyllodes >4 cm long. Back to 107 | 119 |
115 | Phyllodes ± triangular, 1–2 times as long as broad, 4–13 mm wide; south from the A.C.T. (ST, SWS). | Acacia pravissima |
| Phyllodes ± elliptic to ± narrow-oblanceolate, usually >4 times as long as broad, 1–7 mm wide; widespread species. Back to 114 | 116 |
116 | Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 1–4 cm long; branchlets and phyllodes resinous; pods 2–4 mm wide. | 117 |
| Phyllodes narrow-elliptic to ± elliptic, mostly 2–7 cm long; branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; pods 4–10 mm wide. Back to 115 | 118 |
117 | Flower heads on simple peduncles, peduncles 3–10 mm long, glabrous or hairy, but not woolly; phyllodes usually with 2 prominent longitudinal veins and with a marginal gland at apex; pods 3–4 mm wide, greyish woolly. | Acacia montana |
| Flower heads usually on an axillary axis 1–8 mm long, peduncles 2–5 mm long, woolly; phyllodes with at least 3–5 prominent longitudinal veins, without an apical gland; pods 2–3 mm wide, ± hairy, but not woolly. Back to 116 | Acacia ixiophylla |
118 | Branchlets hairy; pods 4–7 mm wide, white-hairy. | Acacia lanigera |
| Branchlets glabrous or sometimes scurfy from minute whitish scales; pods 6–10 mm wide, glabrous. Back to 116 | Acacia excelsa |
119 | Phyllodes >15 times as long as broad. | 120 |
| Phyllodes <15 times as long as broad. Back to 114 | 123 |
120 | Branchlets resinous; pods 2–3 mm wide. | 121 |
| Branchlets not resinous; pods 3–6 mm wide. Back to 119 | 122 |
121 | Phyllodes dotted with resin glands, with 3 main longitudinal veins; flower heads pale lemon yellow; south from Nowra district (CC, SC, ST). | Acacia cognata |
| Phyllodes not dotted with resin glands, with 5–7 longitudinal veins; flower heads light to bright yellow; chiefly on the ranges north from near Uralla (NC, NT, NWS). Back to 120 | Acacia viscidula |
122 | Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, with mostly 3 prominent longitudinal veins; erect or spreading shrub 0.5–4 m high, bark not tessellated; widespread species, south from Woodburn, west to Wagga and Quirindi districts (NC, CC, SC, CT, ST, NWS, CWS). | Acacia elongata |
| Phyllodes linear to very narrow-elliptic, midvein prominent and 2–10 less prominent longitudinal veins; tall shrub or small tree with tessellated bark; northern escarpment ranges, from the Washpool N.P. to Werrikimbe N.P. (NC, NT). Back to 120 | Acacia tessellata |
123 | Phyllodes oblanceolate, ± straight. | 124 |
| Phyllodes narrow-elliptic to elliptic or ± oblong, ± curved or sometimes straight. Back to 119 | 125 |
124 | Phyllodes mostly 8–14 cm long; heads with 30–40 flowers, ± white to cream-coloured; pods 6–10 mm wide; north from near Red Rock and Gibraltar Ra. (NC, NT). | Acacia baeuerlenii |
| Phyllodes 3.5–8 cm long; heads with 12–20 flowers, pale yellow to yellow; pods 2–3 mm wide; mainly in West Wyalong to Condobolin and Forbes area (CWS, SWS, SWP). Back to 123 | Acacia trineura |
125 | Pods densely hairy; branchlets densely hairy. | 126 |
| Pods glabrous; branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy. Back to 123 | 127 |
126 | Pods curved to coiled; sepals fused for more than half their length; 1–4 heads in axils; south from the Coonabarabran area. | Acacia lanigera |
| Pods ± straight; sepals free or fused to about half their length; 2–8 heads in axils; north from the Tamworth district. Back to 125 | Acacia venulosa |
127 | Phyllodes dotted with resin glands; pods 4–6 mm wide. | 128 |
| Phyllodes without resin glands; pods 6–10 mm wide. Back to 125 | Acacia excelsa |
128 | Phyllodes with 2–5 main longitudinal veins; heads with 16–25 flowers, pale yellow; south from the Bodalla area (SC). | Acacia subporosa |
| Phyllodes with only 2 longitudinal veins; heads with 35–60 flowers, bright yellow; widespread, especially on the ranges and Slopes, but not in the SC (CC, CT, ST, NWS, SWS, SWP). Back to 127 | Acacia verniciflua |
129 | Phyllodes regularly <3 cm long. | 130 |
| Phyllodes mostly >3 cm long. Back to 6 | 133 |
130 | Phyllodes 4–13 mm wide, ± triangular, 1–2 times as long as broad; pods 5–6 mm wide. | Acacia pravissima |
| Phyllodes 1–5 mm wide, narrow-oblanceolate, >5 times as long as broad; pods 2–4 mm wide. Back to 129 | 131 |
131 | Branchlets distinctly resinous and often angled; phyllodes with marginal gland near the puvinus and sometimes at base of mucro; pods ± straight. | Acacia johnsonii |
| Branchlets not resinous, ± terete; phyllodes with 1 marginal gland near the pulvinus; pods strongly curved, twisted or coiled. Back to 130 | 132 |
132 | Phyllodes usually resinous; heads with c. 20 flowers; more widespread, south from Cobar (NWP, SWP, SFWP). | Acacia wilhelmiana |
| Phyllodes not resinous; heads with 10–20 flowers; west of Balranald (SFWP). Back to 131 | Acacia sclerophylla |
133 | Phyllodes >14 cm long. | 134 |
| Phyllodes <14 cm long. Back to 129 | 137 |
134 | Phyllodes curved, broad and tapered to both ends, 7–20 mm wide. | Acacia harpophylla |
| Phyllodes ± straight, narrow and ± parallel-sided, 1–6 mm wide. Back to 133 | 135 |
135 | Phyllodes usually ± terete, 1–2.5 mm wide, densely appressed-pubescent; veins fine and crowded; racemes with axis <1 cm long. | Acacia coriacea |
| Phyllodes always flat, sparsely appressed pubescent then ± glabrous; main veins ± distinct and usually separated; racemes with axis 1–3 cm long. Back to 134 | 136 |
136 | Phyllodes mostly >15 cm long (range 14–40); flower heads cream-coloured to yellow; pods 8–13 mm wide, moniliform; widespread in western districts, west from Inverell. | Acacia stenophylla |
| Phyllodes usually <15 cm long (range 4–16.5); flower heads yellow to bright yellow; pods 3–5 mm wide, not moniliform; from coastal districts west to Wagga and Quirindi districts. Back to 135 | Acacia elongata |
137 | Phyllodes ± terete, 1–1.5 mm wide. | 138 |
| Phyllodes flat, 1.5–30 mm wide. Back to 133 | 140 |
138 | Gland on phyllode 5–10 mm above base; phyllode apex ± hooked; heads usually in racemes with axis 5–20 mm long. | Acacia calamifolia |
| Glands on phyllodes <4 mm from base; phyllode apex not prominently hooked; heads on axillary peduncles or on axillary axis 1–4 mm long. Back to 137 | 139 |
139 | Phyllodes 1–1.5 mm wide, with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; peduncles glabrous; pods minutely hairy, 2–4 mm wide, strongly curved, twisted or coiled; widespread in inland district, south and west from Gilgandra (CWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP). | Acacia rigens |
| Phyllodes c. 1 mm wide, with marginal gland at least a few mm from the pulvinus; peduncles hairy; pods ± glabrous, 3.5–5 mm wide, ± straight; in the Blue Mtns from near Woodford to Mt Victoria (CC, CT). Back to 138 | Acacia ptychoclada |
140 | Flower heads in racemes with axis 5–25 mm long; heads with 4–8 flowers. | Acacia dawsonii |
| Flower heads usually on simple axillary peduncles or sometimes in racemes or on an axillary axis 1–15 mm long, mostly 1–6 heads per axil (range 1–20); heads with 10–60 flowers. Back to 137 | 141 |
141 | Phyllodes with 10–15 prominent longitudinal veins; heads with 5–16 flowers; peduncles 0–1 mm long; pods 5–10 mm wide, often twisted or coiled; inland regions, west of Griffith and Yetman districts. | Acacia oswaldii |
| Without the above combination of characters and distribution. Back to 140 | 142 |
142 | Branchlets flattened, ± zigzagged; phyllodes mostly 10–30 mm wide. | Acacia complanata |
| Branchlets not flattened, ± straight; phyllodes usually 1.5–20 mm wide. Back to 141 | 143 |
143 | Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 1–4.5 cm long and 2–4 mm wide; west of Balranald (SFWP). | Acacia sclerophylla |
| Phyllodes mostly elliptic to narrow-elliptic or linear, 4–20 cm long and 2–25 mm wide; widespread, not confined to the SFWP. Back to 142 | 144 |
144 | Branchlets resinous; phyllodes resinous, usually prominently dotted with ± raised resin glands. | 145 |
| Branchlets not resinous; phyllodes not resinous, not dotted with ± raised resinous glands. Back to 143 | 148 |
145 | Phyllodes usually 1.5–3.5 mm wide; pods 2–3 mm wide. | 146 |
| Phyllodes mostly 3.5–11 mm wide; pods 4–6 mm wide. Back to 144 | 147 |
146 | Phyllodes prominently dotted with resin glands, usually with 3 main veins; flower heads pale lemon yellow; south from the Nowra district (CC, SC, ST). | Acacia cognata |
| Phyllodes not prominently dotted with resin glands, with 5–7 longitudinal veins; flower heads light to bright yellow; chiefly on the ranges north from near Uralla (NC, NT, NWS). Back to 145 | Acacia viscidula |
147 | Phyllodes with 2–5 main longitudinal veins with minor longitudinal veins between; heads pale yellow with 16–25 flowers; south from the Bodalla area (SC). | Acacia subporosa |
| Phyllodes with only 2 longitudinal veins visible; heads bright yellow, with 35–60 flowers; widespread, chiefly on the ranges and Slopes, not in the SC. Back to 145 | Acacia verniciflua |
148 | Phyllodes >12 times as long as broad, usually 2–5 mm wide. | 149 |
| Phyllodes mostly <12 times as long as broad, usually 4–20 mm wide. Back to 144 | 150 |
149 | Phyllodes and branchlets silky, ± silvery; pods 5–6 mm wide, moniliform, silvery hairy; from Enngonia south to Willandra Creek (SWP, NFWP). | Acacia cana |
| Phyllodes and branchlets ± glabrous or with scattered hairs, green; pods 3–5 mm wide, ± glabrous, not moniliform; from coastal districts west to Wagga and Quirindi districts (NC, CC, SC, CT, NWS, CWS). Back to 148 | Acacia elongata |
150 | Stipules usually persistent; peduncles hairy; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged. | Acacia pendula |
| Stipules caducous; peduncles glabrous or hairy; pods 3–12 mm wide, not winged. Back to 148 | 151 |
151 | Phyllodes 3–6 mm wide, all longitudinal veins usually faint; pods 5–6 mm wide, ± silvery with appressed hairs. | Acacia cana |
| Phyllodes 3–20 mm wide, usually with 2–5 more prominent longitudinal veins; pods 3–12 mm wide, glabrous or hairy but not silvery with appressed hairs. Back to 150 | 152 |
152 | Phyllodes mostly 10–20 cm long, 7–20 mm wide, with 3–5 prominent longitudinal veins; peduncles 10–20 mm long. | Acacia harpophylla |
| Phyllodes usually 4–10 cm long, 3–10 mm wide, with 1–3 ± prominent longitudinal veins; peduncles 3–10 mm long. Back to 151 | 153 |
153 | Phyllodes usually ± curved; heads with 30–50 flowers; seeds ± transverse. | Acacia melvillei |
| Phyllodes mostly ± straight; heads with 15–30 flowers; seeds longitudinal. Back to 152 | 154 |
154 | Flower heads 1–3 per axil or on an axullary axis 1–2 mm long, bright yellow; peduncles 3–5 mm long; pods 3–5 mm wide. | Acacia homalophylla |
| Flower heads mostly 4–20 on axillary axis 2–9 mm long, pale yellow or whitish; peduncles usually 5–10 mm long; pods 7–10 mm wide. Back to 153 | Acacia cambagei |
155 | Stipules spinescent, 5–15 mm long, persistent. | 156 |
| Stipules not spinescent, if present 1–2 mm long and often caducous. Back to 8 | 157 |
156 | Phyllodes 2–8 cm long, >8 times as long as broad; flower heads pale yellow to ± white. | Acacia victoriae |
| Phyllodes 0.8–3 cm long, <6 times as long as broad; flower heads ± bright yellow. Back to 155 | Acacia paradoxa |
157 | Branchlets ending in pungent spines; phyllodes usually 0.2–0.6 cm long and 1–3 mm wide; confined to the SFWP. | Acacia acanthoclada |
| Branchlets not ending in pungent spines; phyllodes 0.4–5 cm long and 4–26 mm wide, or if 2–3 mm wide then 2.5–5 cm long; widespread, but not in SFWP. Back to 155 | 158 |
158 | Phyllodes <2 times as long as broad; phyllodes ± circular, broad-elliptic to obovate or ovate. | 159 |
| Phyllodes >2 times as long as broad. Back to 157 | 169 |
159 | Pods >15 mm wide and glabrous; seeds transverse; phyllodes often twisted at angles of 30–90° to stem. | 160 |
| Pods <10 mm wide or if >10 mm wide then pods hairy; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes not usually twisted on stem. Back to 158 | 166 |
160 | Flower heads yellow to deep yellow (golden); open shrubs usually >1.5 m high, or if shorter then branchlets pruinose or phyllodes usually <16 mm long or if longer than base truncate to cordate; petals >1.8 mm long. | 161 |
| Flower heads cream-coloured to yellow; shrubs <1.5 m high, or if more then phyllodes >16 mm long; petals <1.8 mm long. Back to 159 | 162 |
161 | Branchlets pruinose and downwards arching; phyllodes asymmetrically cordate or truncate at base; heads mostly >35-flowered. | Acacia sertiformis |
| Branchlets non-pruinose, erect and often curved upwards; phyllodes with acute to obtuse base; heads mostly 20–32-flowered. Back to 160 | Acacia piligera |
162 | Flower heads in axillary racemes or rarely on axillary peduncles; at least some phyllodes >3 cm long and broad-elliptic to broad-obovate and moderately to densely hairy; lateral veins of phyllodes <45° to the midvein. | Acacia uncinata |
| Flower heads mostly on axillary peduncles, sometimes appearing as short terminal racemes (as subtending floral phyllodes reduced); phyllodes >3 cm long, ovate and sparsely hairy to ± glabrous; lateral veins of phyllodes >45° to the midvein. Back to 160 | 163 |
163 | Phyllodes mostly >1.6 cm long; tall open shrubs, mostly >1.5 m high. | Acacia undulifolia |
| Phyllodes usually <1.6 cm long; low bushy shrubs usually <1.3 m high. Back to 162 | 164 |
164 | Flower heads pale yellow to yellow; branchlets and pulvinus with an indumentum of ± appressed short hairs with longer ± spreading hairs; phyllodes ± glossy green, markedly undulate with the phyllode usually twisted. | Acacia clandullensis |
| Flower heads cream-coloured; branchlets and pulvinus with uniform length spreading hairs, sometimes slightly inclined or reflexed; phyllodes dull grey-green, flat or slightly undulate, sometimes convex but not twisted. Back to 163 | 165 |
165 | Hairs on flower buds yellow to golden; phyllodes densely or moderately hairy; branchlets with hairs spreading to slightly inclined. | Acacia aureocrinita |
| Hairs on flower buds grey or fawn-coloured; phyllodes usually sparsely hairy or ± glabrous; branchlets with hairs mostly slightly reflexed. Back to 164 | Acacia cremiflora |
166 | Branchlets hairy; phyllodes ± elliptic to obovate, ± symmetric, usually hairy. | 167 |
| Branchlets glabrous; phyllodes asymmetrically triangular, ± glabrous. Back to 159 | 168 |
167 | Branchlets distinctly angled; 1–5 flower heads per raceme, axis 0.2–0.5 cm long. | Acacia brachybotrya |
| Branchlets ± terete; 10–20 flower heads per raceme, axis 3–11 cm long. Back to 166 | Acacia podalyriifolia |
168 | Phyllodes acute, marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode; 25–35 flowers per head. | Acacia cultriformis |
| Phyllodes obtuse, marginal gland closer to the pulvinus; 6–9 flowers per head. Back to 166 | Acacia pravissima |
169 | Flower heads on axillary peduncles or on an axis <3 mm long. | 170 |
| Flower heads usually in axillary racemes. Back to 158 | 172 |
170 | Phyllodes 2.5–5 cm long, 2–5 mm wide; stems and phyllodes resinous; chiefly from the Dubbo, Gilgandra and Mendooran area. | Acacia ixodes |
| Phyllodes 3–12 cm long, usually 5–15 mm wide; stems and phyllodes resinous or not resinous; inland areas west from Cobar and West Wyalong districts. Back to 169 | 171 |
171 | Phyllodes commonly with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; pods 7–11 mm wide, ± woody. | Acacia ligulata |
| Phyllodes with 1 gland near the pulvinus; pods 1.5–3 mm wide, not woody. Back to 170 | Acacia halliana |
172 | Phyllodes reddish, bipinnate leaves usually still present on mature growth. | Acacia nana |
| Phyllodes green to greyish, bipinnate leaves not present on mature growth. Back to 169 | 173 |
173 | Branchlets sparsely hairy, red-brown; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost 5–15 mm above base; heads bright yellow, with 15–30 flowers; peduncles with appressed golden hairs. | Acacia decora |
| Without the above combination of characters. Back to 172 | 174 |
174 | Phyllodes usually with 2–4 glands scattered along margin. | 175 |
| Phyllodes with only 1 gland or glands absent. Back to 173 | 177 |
175 | Phyllodes usually acute; pods usually 4–6 mm wide; widespread, chiefly on the coast and ranges, west to near Wellington. | Acacia amoena |
| Phyllodes obtuse; pods mostly 6–11 mm wide; confined to the escarpment ranges SE of Cooma and west from the Cobar district. Back to 174 | 176 |
176 | Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, mostly 5–10 mm wide, commonly with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; midvein ± central; pods 7–11 mm wide, ± woody; inland areas west from Cobar district. | Acacia ligulata |
| Phyllodes ± obovate, usually 8–15 mm wide, with 2 or 3 glands ± evenly along margin; midvein usually acentral; pods 5–8 mm wide, not woody; chiefly confined to the escarpment ranges SE of Cooma (SC, ST). Back to 175 | Acacia kydrensis |
177 | Phyllodes with 1 gland about 5–20 mm above base and gland prominently exserted; trees 4–18 m high. | Acacia prominens |
| Glands if present not prominently exserted; mainly shrubs, 1–8 m high. Back to 174 | 178 |
178 | Phyllodes >10 times as long as wide, usually ± linear to narrow-oblanceolate, hairy mainly on the margins; marginal gland towards the base of the phyllode. | Acacia fimbriata |
| Phyllodes usually <10 times as long as wide, elliptic to oblong, or oblanceolate to obovate, glabrous or ± hairy all over; glands absent or present. Back to 177 | 179 |
179 | Branchlets and phyllodes ± hairy (at least when young). | 180 |
| Branchlets and phyllodes glabrous. Back to 178 | 183 |
180 | Phyllodes usually 1–2.5 cm long and 3–6 mm wide; south from the Newnes area (CT, ST). | Acacia kybeanensis |
| Phyllodes 1–9 cm long and mostly 6–20 mm wide; northern species (NC, NT, NWS, NWP). Back to 179 | 181 |
181 | Phyllodes <4 times as long as broad, 1.5–4.5 cm long; pods 11–21 mm wide; flower heads pale yellow; peduncles 8–20 mm long. | Acacia uncinata |
| Phyllodes >4 times long as broad, usually 4–10 cm long; pods 6–11 mm wide; flower heads mid to bright yellow; peduncles 2–6 mm long. Back to 180 | 182 |
182 | Phyllodes with pulvinus <2 mm long; racemes with 3–10 flower heads; flower heads mid yellow; chiefly from Barrington Tops to the Gibraltar Ra. (NC, NT). | Acacia barringtonensis |
| Phyllodes with pulvinus 2–5 mm long; racemes with 10–20 heads; flower heads bright yellow; confined to the Yetman district (NWP). Back to 181 | Acacia jucunda |
183 | Flower heads pale yellow; pods 3–5 mm wide; heads with 2–8 flowers. | Acacia myrtifolia |
| Flower heads bright yellow; pods 5–15 mm wide; heads with 3–40 flowers. Back to 179 | 184 |
184 | Racemes mostly longer than the phyllodes; phyllodes generally <5 times as long as broad; midvein usually acentral. | 185 |
| Racemes mostly shorter than or about as long as the phyllodes; phyllodes generally >5 times as long as broad. Back to 183 | 187 |
185 | Heads with 3–5 flowers; phyllodes narrow-elliptic to elliptic or oblanceolate, apex mostly long-acute. | Acacia lunata |
| Heads with 5–29 flowers; phyllodes ± elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate, apex obtuse or short-acute; midvein usually ± central. Back to 184 | 186 |
186 | Branchlets, raceme axes and calyces usually not pruinose; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, ± acute to obtuse, 2–11 mm wide; heads 7–29-flowered. | Acacia buxifolia |
| Branchlets (at least when young), raceme axes and calyces (especially in bud) usually pruinose; phyllodes obovate to elliptic, obtuse, 6–14 mm wide; heads 5–10-flowered. Back to 185 | Acacia leucolobia |
187 | Heads with 3–5 flowers; phyllodes 1.5–3.5 cm long; from Bralga Tops and the Hunter Valley to Richmond district (NC, CC, CT). | Acacia lunata |
| Heads with 5–25 flowers; phyllodes usually 3.5–6 cm long, or rarely 1–3.5 cm long; south of Sydney (SC, CT, ST). Back to 184 | 188 |
188 | Phyllodes oblong-elliptic to ± narrow-elliptic, gland usually >5 mm above base, and mostly conspicuous; pods 7–14 mm wide; south of the A.C.T. | 189 |
| Phyllodes oblanceolate, gland basal and inconspicuous; pods 5–7 mm wide; confined to the Wombeyan Caves area (CT). Back to 187 | Acacia chalkeri |
189 | Heads with 5–8 flowers; branchlets brown to black, strongly pruinose; from Bega district to Bendethera (SC, ST). | Acacia covenyi |
| Heads with 10–20 flowers; branchlets reddish brown, not pruinose; south from Tumut (ST). Back to 188 | Acacia kettlewelliae |
190 | Stipules spinescent, 2–15 mm long, usually present at least on young growth, bases often only persistent on older stems; peduncles usually 6–18 mm long; flower heads pale yellow to ± white; phyllodes <8 cm long and <8 mm wide; pods 9–16 mm wide. | Acacia victoriae |
| Without the above combination of characters. Back to 8 | 191 |
191 | Flower heads on simple peduncles (usually 1–4) or at least appearing so with axillary axis <3 mm long. | 192 |
| Flower heads in racemes or panicles, usually with >3 heads. Back to 190 | 203 |
192 | Phyllodes >20 times as long as broad. | 193 |
| Phyllodes <20 times as long as broad. Back to 191 | 195 |
193 | Phyllodes mostly >16 cm long; peduncles hairy; pods moniliform. | Acacia stenophylla |
| Phyllodes usually <16 cm long; peduncles glabrous or ± mealy with very fine hairs; pods not moniliform. Back to 192 | 194 |
194 | Branchlets ± terete; flower heads usually 3–10 in an axillary raceme; peduncles 4–9 mm long; pods 8–12 mm wide, seeds transverse; inland districts, west from the Pilliga Scrub. | Acacia murrayana |
| Branchlets angled and prominently ribbed; flower heads 1–3 in axils of phyllodes; peduncles 7–21 mm long; pods 4–6 mm wide; seeds longitudinal; escarpment ranges from Washpool N.P. to Werrikimbe N.P. Back to 193 | Acacia tessellata |
195 | Phyllodes <7.5 times as long as broad. | 196 |
| Phyllodes >7.5 times as long as broad. Back to 192 | 197 |
196 | Branchlets and phyllodes resinous; heads 14–18-flowered, pale yellow; pods 3–5 mm wide, ± straight; south from Rylstone district (CT, ?CWS). | Acacia leprosa |
| Branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; heads with 28–55 flowers, bright yellow; pods 1.5–3 mm wide, irregularly twisted; West Wyalong to Weethalle district and from Balranald to Euston (CWS, SWP, SFWP). Back to 195 | Acacia halliana |
197 | Branchlets distinctly angled, flattened or ridged; phyllodes without thickened margins. | 198 |
| Branchlets ± terete; phyllodes with ± thickened margins. Back to 195 | 202 |
198 | Branchlets resinous, at least on the ridges; phyllodes without or with only 1 marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; pods 2–5 mm wide; common on the coast and ranges, west to the Rylstone area. | 199 |
| Branchlets not resinous; phyllodes with 1–5 glands spread along the margin; pods 4–14 wide; widespread in inland districts, west from the upper Hunter Valley. Back to 197 | 200 |
199 | Phyllodes oblanceolate, apex obtuse, closely reticulately penniveined, extending to margins. | Acacia stricta |
| Phyllodes elliptic to lanceolate, ± acute, lateral veins looping and forming ± prominent veins within margins. Back to 198 | Acacia leprosa |
200 | Plants with spreading or short drooping branchlets,branchlets not obviously zigzagged; phyllodes ± erect, green; pods constricted between the seeds; flower heads bright yellow. | 201 |
| Plants with long drooping branchlets, branchlets strongly zigzagged; phyllodes pendent, grey-green; pods not constricted between the seeds; flower heads pale yellow to ± white. Back to 198 | Acacia salicina |
201 | Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, usually 2–5 mm wide and with a marginal gland towards the middle of the phyllode; pods 4–6 mm wide, not woody. | Acacia rivalis |
| Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, mostly 5–10 mm wide, commonly with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; pods 7–11 mm wide, woody. Back to 200 | Acacia ligulata |
202 | Phyllodes 6–18 cm long, with 2–5 glands spread along the margin; flower heads bright yellow, 50–70 flowers per head; pods 5–6 mm wide. | Acacia beckleri |
| Phyllodes 2–8 cm long, with 1 marginal gland near the pulvinus; flower heads pale yellow to ± white, 10–30 flowers per head; pods 9–16 mm wide. Back to 197 | Acacia victoriae |
203 | Phyllodes reddish (especially when dried), bipinnate leaves usually still present on mature plants. | 204 |
| Phyllodes not reddish, bipinnate leaves not present on mature plants. Back to 191 | 205 |
204 | Pods strongly curved, 3.5–6 mm wide; funicle not encircling the seed; apex of phyllodes very obtuse but with an abruptly hooked mucro; flower heads 3–4 mm diam., 7–10-flowered; spreading shrubs, mostly <2 m high. | Acacia nana |
| Pods straight, 6–9 mm wide; funicle almost or completely encircling seed; apex of phyllodes gradually acute or acuminate, with a straight or hooked mucro, rarely obtuse-mucronate; flower heads 5–6 mm diam., 9–15-flowered; erect shrubs or trees 2–10 m high. Back to 203 | Acacia rubida |
205 | Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, apex obtuse (or rarely subacute) and upwardly curved, well-separated on branchlets, glabrous and with 2–5 glands scattered along margin; flower heads bright yellow on a ± zigzagged axis. | Acacia gladiiformis |
| Without the above combination of characters. Back to 203 | 206 |
206 | Phyllodes usually >20 times as long as broad. | 207 |
| Phyllodes usually <20 times as long as broad. Back to 205 | 210 |
207 | Phyllodes glabrous. | 208 |
| Phyllodes hairy. Back to 206 | 209 |
208 | Pods 4–6 mm wide; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, tapered into a shortly curved mucro; 1 small gland at least 15 mm above base; recorded only from the Broken Hill district. | Acacia rivalis |
| Pods 8–13 mm wide; seeds transverse; phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, apex obtuse with a short mucro; usually with 2 small glands, 1 near base and the other at apex; widespread in inland districts, west from the Pilliga Scrub. Back to 207 | Acacia murrayana |
209 | Phyllodes 4–12 mm wide, hairy with silvery hairs; 1–3 glands spread along the margin; pods 6–10 mm wide; widespread, chiefly on the ranges and Slopes, north from Barradine. | Acacia neriifolia |
| Phyllodes 2–3 mm wide, hairy with scattered pale yellow to whitish hairs, at least on midvein and margins; 1 basal gland present and sometimes a second gland near the middle; pods 5–7 mm wide; restricted to the escarpment ranges and gorges, from Guy Fawkes R. N.P. to Apsley Falls (possibly also in Mann R. N.R.). Back to 207 | Acacia ingramii |
210 | Phyllodes usually >12 times as long as broad. | 211 |
| Phyllodes usually <12 times as long as broad. Back to 206 | 215 |
211 | Plants with long drooping branchlets, branchlets strongly zigzagged; pods woody; phyllodes glabrous, and with 2–5 small glands along margin. | Acacia salicina |
| Plants with spreading or short drooping branchlets, branchlets not obviously zigzagged; pods not woody; phyllodes with 1 gland, or if >1 then phyllodes and branchlets silvery hairy. Back to 210 | 212 |
212 | Phyllodes and branchlets hairy with silvery hairs; 1–3 glands spread along the margin; widespread, chiefly on the ranges and Slopes, north from Baradine. | Acacia neriifolia |
| Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous; 1 gland, either at base or above base; chiefly on the coast and ranges, and inland areas south from Sydney. Back to 211 | 213 |
213 | Phyllodes 4–10 cm long; on the ranges, chiefly south from Tumut (ST). | Acacia kettlewelliae |
| Phyllodes usually 10–30 cm long; widespread, especially in coastal districts, but not south of Tumut (NC, CC, SC, ST, SWS). Back to 212 | 214 |
214 | Flower heads cream-coloured to ± white; pods 7–15 mm wide; phyllodes with a marginal gland above base; young racemes not enclosed by imbricate bracts; restricted to the area from Nowra to Bermagui and inland to the Budawang Ra. (SC, ST). | Acacia mabellae |
| Flower heads bright yellow; pods 4–6 mm wide; phyllodes with a marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; young racemes enclosed by imbricate bracts (2–3 mm long and falling early); widespread, naturalized chiefly in coastal districts (NC, CC, SC, ?SWS). Back to 213 | Acacia saligna |
215 | Phyllodes with a mucro, apex acute to ± obtuse. | 216 |
| Phyllodes without a mucro, apex usually ± obtuse or rarely acute. Back to 210 | 227 |
216 | Western species; flower heads bright yellow; inland areas, chiefly west from Cobar district, also near Yetman, | 217 |
| Eastern species, chiefly on the coast and ranges, west to Wellington district; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured or yellow to bright yellow. Back to 215 | 220 |
217 | Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous or rarely branchlets sparsely hairy; glands 2–5, scattered along margin; pods 5–8 mm wide, if 8–10 mm wide then ± moniliform; west from Cobar district (NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP). | 218 |
| Phyllodes and branchlets pubescent with short erect hairs; gland small, c. 2 mm above pulvinus; pods 9–11 mm wide, not moniliform; confined to the Yetman district (NWP). Back to 216 | Acacia jucunda |
218 | Phyllodes with a long-acute apex. | Acacia jennerae |
| Phyllodes with ± obtuse apex Back to 217 | 219 |
219 | Phyllodes usually with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; heads with 15–24 flowers; pods 7–11 m wide, ± moniliform. | Acacia ligulata |
| Phyllodes usually with 2–5 glands along margin; heads with 50–70 flowers; pods 5–7 mm wide, not moniliform. Back to 218 | Acacia beckleri |
220 | Phyllodes with 2–4 glands scattered along margin and margin often indented or angled at least at one of the glands. | 221 |
| Phyllodes with only 1 gland or glands absent. Back to 216 | 222 |
221 | Phyllodes usually acute; pods 4–6 mm wide; heads 6–12-flowered; widespread, chiefly on the ranges (CC, NT, CT, ST, CWS). | Acacia amoena |
| Phyllodes obtuse; pods 5–8 mm wide; heads 12–25-flowered; chiefly confined to the escarpment ranges SE of Cooma (SC, ST). Back to 220 | Acacia kydrensis |
222 | Phyllodes with 1 gland about 1–2 cm above base and gland prominently exserted. | Acacia prominens |
| Glands if present not prominently exserted. Back to 220 | 223 |
223 | Heads with 2–8 flowers. | Acacia myrtifolia |
| Heads 12–45 flowers. Back to 222 | 224 |
224 | Flower heads bright to mid yellow; pods usually 5–10 mm wide. | 225 |
| Flower heads pale yellow to ± white; pods usually 10–23 mm wide. Back to 223 | 226 |
225 | Phyllodes mostly oblanceolate, glabrous; branchlets glabrous; gland basal and inconspicuous; pods 5–7 mm wide; confined to the Wombeyan Caves area (CT). | Acacia chalkeri |
| Phyllodes ± oblong-elliptic, mostly finely hairy, usually glabrescent with age; branchlets finely hairy; gland 6–15 mm above base; pods 8–12 mm wide; chiefly from Barrington Tops to the Boonoo Boonoo area. (NC, NT). Back to 224 | Acacia barringtonensis |
226 | Phyllode base symmetric, midvein central, margin not prominently indented at gland, lateral veins usually obscure. | Acacia saliciformis |
| Phyllode base asymmetric, midvein acentral, margin prominently indented at gland, gland 5–30 mm above pulvinus, obviously connected to midvein by lateral vein. Back to 224 | Acacia penninervis |
227 | Phyllodes with a strong ± central longitudinal vein and a weaker longitudinal vein near the upper margin. | Acacia difformis |
| Phyllodes with only 1 longitudinal vein visible. Back to 215 | 228 |
228 | Phyllodes ± curved, base usually asymmetric, midvein towards upper margin, margin usually indented or distinctly angled at gland above pulvinus, gland usually prominent and often with a vein leading to the midvein. | 229 |
| Phyllodes ± straight, base ± symmetrc, midvein ± central, margins not indented or angled at glands (1 or 2 along margins), evenly tapering to base. Back to 227 | 236 |
229 | Phyllodes regularly <4 times as long as broad; pods usually 5–7 mm wide; heads with 25–40 flowers, yellow to bright yellow; restricted to area between Bermagui and Tathra (SC). | Acacia pedina |
| Without the above combination of characters and distribution. Back to 228 | 230 |
230 | Pods 4–8 mm wide; seeds longitudinal. | 231 |
| Pods usually 8–25 mm wide; seeds transverse, oblique or longitudinal. Back to 229 | 232 |
231 | Heads with usually 40–80 flowers, bright yellow; peduncles and inflorescence axes glabrous. | Acacia pycnantha |
| Heads with 12–20 flowers, pale yellow to cream-coloured; peduncles and inflorescence axes hairy with fawn-coloured hairs. Back to 230 | Acacia falcata |
232 | Peduncles ± hairy with short appressed yellowish hairs. | 233 |
| Peduncles usually glabrous, rarely hairy and then hairs not yellowish. Back to 230 | 234 |
233 | Flower heads appearing July-Oct.; funicle shortish, folded under seed, not more than half encircling it; phyllodes mostly green, oblong-oblanceolate to oblong-obovate or obovate, mostly curved, 8–22 cm long, 12–40 mm wide, branchlets brown, sometimes ± pruinose; widespread species (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, SWP). | Acacia falciformis |
| Flower heads appearing Jan.-Mar.; funicle elongated, completely or almost completely encircling seed; phyllodes glaucous or subglaucous, obovate, oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, smoothly curved (not oblong), 5–14 cm long, 8–30 mm wide; branchlets glaucous to pruiunose; confined to the granite ranges of NE N.S.W. (NC, NT). Back to 232 | Acacia nova-anglica J.B.Williams ms. (Williams 97011) |
234 | Flower heads pale yellow to ± white; widespread species, from coastal districts to inland districts (NC, CC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, NWP). | Acacia penninervis |
| Flower heads bright yellow to yellow; chiefly on the ranges, south from the Goulburn R. valley (CT, ST, CWS). Back to 232 | 235 |
235 | Pulvinus c. 2 mm long; pods 7–12 mm wide; inflorecence axis 1.5–5 cm long, ± straight; heads with 15–25 flowers. | Acacia obtusata |
| Pulvinus 4–7 mm long; pods usually 12–25 mm wide; inflorescence axis 1–10 cm long, zigzagged; heads with 20–35 flowers. Back to 234 | Acacia obliquinervia |
236 | Pods 3–7 cm long and 8–14 mm wide; seeds transverse; heads with 45–60 flowers, bright yellow; restricted to the Broken Hill district. | Acacia notabilis |
| Without the above combination of characters and distribution. Back to 228 | 237 |
237 | Phyllodes oblanceolate, tapering to base from near the apex, 3–12 mm wide, secondary veins longitudinally anastomosing, with 1 or 2 glands along margin; flower heads bright yellow; pods 4–6 mm wide. | Acacia hakeoides |
| Phyllodes narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, tapering to apex and base from about a third to halfway below apex, 7–40 mm wide, finely penniveined, with 1 gland above base; flower heads pale yellow to white; pods 5–25 mm wide. Back to 236 | 238 |
238 | Pods 12–25 mm wide; heads with 15–30 flowers; peduncles and inflorescence axes mostly glabrous, rarely appressed-hairy. | Acacia penninervis |
| Pods 5–8 mm wide; heads with 12–20 flowers; peduncles and inflorescence axes hairy with fawn-coloured hairs. Back to 237 | Acacia falcata |
239 | Phyllodes reddish (especially when dried); bipinnate leaves usually still present on mature plants; heads with 7–15 flowers, bright yellow to pale yellow. | 240 |
| Phyllodes not reddish, or if reddish then heads 2–8-flowered and pale yellow to ± white; bipinnate leaves not present on mature plants. Back to 10 | 241 |
240 | Pods strongly curved, 3.5–6 mm wide; funicle not encircling the seed; apex of phyllodes very obtuse but with an abruptly hooked mucro; flower heads 3–4 mm diam., 7–10-flowered; spreading shrubs, mostly <2 m high. | Acacia nana |
| Pods straight, 6–9 mm wide; funicle almost or completely encircling seed; apex of phyllodes gradually acute or acuminate, with a straight or hooked mucro, rarely obtuse-mucronate; flower heads 5–6 mm diam., 9–15-flowered; erect shrubs or trees 2–10 m high. Back to 239 | Acacia rubida |
241 | Mature phyllodes hairy, at least on the margins or midvein; stems sparsely to densely hairy. | 242 |
| Mature phyllodes glabrous or almost so; stems glabrous or sparsely hairy. Back to 239 | 247 |
242 | Phyllodes <3 times as long as broad. | 243 |
| Phyllodes >3 times as long as broad. Back to 241 | 245 |
243 | Stipules caducous; pods glabrous, 3–11 cm long, seeds longitudinal; CT and CWS species. | Acacia vestita |
| Stipules persistent; pods hairy, 1.5–5 cm long, seeds transverse; ST species. Back to 242 | 244 |
244 | Phyllodes ± asymmetrically elliptic to ovate, less than twice as long as broad, margins ± undulate. | Acacia costiniana |
| Phyllodes oblong to oblanceolate, more than twice as long as broad, margins not undulate. Back to 243 | Acacia lucasii |
245 | Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic to elliptic; flower heads globose; pods 7–18 mm wide, glabrous or very finely hairy; widespread in inland districts, west from the Kowmung R. and the upper Hunter Valley. | 246 |
| Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 5–20 mm wide; flower heads ± ovoid; pods 5–8 mm wide, densely hairy; from Newnes district to near Robertson (CT). Back to 242 | Acacia dorothea |
246 | Racemes with 8–26 heads, axis 1.5–5 cm long; pods 7–10 mm wide, glabrous; from the Kowmung R. and adjacent Coxs R. area (CC, CT). | Acacia clunies-rossiae |
| Racemes with 2–4 heads, axis <1.5 cm long; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged; widespread in inland districts, west from the upper Hunter Valley (NC, NWS, CWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP). Back to 245 | Acacia pendula |
247 | Branchlets red-brown, usually sparsely hairy; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost 5–15 mm above base, not strongly indented or angled; heads bright yellow, with 15–30 flowers; peduncles with appressed golden hairs. | Acacia decora |
| Without the above combination of characters. Back to 241 | 248 |
248 | Phyllodes <5 times as long as broad, ± thick and ± rigid, elliptic to ± obovate. | 249 |
| Phyllodes >5 times as long as broad, ± thin and flexible, oblong to oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic. Back to 247 | 257 |
249 | Phyllodes with usually 2–4 prominent marginal glands. | 250 |
| Phyllodes with 1 gland towards base or gland absent. Back to 248 | 251 |
250 | Phyllodes usually acute, with a straight mucro; heads with 6–12 flowers; pods 4–6 mm wide; widespread, chiefly on the ranges. | Acacia amoena |
| Phyllodes obtuse, without a mucro; heads with 12–25 flowers; pods 5–8 mm wide; escarpment ranges SE of Cooma (SC, ST). Back to 249 | Acacia kydrensis |
251 | Immature phyllodes hairy; branchlets hairy. | 252 |
| Immature phyllodes glabrous; branchlets glabrous. Back to 249 | 253 |
252 | Phyllodes mostly 2.5- 6 cm long; pods 7–10 mm wide; racemes with 8–26 flower heads. | Acacia clunies-rossiae |
| Phyllodes usually 1–2.5 cm long; pods 8–15 mm wide; racemes with 3–8 flower heads. Back to 251 | Acacia kybeanensis |
253 | Phyllodes with 1 marginal gland adjacent to pulvinus; heads with 30–50 flowers; pods 7–10 mm wide. | Acacia melvillei |
| Phyllodes without or with 1 marginal gland at least a few mm from the pulvinus; heads with <30 flowers; pods 2.5–8 mm wide. Back to 251 | 254 |
254 | Flower heads pale yellow to white; pods 2.5–5 mm wide; phyllodes usually asymmetric with midvein acentral; phyllodes 2–9 cm long and 5–30 mm wide. | Acacia myrtifolia |
| Flower heads bright yellow; pods 5–15 mm wide; phyllodes symmetric to asymmetric, midvein central or rarely ± acentral; phyllodes 1–4.5 cm long and 3–14 mm wide. Back to 253 | 255 |
255 | Heads with 3–5 flowers; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic. | Acacia lunata |
| Heads with 5–29 flowers; phyllodes mostly elliptic or obovate, rarely ± narrow-elliptic. Back to 254 | 256 |
256 | Branchlets, raceme axes and calyces usually not pruinose; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, ± acute to obtuse, 2–11 mm wide; heads 7–29-flowered. | Acacia buxifolia |
| Branchlets (at least when young), raceme axes and calyces (especially in bud) usually pruinose; phyllodes obovate to elliptic, obtuse, 6–14 mm wide; heads 5–10-flowered. Back to 255 | Acacia leucolobia |
257 | Phyllodes 1–2 mm wide; confined to the Grafton area. | Acacia ruppii |
| Phyllodes >3 mm wide; on the coast and ranges, but not in the Grafton area. Back to 248 | 258 |
258 | Phyllodes glaucous or subglaucous; heads with 5–14 flowers. | 259 |
| Phyllodes green; heads with 15–30 flowers. Back to 257 | 260 |
259 | Phyllodes usually 5–10 mm wide; heads with 5–8 flowers; from Bendethera to Bega district (SC, ST). | Acacia covenyi |
| Phyllodes 3–5 mm wide; heads with 6–14 flowers; in the Newnes area and south from the Snowy Mtns (CT, ST). Back to 258 | Acacia kybeanensis |
260 | Phyllodes 4–16.5 cm long, margins not thickened; pods 7–13 mm wide; widespread in western districts, west from the upper Hunter Valley (NC, NWS, CWS, SWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP). | Acacia salicina |
| Phyllodes 2.5–6 cm long, margins thickened; pods 5–7 mm wide; confined to limestone near the Wombeyan Caves (CT). Back to 258 | Acacia chalkeri |
261 | Mature phyllodes hairy, at least on the margins or midvein. | 262 |
| Mature phyllodes glabrous or almost so. Back to 10 | 273 |
262 | Phyllodes usually <5 cm long. | 263 |
| Phyllodes >5 cm long. Back to 261 | 264 |
263 | Branchlets densely hairy; phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, 1–2.5 cm long, hairy; 1–3 flower heads in axils or on axillary axis 6–10 mm long; north from the Torrington district. | Acacia torringtonensis |
| Branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy; phyllodes ± linear to narrow-lanceolate, 2–5 cm long, hairy mainly on the margins; 8–25 flower heads in racemes usually 2.5–7.5 cm long; widespread on the coast and ranges, west to Inverell district. Back to 262 | Acacia fimbriata |
264 | Phyllodes usually <3 mm wide. | 265 |
| Phyllodes mostly >3 mm wide. Back to 262 | 268 |
265 | Phyllodes with 1 vein and with a prominent basal gland; heads with 14–23 flowers; raceme axis usually 2.5–5 cm long; pods irregularly twisted; NT species. | Acacia ingramii |
| Phyllodes with >1 vein, basal gland small or absent; heads with 25–50 flowers; raceme axis 0.1–2.5 cm long; pods straight to curved; western species. Back to 264 | 266 |
266 | Phyllodes 15–35 cm long. | Acacia coriacea |
| Phyllodes 5–14 cm long. Back to 265 | 267 |
267 | Phyllodes ± compressed terete, 1–2 mm wide; pods 2–5 mm wide; flower heads onsimple axillary peduncles or an axillary axis 1–5 mm long. | Acacia loderi |
| Phyllodes linear to very narrow-elliptic, 2–7 mm wide; pods 5–7 mm wide; flower heads on an axillary axis 1–20 mm long. Back to 266 | Acacia calcicola |
268 | Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, margin usually prominently indented at gland, usually at least 10 mm above base; heads ± ovoid; confined to the Blue Mtns, from Newnes to near Robertson. | Acacia dorothea |
| Phyllodes ± linear to elliptic, rarely ± oblanceolate, glands 1–3, usually inconspicuous; heads globose; western species, chiefly on the Slopes and ranges north from Burrinjuck. Back to 264 | 269 |
269 | Raceme axis 3–9 cm long; pods glabrous. | 270 |
| Raceme axis 0.1–2.5 cm long; pods finely hairy. Back to 268 | 271 |
270 | Heads with 12–20 flowers; phyllodes mostly 5–8 cm long and 3–5 mm wide, bluish green, with 1 small gland near base; chiefly flowers July to Oct. | Acacia caesiella |
| Heads with 20–40 flowers; phyllodes mostly 8–15 cm long and 6–12 mm wide, silvery, with 1–3 glands along margin; chiefly flowers from Nov. to Jan., but occasionally July and Aug. Back to 269 | Acacia neriifolia |
271 | Pods 8–20 mm wide, not moniliform, margins winged; phyllodes 4–10 mm wide, ± curved, with asymmetric base; stipules persistent. | Acacia pendula |
| Pods 5–7 mm wide, moniliform, not winged; phyllodes 2–7 mm wide, straight to slightly curved, with symmetric base; stipules caducous. Back to 269 | 272 |
272 | Raceme axis 0.1–0.3 cm long; west of Enngonia and south to Willandra Creek (SWS, NFWP). | Acacia cana |
| Raceme axis 1–2 cm long; extreme NW of the State near Tibooburra (NFWP). Back to 271 | Acacia calcicola |
273 | Phyllodes reddish, bipinnate leaves sometimes present on mature growth. | Acacia latisepala |
| Phyllodes not reddish, bipinnate leaves usually not present on mature growth. Back to 261 | 274 |
274 | Young racemes enclosed by imbricate bracts c. 5 mm long; flower heads pale yellow to almost white; pods 6–17 mm wide; phyllodes 5–15 cm long and usually 3–8 mm wide and ± subglaucous. | 275 |
| Without the above combination of characters. Back to 273 | 276 |
275 | Pods 2–5 cm long, 8–19 mm wide; seeds transverse; heads 3–10-flowered; peduncles 1–5 mm long; racemes with 5–10 heads; widespread on the coast and ranges. | Acacia suaveolens |
| Pods 5–13 cm long, 6–12 mm wide; seeds longitudinal; heads 12–17-flowered; peduncles 6–10 mm long; racemes with 12–17 heads; phyllodes with 1 gland 5–10 mm above base; often cultivated, occasionally naturalized. Back to 274 | Acacia iteaphylla |
276 | Phyllodes regularly <5 cm long. | 277 |
| Phyllodes mostly >5 cm long. Back to 274 | 284 |
277 | Phyllodes 0.4–2 mm wide; branchlets not reddish brown; heads with either 4–12 or >30 flowers, pale yellow to ± white or yellow to bright yellow. | 278 |
| Phyllodes mostly 2–5 mm wide (range 1.5–7 mm); branchlets usually reddish brown; heads with 15–25 flowers, bright yellow. Back to 276 | 281 |
278 | Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate; heads with 30–35 flowers, bright yellow; confined to the Grafton district (NC). | Acacia ruppii |
| Phyllodes ± linear; heads with 4–12 flowers, dark to pale yellow to ± white; south from the Hunter Valley (NC, CC, CT). Back to 277 | 279 |
279 | Midvein usually visible; branchlets mostly glabrous; heads with 5–12 flowers; south from the Hunter Valley (NC, CC, CT, ST). | 280 |
| Midvein not visible; branchlets with short stiff hairs; heads usually with 4–6 flowers; confined to the Lithgow and Orange districts (CT). Back to 278 | Acacia meiantha |
280 | Flower heads pale yellow to ± white; pods 8–15 mm wide; from the Hunter Valley to the Narooma district (NC, CC, CT). | Acacia linifolia |
| Flower heads bright yellow; pods 4–6 mm wide; south from Cooma (ST). Back to 279 | Acacia boormanii |
281 | Branches sparsely hairy; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost 5–15 mm above base; peduncles with appressed golden hairs; widespread in western districts, but chiefly on the Western Slopes. | Acacia decora |
| Branchlets glabrous; gland absent or 1 along margin; peduncles glabrous or very sparsely hairy with whitish hairs; chiefly south and east from near Rylstone, also near Jerilderie. Back to 277 | 282 |
282 | Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic; peduncles 1–5 mm long; racemes with 7–14 heads; south from Tumut, chiefly in the Kybean Ra. (ST). | Acacia kettlewelliae |
| Phyllodes ± oblanceolate; peduncles 2–4 mm long; racemes with 2–7 heads; north and west from the Budawang Ra. Back to 281 | 283 |
283 | Phyllodes usually 3–5 mm wide; pods 7–10 mm wide, not moniliform; from Rylstone district to the Budawang Ra. (SC, CT, ST). | Acacia hamiltoniana |
| Phyllodes 1.5–3 mm wide; pods 3–3.5 mm wide, ± moniliform; from near Jerilderie and possibly near Bourke (SWP, NWP). Back to 282 | Acacia williamsonii |
284 | Immature phyllodes hairy; branchlets hairy. | 285 |
| Immature phyllodes glabrous; branchlets glabrous or hairy. Back to 276 | 289 |
285 | Inflorescences with axis 2–9 cm long. | 286 |
| Inflorescences with axis 0.2–1.5 cm long. Back to 284 | 287 |
286 | Heads with 12–20 flowers; phyllodes mostly 5–8 cm long and 3–5 mm wide, bluish green, with 1 small gland near base; chiefly flowers July to Oct. | Acacia caesiella |
| Heads with 20–40 flowers; phyllodes mostly 8–15 cm long and 5–12 mm wide, usually silvery, with 1–3 glands along margin; chiefly flowers from Nov. to Jan., but occasionally July and Aug. Back to 285 | Acacia neriifolia |
287 | Stipules usually persistent; peduncles hairy; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged. | Acacia pendula |
| Stipules caducous; peduncles glabrous or hairy; pods 7–10 mm wide, not winged. Back to 285 | 288 |
288 | Phyllodes usually ± curved; flower heads bright yellow, with 30–50 flowers; seeds transverse. | Acacia melvillei |
| Phyllodes mostly ± straight; flower heads pale yellow or whitish, with 15–30 flowers; seeds longitudinal. Back to 287 | Acacia cambagei |
289 | Branchlets hairy. | 290 |
| Branchlets glabrous or rarely scurfy from small scales. Back to 284 | 291 |
290 | Phyllodes ± very narrow-elliptic to ± linear, 2–10 mm wide, midvein prominent; heads with 30–45 flowers; in the Broken Hill area (NFWP). | Acacia rivalis |
| Phyllodes ± terete, 0.4–1.2 mm wide, midvein not visible; heads usually with 4–6 flowers; confined to the Lithgow and Orange districts (CT). Back to 289 | Acacia meiantha |
291 | Phyllodes neither terete nor ± linear, mostly ± oblong to ± elliptic or oblanceolate, <20 times as long as broad, mostly 3–20 mm wide. | 292 |
| Phyllodes ± compressed-terete to ± linear or very narrow-oblanceolate, >20 times as long as broad, 1–5 mm wide. Back to 289 | 302 |
292 | Phyllodes with 2–5 glands spread along the margin. | 293 |
| Phyllodes without glands, or only 1 gland present. Back to 291 | 296 |
293 | Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, apex obtuse (or rarely subacute), margins thickened, upwardly curved and well-separated on branchlets; flower heads bright yellow, 6–12 on a ± zigzagged axis. | Acacia gladiiformis |
| Without the above combination of characters. Back to 292 | 294 |
294 | Phyllodes mostly 5–12 mm wide; heads 15–30-flowered; pods 7–13 mm wide. | 295 |
| Phyllodes 8–20 mm wide; heads 50–70-flowered; pods 5–6 mm wide. Back to 293 | Acacia beckleri |
295 | Phyllodes green, thick, wrinkled when dry, usually with a straight mucro; pods ± woody, constricted between the seeds, surfaces ± smooth, easily breaking into 1-seeded segments; flower heads bright yellow. | Acacia ligulata |
| Phyllodes greyish, flaccid, not wrinkled when dry, without or with an oblique or hooked mucro; pods not deeply constricted between the seeds, surfaces rough, not breaking into 1-seeded segments; flower heads pale yellow to ± white. Back to 294 | Acacia salicina |
296 | Restricted to the ranges south from Tumut (ST); branchlets reddish brown. | Acacia kettlewelliae |
| Western species, widespread, chiefly west from the Hunter Valley, also in coastal districts, not in the ST; branchlets not reddish brown. Back to 292 | 297 |
297 | Plants with long drooping branchlets, branchlets usually zigzagged; pods ± woody; phyllodes glabrous and with 2–5 small glands along margin. | Acacia salicina |
| Plants with spreading or short drooping branchlets, branchlets not obviously zigzagged; pods not woody; phyllodes finely hairy to glabrous, with 1 gland, or if >1 then phyllodes and branchlets silvery hairy. Back to 296 | 298 |
298 | Phyllodes finely hairy; stipules usually persistent; peduncles hairy; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged. | Acacia pendula |
| Phyllodes glabrous or mostly glabrous; stipules caducous; peduncles glabrous or hairy; pods 4–12 mm wide, not winged. Back to 297 | 299 |
299 | Phyllodes mostly 10–30 cm long and 10–50 mm wide; pods 4–6 mm wide. | Acacia saligna |
| Phyllodes usually 4–12 cm long and 2–10 mm wide; pods usually 7–12 mm wide. Back to 298 | 300 |
300 | Pods 4–6 mm wide; flower heads usually 4–12 in an axillary raceme 1.5–4 cm long. | Acacia rivalis |
| Pods usually 7–10 mm wide; flower heads 2–20 on an axillary axis 2–9 mm long; Back to 299 | 301 |
301 | Phyllodes usually ± curved; flower heads bright yellow, with 30–50 flowers; seeds ± transverse. | Acacia melvillei |
| Phyllodes mostly ± straight; flower heads pale yellow or whitish, with 15–30 flowers; seeds longitudinal. Back to 300 | Acacia cambagei |
302 | Phyllodes with 1–3 glands spread along the margin. | 303 |
| Phyllodes without or with only 1 marginal gland. Back to 291 | 305 |
303 | Heads with 20–30 flowers; pods 5–7.5 mm wide; south from the Hunter Valley (CT, CWS, SWS). | Acacia linearifolia |
| Heads with 10–20 flowers; pods 10–13 mm wide; north from Deepwater and Torrington districts (NC, NT, NWS). Back to 302 | 304 |
304 | Peduncles 3–4 mm long, glabrous; raceme axis 2.5–3.5 cm long, with 8–11 heads; basal gland rounded and ± protruding, usually about 3–4 cm from base. | Acacia adunca |
| Peduncles 2–5 mm long, pubescent; raceme axis 3–5 cm long, with 5–9 heads; basal gland ± elongated and depressed, usually 1–2.5 cm from base. Back to 303 | Acacia macnuttiana |
305 | Phyllodes ± terete or 4-angled, sometimes ± compressed, 0.5–1.5 mm wide, usually >30 times as long as broad, green. | 306 |
| Phyllodes ± linear, usually >1.5 mm wide (range 1–5 mm), mostly <30 times as long as broad, glaucous, greyish or green. Back to 302 | 307 |
306 | Phyllodes thin and flexible; heads with 30–40 flowers; inflorescences with axis 0.5–2 cm long; chiefly from Nymagee to Griffith (CWS, SWP). | Acacia calamifolia |
| Phyllodes thick and leathery; heads with 12–20 flowers; inflorescences with axis 2.5–4 cm long; from the upper Hunter valley to Dubbo and Warialda (NWS, CWS, NWP). Back to 305 | Acacia subulata |
307 | Far-western species, west from Cobar and Jerilderie districts; pods 3–6 mm wide, ± moniliform | 308 |
| Widespread species, from the escarpment ranges west to the Warrumbungle N.P. and the Torrington district (NC, NT, CT, ST, NWS); pods 4–12 mm wide, not moniliform or sometimes scarcely moniliform. Back to 305 | 309 |
308 | Inflorescences with axis <1 cm long; peduncles 3–8 mm long; phyllodes usually 2.5–5 mm wide, very narrow-elliptic; pods finely hairy with appressed hairs. | Acacia cana |
| Inflorescences with axis 1–3 cm long; peduncles 2–3 mm long; phyllodes usually 1.5–2.5 mm wide, narrow-oblanceolate; pods glabrous. Back to 307 | Acacia williamsonii |
309 | South from the Blue Mtns (CT, ST). | 310 |
| North from the Hunter Valley (NC, NT, NWS). Back to 307 | 311 |
310 | Phyllodes 1–3 mm wide; racemes with axis 1–4 cm long; heads with 5–10 flowers; funicle short, not encircling seed; on the ranges south from Cooma district (ST). | Acacia boormanii |
| Phyllodes 3–5 mm wide; racemes with axis 4–6 cm long; heads with 20–30 flowers; funicle ± encircling seed; restricted to the Blue Mtns (CT). Back to 309 | Acacia flocktoniae |
311 | Confined to the escarpment ranges east of Tenterfield (NC, NT); phyllodes with marginal gland exserted; flower heads pale yellow to white. | Acacia floydii |
| On Slopes and ranges west of Tenterfield or if east of Tenterfield flower heads bright yellow and phyllodes with 1–3 marginal glands, but glands not exserted. Back to 309 | 312 |
312 | Pods 8–13 mm wide; heads with 10–16 flowers. | 313 |
| Pods 5–7 mm wide; headsusually with 16–30 flowers. Back to 311 | 314 |
313 | Racemes with 5–9 heads; flower heads bright yellow; pods 10–13 mm wide; chiefly recorded for Boonoo Boonoo N.P. and the Torrington district. | Acacia macnuttiana |
| Racemes with 10–15 heads; flower heads pale coloured; pods 8–10 mm wide; restricted to Pindari Dam. Back to 312 | Acacia acrionastes |
314 | Pods usually 6–15 cm long; seeds with short funicle, not encircling seed, whitish; flower heads bright to pale yellow; chiefly in the Torrington district. | Acacia betchei |
| Pods usually 5–8 cm long; seeds with funicle ± encircling seed, reddish; racemes with axis 2–3 cm long; flower heads bright yellow; confined to the Warrumbungle N.P. Back to 312 | Acacia forsythii |
315 | Phyllodes >3 mm wide. | 316 |
| Phyllodes <3 mm wide. Back to 11 | 320 |
316 | Branchlets ± angled or flattened, glabrous or sparsely hairy; phyllodes ± obtuse; pods 2–4 mm wide, ± straight, curved to twisted or coiled. | 317 |
| Branchlets ± terete, densely hairy; phyllodes ± acute; pods 6–10 mm wide, straight. Back to 315 | 319 |
317 | Branchlets and phyllodes resinous; heads with 35–50 flowers; peduncles subtended by ovate bracts c. 2 mm long, usually persisting at least till flowers open; pods ± straight. | Acacia ausfeldii |
| Branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; heads with 8–25 flowers; peduncles not subtended by ovate bracts; pods curved to twisted or coiled. Back to 316 | 318 |
318 | Phyllodes 2–7 cm long, glabrous; peduncles shorter than the phyllodes; pods 2–3 mm wide, curved or twisted. | Acacia microcarpa |
| Phyllodes 0.5–2 cm long, hairy; peduncles usually longer than the phyllodes; pods 3–4 mm wide, twisted or coiled many times. Back to 317 | Acacia acinacea |
319 | Phyllodes hispid with short stiff hairs to ± glabrous, margins thickened with prominent tuberculate-based hairs, with a marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode; pods glabrous, 1- or 2-seeded; widespread north from Nowra (NC, CC, SC, NT, NWS). | Acacia hispidula |
| Phyllodes sparsely to moderately hairy with ± straight to crisped appressed hairs, margins not thickened, with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; pods hairy, 2–7-seeded; from Captains Flat to Bombabla district (ST). Back to 316 | Acacia costiniana |
320 | Phyllodes ± terete or angled, 0.4–1.5 mm wide, venation usually obscure. | 321 |
| Phyllodes ± flat, 1–3 mm wide, 1 longitudinal vein prominent or sometimes all veins obscure. Back to 315 | 327 |
321 | Phyllodes 1.5–4.5 cm long; widespread north and west from Gulgong area and in the Torrington-Emmaville district (NT, NWS, CWS, NWP). | 322 |
| Phyllodes usually 0.3–1.5 cm long, not conspicuously grooved when dried; widespread species (NC, CC, NT, NWS). Back to 320 | 323 |
322 | Phyllodes without a longitudinal groove, veins absent or midvein slightly raised, lower margin not broader than upper margin; chiefly in the Pilliga Scrub and south to Gulgong area (NWS, CWS, NWP). | Acacia pilligaensis |
| Phyllodes with a longitudinal groove when dried, lower margin slightly broader than upper margin; rare, confined to the Torrington-Emmaville district (NT, NWS). Back to 321 | Acacia burbidgeae |
323 | Phyllodes regularly whorled, whorls usually >1 cm apart; marginal gland absent. | Acacia baueri |
| Phyllodes not regularly whorled, scattered or clustered or irregularly whorled; marginal gland basal, small or inconspicuous or rarely absent. Back to 321 | 324 |
324 | Peduncles 2–4 mm long; heads usually with 8–10 flowers; pods 1–2.5 cm long and 2.5–4 mm wide; marginal gland absent. | Acacia baueri |
| Peduncles 5–16 mm long; heads with 16–38 flowers; pods usually >2.5 cm long and 6–15 mm wide; marginal gland present but inconspicuous. Back to 323 | 325 |
325 | Phyllodes smooth, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, not tuberculate-based; north from Glen Innes district (NC, NT, NWS). | 326 |
| Phyllodes warty, at first hairy with tuberculate-based hairs, then becoming glabrous; confined to the lower Blue Mtns and Glenorie district (CC). Back to 324 | Acacia gordonii |
326 | Flower heads ± white to bright yellow, with 20–27 flowers; branchlets sparsely hairy with longish crisped hairs or densely hairy with very short hairs; phyllodes glabrous. | Acacia brunioides |
| Flower heads bright yellow, with 32–38 flowers; branchlets densely hairy with longish crisped hairs; phyllodes with hairs confined to lower edge. Back to 325 | Acacia beadleana |
327 | Branchlets modified into spines; phyllodes obcuneate, 2–8 mm long, without marginal glands. | Acacia acanthoclada |
| Branchlet tips not modified into spines; phyllodes ± linear to narrow-elliptic or narrow-oblanceolate, 7–25 mm long, with marginal gland near the pulvinus, often inconspicuous, or rarely absent. Back to 320 | 328 |
328 | Phyllodes with 1 longitudinal vein prominent. | 329 |
| Phyllodes with obscure venation. Back to 327 | 335 |
329 | Midvein ± central along phyllode. | 330 |
| Midvein not central, closer to one of the margins. Back to 328 | 333 |
330 | Phyllodes and branchlets ± resinous, with simple and glandular hairs. | Acacia aspera |
| Phyllodes and branchlets not resinous, with simple but not glandular hairs, or phyllodes glabrous. Back to 329 | 331 |
331 | Phyllodes mostly >2 mm wide; recorded only from Parkes district (CWS). | Acacia centrinervia |
| Phyllodes mostly <2 mm wide; more widespread species (NWS, CWS, NWP). Back to 330 | 332 |
332 | Phyllodes 1.5–4 cm long, mostly >2.5 cm long; peduncles 2–6 mm long; in the Pilliga Scrub and south to Gulgong (NWS, CWS, NWP). | Acacia pilligaensis |
| Phyllodes mostly 1–2.5 cm long; peduncles 3–10 mm long; north from the Bourke district (NWP). Back to 331 | Acacia johnsonii |
333 | Midvein closer to the lower margin, phyllodes grooved; phyllodes >10 times as long as broad, 1.5–4.5 cm long. | Acacia burbidgeae |
| Midvein closer to the upper margin, phyllodes not grooved; phyllodes <10 times as long as abroad, 0.7–2.5 cm long. Back to 329 | 334 |
334 | Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, straight or slightly curved, sparsely hairy to glabrous; heads with 10–18 flowers; peduncles 5–12 mm long. | Acacia lineata |
| Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, bent upwards just above the pulvinus at the gland, glabrous; heads with 4–10 flowers; peduncles 2–4 mm long. Back to 333 | Acacia flexifolia |
335 | Peduncles 3–11 mm long; pods 4–6 mm wide, strongly curved or twisted, hairy; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes without or with 1 marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode. | Acacia torringtonensis |
| Peduncles 6–15 mm long; pods 9–20 mm wide, straight, glabrous and glaucous; seeds transverse; phyllodes with 1 inconspicuous marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus. Back to 328 | 336 |
336 | Young phyllodes glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, peduncles c. 0.2 mm diam. and sparsely hairy; pods 10–15 mm wide; chiefly north from Warialda and Moree (NWS, NWP). | Acacia conferta |
| Young phyllodes pubescent, peduncles c. 0.5 mm diam. and pubescent; pods mostly 8–10 mm wide; widespread, north from Katoomba and Hillston, chiefly on the Slopes (NC, CT, NWS, CWS, NWP, SWP). Back to 335 | Acacia mariae |
337 | Heads ± ovoid. | 338 |
| Heads globose. Back to 11 | 341 |
338 | Bark curling off in narrow strips; phyllodes ± terete, 13–18 cm long, 0.5–1 mm wide. | Acacia curranii |
| Bark not curling; phyllodes linear to very narrow-elliptic, 2.5–25 cm long, 1–5 mm wide. Back to 337 | 339 |
339 | Phyllodes mostly 2.5–10 cm long; southern and central Slopes species. | 340 |
| Phyllodes usually 10–25 cm long; northern species (NC, NT, NWS). Back to 338 | Acacia granitica |
340 | Phyllodes ± linear, 5–10 cm long, 1–2 mm wide; branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; pods hairy; south from the Holbrook district (SWS). | Acacia phasmoides |
| Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 2.5–5 cm long; 2–5 mm wide; branchlets and phyllodes resinous; pods glabrous; chiefly in the Dubbo, Gilgandra and Mendooran area (CWS). Back to 339 | Acacia ixodes |
341 | Phyllodes mostly >2 mm wide (usually 2–10 mm wide), flat, linear to lanceolate, elliptic or oblanceolate or ± ovate, usually <13 times as long as broad, usually with only 1 prominent longitudinal vein visible. | 342 |
| Phyllodes <2 mm wide (usually 0.5–1.5 mm wide), ± terete or angled, usually >13 times as long as broad, no venation visible, though sometimes longitudinally ribbed when dry. Back to 337 | 354 |
342 | Branchlets resinous and phyllodes usually resinous and dotted with resin glands. | 343 |
| Branchlets and phyllodes not resinous, phyllodes not dotted with resin glands. Back to 341 | 348 |
343 | Phyllodes usually <10 times as long as broad, 1–6 cm long. | 344 |
| Phyllodes mostly >10 times as long as broad; usually 2–14 cm long. Back to 342 | 346 |
344 | Phyllodes with 2 glands, 1 near the apex and one near the base; heads with 20–30 flowers. | Acacia ixodes |
| Phyllodes with only a basal gland; heads with 30–50 flowers. Back to 343 | 345 |
345 | Phyllodes 1–4 cm long, ± hairy, apex ± pungent-pointed; pods hairy, curved, twisted or coiled. | Acacia aspera |
| Phyllodes 2–7 cm long, glabrous, apex ± obtuse with a mucro but not pungent; pods glabrous, ± straight. Back to 344 | Acacia ausfeldii |
346 | Pods 3–4 mm wide; phyllodes with 1 gland towards base; phyllodes with midvein only, sometimes with a secondary vein formed by the coalescing of the lateral veins; more restricted species (CC, SC, CT, ST). | 347 |
| Pods 4–6 mm wide; phyllodes with 1–4 glands along margin; phyllodes with a midvein and a less prominent longitudinal vein near the upper margin; widespread species (CC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, SWS, SWP). Back to 343 | Acacia verniciflua |
347 | Phyllodes usually 1–3.5 mm wide; heads 10–25-flowered; south from the Nowra district (CC, SC, ST). | Acacia cognata |
| Phyllodes mostly 5–15 mm wide; heads 20–40-flowered; Western Blue Mtns (CT). Back to 346 | Acacia leprosa |
348 | Phyllodes 1–3 cm long, margins with prominent tuberculate-based hairs; pods 6–10 mm wide, 1 or 2-seeded. | Acacia hispidula |
| Phyllodes 2–14 cm long (usually >3 cm long), margins not as above, ± smooth; pods 3–6 mm wide; >2-seeded. Back to 342 | 349 |
349 | Phyllodes with 1 or 2 marginal glands near the middle. | 350 |
| Phyllodes with 1 marginal gland near the base. Back to 348 | 351 |
350 | Phyllodes 2–7 cm long; heads 1–4 on axillary peduncles, each with 14–25 flowers; pods 2–3 mm wide, twisted; western species (CWS, SWP, SFWP). | Acacia microcarpa |
| Phyllodes 4–14 cm long; heads in racemes or rarely on axillary peduncles, each with 30–45 flowers; pods 4–6 mm wide, ± straight; Broken Hill district (NFWP). Back to 349 | Acacia rivalis |
351 | Branchlets densely hairy; phyllodes finely hairy; pods 4–6 mm wide; western species (SWS, NFWP). | 352 |
| Branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy; phyllodes mostly glabrous; pods 1.5–4 mm wide; widespread species but not in NFWP or SWS. Back to 349 | 353 |
352 | Inflorescences with axis usually 1–3 mm long, rarely to 10 mm; west of Enngonia and south to Willandra Creek (SWS, NFWP). | Acacia cana |
| Inflorescences with axis 1–20 mm long; extreme NW of the State near Tibooburra (NFWP). Back to 351 | Acacia calcicola |
353 | Phyllodes 5–10 mm wide (occasionally 20); heads with 28–55 flowers; pods twisted, 1.5–3 mm wide; western species (CWS, SWP, SFWP). | Acacia halliana |
| Phyllodes 2–3 mm wide; heads with 20–30 flowers; pods ± straight, 3–4 mm wide; north-eastern species (NC, NT). Back to 351 | Acacia juncifolia |
354 | Most phyllodes <4 cm long. | 355 |
| Most phyllodes >4 cm long. Back to 341 | 357 |
355 | Pods ± straight to slightly curved, 3–4 mm wide, glabrous; phyllodes usually 1.5–4 cm long, apex subacute to acute. | 356 |
| Pods usually twisted or coiled, 2–3 mm wide, ± minutely hairy; phyllodes mostly 3–13 cm long, apex pungent-pointed to acute. Back to 354 | Acacia rigens |
356 | Peduncles 4–10 mm long; phyllodes with a longitudinal groove when dried; rare, confined to the Torrington-Emmaville district. | Acacia burbidgeae |
| Peduncles 2–6 mm long; phyllodes not grooved; widespread on the Slopes, chiefly south from the Pilliga Scrub. Back to 355 | Acacia pilligaensis |
357 | Phyllodes with 1 marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode, and phyllode usually incurved ± abruptly at gland; flowers 4-merous. | Acacia havilandiorum |
| Phyllodes with a marginal gland near the base (1–10 mm from base), phyllodes ± straight or evenly curved; flowers 5-merous. Back to 354 | 358 |
358 | Gland on phyllode 5–10 mm above base; phyllode apex ± hooked; flower heads usually in racemes with axis 5–20 mm long. | Acacia calamifolia |
| Glands on phyllodes <4 mm from base; phyllode apex not prominently hooked; flower heads on axillary peduncles or on axillary axis <1 mm long. Back to 357 | 359 |
359 | Pods ± minutely hairy, 2–3 mm wide, strongly curved, twisted or coiled; phyllodes 1–1.5 mm wide. | Acacia rigens |
| Pods ± glabrous, 4–6 mm wide, ± straight; phyllodes c. 1 mm wide. Back to 358 | 360 |
360 | Phyllodes usually 4–8 cm long; pods 3.5–5 mm wide, not moniliform; in the Blue Mtns from near Woodford to Mt Victoria (CC, CT). | Acacia ptychoclada |
| Phyllodes mostly 8–20 cm long; pods 3–4 mm wide, ± moniliform; widespread north of Glenbrook and extending inland (NC, CC, NWS, NWP). Back to 359 | Acacia juncifolia |
361 | Pinnules mostly >2 cm long. | 362 |
| Pinnules <2 cm long. Back to 12 | 363 |
362 | Pinnules lanceolate, mostly 2.5–5 cm long; leaves with rachis mostly 5–22 cm long; pods 10–15 mm wide; Bellinger R. to the Budawang Ra. (NC, CC, NT, CT). | Acacia elata |
| Pinnules ± narrow-elliptic, usually 1–2.5 cm long; leaves with rachis usually 1–5 cm long: pods 7–11 mm wide; confined to Bega district (SC). Back to 361 | Acacia blayana |
363 | Lower surface of the pinnules distinctly paler than the upper surface. | 364 |
| Lower surface of the pinnules ± the same colour as the upper surface. Back to 361 | 366 |
364 | Petioles 0.7–4 cm long; leaves with usually 2–6 pairs of pinnae; pinnules mostly flat. | Acacia terminalis |
| Leaves ± sessile or with petiole to 0.5 cm long; most leaves with 3–13 pairs of pinnae; pinnules recurved. Back to 363 | 365 |
365 | Branchlets, petioles and inflorescence axes ± terete, mostly ridged but not winged, hairy. | Acacia kulnurensis |
| Branchlets, petioles and inflorescence axes ± tetragonal with conspicuous undulate wings at each angle, ± glabrous. Back to 364 | Acacia alaticaulis |
366 | Branchlets sparsely to densely hairy. | 367 |
| Branchlets glabrous or almost so. Back to 363 | 371 |
367 | Pinnae with usually 11–35 pairs of pinnules, hairy at least on the margins; jugary and interjugary glands usually present on most leaves. | 368 |
| Pinnae with 2–14 pairs of pinnules; pinnules usually glabrous or almost so; jugary glands absent or minute, interjugary glands usually absent or rarely 1 at base of terminal pair of pinnae. Back to 366 | 369 |
368 | Pinnules ± narrow-oblong, ± glabrous with margins appressed-hairy; petiolar, jugary and interjugary (1–7) glands prominent; from Gibraltar Ra. to Nymboida N.P. (NC, NT). | Acacia cangaiensis |
| Pinnules ± lanceolate to ovate, densely silvery-hairy; petiolar, jugary and interjugary (1–3) glands often present, but small; Gloucester district to Howes Valley (NC, CC, CWS). Back to 367 | Acacia fulva |
369 | Leaves with rachis <3 cm long; pods usually twisted, margins often alternately recurved to incurved. | Acacia polybotrya |
| Leaves with rachis usually >3 cm long; pods ± flat and straight. Back to 367 | 370 |
370 | Pinnae with 9–14 pairs of pinnules; stems and leaves often reddish; phyllodes usually present with bipinnate leaves on mature plants. | Acacia rubida |
| Pinnae with 2–8 pairs of pinnules; stems and leaves ± glaucous; phyllodes not present on mature plants. Back to 369 | Acacia spectabilis |
371 | Branchlets distinctly pruinose; pinnae mostly with 12–35 pairs of pinnules; heads with 30–60 flowers. | 372 |
| Branchlets not pruinose; pinnae usually with 4–15 pairs of pinnules; heads with 15–35 flowers. Back to 366 | 373 |
372 | Petioles with 1 prominent elongate gland; flower heads bright yellow; north from Uralla district (NT, NWS). | Acacia pruinosa |
| Petioles with 1 raised orbicular gland; flower heads pale yellow; from Lane Cove R. To Maitland (NC, CC, ?CWS). Back to 371 | Acacia schinoides |
373 | Phyllodes sometimes present on mature plants; petiole 1–4.5 cm long with 1 prominent gland 3–15 mm above base; pinnae 1–3 pairs; heads 2–10, with inflorescence axis 0.6–5 cm long; in the Torrington district and north from Bald Rock (NT). | Acacia latisepala |
| Without the above combination of characters and distribution. Back to 371 | 374 |
374 | Pinnules hairy with appressed hairs, 10–34 mm long; flower heads usually in axillary and terminal panicles; confined to the Bega district (SC). | Acacia blayana |
| Pinnules glabrous or sometimes hairy but hairs not ± appressed, 3–20 mm long; flower heads mostly in axillary racemes, rarely in panicles; widespread in the State, but not in SC. Back to 373 | 375 |
375 | Petioles 1–4 cm long and with a prominent gland, depressed and elongated; pinnae with 6–17 pairs of pinnules. | Acacia debilis |
| Petioles 0.1–1.5 cm long and with an inconspicuous or minute gland (sometimes appearing absent); pinnae with 2–12 pairs of pinnules. Back to 374 | 376 |
376 | Heads with 12–20 flowers; peduncles 3–10 mm long; raceme axis 5–21 cm long; pinnae usually 3–5 pairs (range 2–7); rachis 1–8.5 cm long; pinnules mostly 7–16 mm long and 2.5–5 mm wide, glabrous; single-stemmed shrubs. | Acacia spectabilis |
| Heads with 20–35 flowers; peduncles 1–4 mm long; raceme axis 1–8 cm long; pinnae usually 2 or 3 pairs (range 1–4), rachis 0.5–3 cm long; pinnules usually 4–8 mm long and 1.5–3 mm wide, hairy or glabrous; several-stemmed shrubs. Back to 375 | Acacia polybotrya |
377 | Flower heads on simple axillary peduncles. | 378 |
| Flower heads on extended axillary or terminal racemes or panicles. Back to 12 | 380 |
378 | Stipules usually 5–25 mm long, spinescent; pods 8–17 mm wide, turgid. | Vachellia farnesiana |
| Stipules minute or absent, not spinescent; pods 4–9 mm wide, not turgid. Back to 377 | 379 |
379 | Peduncles 7–17 mm long, solitary in axils; pods glabrous. | Acacia mitchellii |
| Peduncles mostly 3–10 mm long, usually in racemes with 2–12 flower heads and axis zigzagged, rarely some solitary in axils; pods hairy or rarely glabrous. Back to 378 | Acacia leptoclada |
380 | Lower surface of the pinnules distinctly paler than the upper surface. | 381 |
| Lower surface of the pinnules ± the same colour as the upper surface. Back to 377 | 390 |
381 | Leaves with petiole 0.5–5.3 cm long. | 382 |
| Leaves ± sessile or with petiole to 0.5 cm long. Back to 380 | 385 |
382 | Pinnae usually 2–6 pairs (range 1–8); pinnules usually 5–15 pairs (range 5–21), 2–18 mm long, 1–5.5 mm wide; pinnules ± flat. | Acacia terminalis |
| Pinnae mostly 7–25 pairs (range 5–31); pinnules usually 16–60 pairs (range 11–78), 1–10 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide; pinnules recurved or flat. Back to 381 | 383 |
383 | Branchlets often distinctly pruinose; pinnules glabrous to ± hairy. | Acacia leucoclada |
| Branchlets not, or rarely slightly pruinose; pinnules hairy. Back to 382 | 384 |
384 | Pinnules 1.5–3 mm long, upper surface green. | Acacia mearnsii |
| Pinnules 3–10 mm long, upper surface glaucous. Back to 383 | Acacia silvestris |
385 | Pinnules 1–3 mm long, 14–51 pairs; pinnae 7–27 pairs. | 386 |
| Pinnules usually 3–10 mm long, 4–17 pairs; pinnae 1–13 pairs. Back to 381 | 387 |
386 | Leaf rachis with a raised, narrow medial ridge on upper surface; pinnules glabrous; pods 7–12 mm wide, ± flat or slightly raised over seeds (Qld, N.S.W. North Coast) | Acacia oshanesii |
| Leaf rachis with a shallow, medial groove on upper surface; pinnules ciliate; pods 4–6.5 mm wide, discernibly raised over seeds (N.S.W. South Coast) Back to 385 | Acacia yalwalensis |
387 | Jugary glands usually absent, except for 1 at base of terminal pair of pinnae; flower heads cream-coloured to pale yellow; lower Hunter Valley to Mangrove Mtn and Howes Mtn. | 388 |
| Jugary glands present at several pinnae pairs; flower heads yellow to bright yellow; south of Sydney and north of Taree. Back to 385 | 389 |
388 | Stems, petioles and inflorescence axes ± terete, mostly ridged but not winged, hairy; Bucketty to Kulnura and Mangrove Mtn area and possibly near Kurri Kurri (NC, CC) | Acacia kulnurensis |
| Stems, petioles and inflorescence axes ± tetragonal with conspicuous undulate wings at each angle, ± glabrous; restricted to the Howes Mtn area (CC). Back to 387 | Acacia alaticaulis |
389 | Jugary glands absent only at basal pair of pinnae; heads with 8–15 flowers, peduncles ± glabrous; pods 5.5–8 mm wide, ± minutely hairy; south of Sydney in the Bargo, Nowra and Goulburn areas (CC, ?SC, CT, ST). | Acacia jonesii |
| Jugary glands at lowest 1–3 pairs of pinnae and/or upper 1–3 pairs; heads with 15–30 flowers, peduncles golden pubescent; pods 4–6 mm wide, hairy with long fine hairs; inland from Macksville (NC). Back to 387 | Acacia chrysotricha |
390 | Leaves with 1–3 pairs of pinnae; pinnules widely spaced, 4–10 pairs per pinnae, glabrous; confined to the Dubbo to Mudgee area and near Armidale (NT, CWS). | Acacia muelleriana |
| Without the above combination of characters and distribution. Back to 380 | 391 |
391 | Leaves ± sessile or petiole regularly <5 mm long (Note: lowermost pinnae may fall early, so check for scars at base of rachis/petiole). | 392 |
| Leaves with petiole >5 mm long. Back to 390 | 401 |
392 | Leaves strongly glaucous, ash grey-green or bluish; prominent jugary glands except for lowest 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae; inflorescences usually >1.5 times the length of the leaf rachis. | Acacia baileyana |
| Leaves not distinctly glaucous, usually green, sometimes silvery or bluish grey; glands not as above; inflorescences shorter or longer than the length of the leaf rachis. Back to 391 | 393 |
393 | Pinnules 1–2 mm wide. | 394 |
| Pinnules 0.4–1 mm wide. Back to 392 | 395 |
394 | Pinnules ± ovate to elliptic, mostly 4–10 mm long; silvery hairy; pods ± velvety hairy; Gloucester district to Howes Valley (NC, CC, CWS). | Acacia fulva |
| Pinnules ± oblong, mostly 3–4 mm long; finely hairy, with hairs mainly on margins and midvein; pods ± sparsely to moderately hairy; inland from Macksville (NC). Back to 393 | Acacia chrysotricha |
395 | Pinnules 0.8–1.5 mm long and ± ovate to ± circular, minutely warty. | Acacia cardiophylla |
| Pinnules usually 1.5–10 mm long, ± oblong or linear, not warty. Back to 393 | 396 |
396 | Leaves with rachis 1–12 mm long; pinnae 1–5 pairs; pinnules glabrous or ciliate; racemes with 2–12 flower heads and axis zigzagged. | Acacia leptoclada |
| Leaves with rachis 8–65 mm long; pinnae 4–30 pairs, or if only 5 pairs then the rachis of leaves >12 mm long; pinnules glabrous or densely hairy; racemes with mostly 10–50 flower heads, axis not prominently zigzagged. Back to 395 | 397 |
397 | Pinnules silvery to bluish grey, densely hairy, especially on lower surface; widespread species, especially on the ranges and Slopes. | 398 |
| Pinnules ± green, glabrous or hairy, hairs often pale yellowish to grey; south from Lake Conjola (SC, ST). Back to 396 | 399 |
398 | Branchlets angled; mature pinnules sparsely hairy, bluish grey to silvery; glands ± orbicular; pods usually 7–14 mm wide, glabrous, ± pruinose. | Acacia dealbata |
| Branchlets ± terete; mature pinnules ± velvety, silvery grey; glands ± hemispherical; pods 4–7 mm wide, densely silvery- to rusty-hairy. Back to 397 | Acacia mollifolia |
399 | Branchlets with knobbly ridges and minutely hairy; pinnules ± glabrous except for minutely ciliate margins and tuft of hairs at apex; heads with 30–45 flowers; pods 7–10 mm wide, hairy with ± appressed hairs; extreme far south coast (SC). | Acacia constablei |
| Branchlets ± terete, angled or ridged but without knobbly ridges, hairy with long spreading hairs; pinnules glabrous or sparsely hairy; heads with 8–20 flowers; pods 4–8 mm wide, glabrous, ± pruinose; more widespread, south from Lake Conjola (SC, ST). Back to 397 | 400 |
400 | Petiole 1–5 mm long; rachis 2–11 cm long with orbicular jugary glands at least at upper 2–10 pairs of pinnae, interjugary glands ± absent; pinnules usually 15–40 pairs; from Lake Conjola to the Bodalla district (SC, ST). | Acacia trachyphloia |
| Leaves usually sessile; rachis 1.5–6.5 cm long, glands absent or small, often inconspicuous jugary or interjugary glands irregularly present; pinnules usually 5–20 pairs; western Sydney species (CC). Back to 399 | Acacia pubescens |
401 | Pinnules 1–2.2 mm long; pinnae with 50–106 pairs of pinnules; petioles 1.3–3.5 cm long; heads with 7–12 flowers; restricted to the escarpment ranges in the Tuross R. Area (ST). | Acacia olsenii |
| Pinnules usually 2.5–9 mm long; pinnae usually with 7–90 pinnules; petioles 0.5–5.3 cm long; heads with 7–50 flowers; widespread, not restricted as above. Back to 391 | 402 |
402 | Branchlets with knobby ridges and minutely hairy; pinnules ± glabrous except for minutely ciliate margins and tuft of hairs at apex and confined to the extreme far south coast (Nadgee and Disaster Bay areas). | Acacia constablei |
| Branchlets sometimes ridged but not knobbly; pinnules and distribution not as above. Back to 401 | 403 |
403 | Interjugary glands present. | 404 |
| Interjugary glands absent. Back to 402 | 410 |
404 | Pinnules >1 mm wide; young leaves and branchlets pubescent with greyish to silvery hairs; 1–7 interjugary glands between pairs of pinnae, jugary glands present and 1 or 2 petiolar glands present. | Acacia cangaiensis |
| Pinnules <1 mm wide; young leaves and branchlets glabrous or hairy; glands rarely as above. Back to 403 | 405 |
405 | Leaves light green to green or silvery. | 406 |
| Leaves dark green. Back to 404 | 407 |
406 | Young leaves whitish silvery; mature leaves green to grey-green; branchlets and leaves with spreading ± long hairs; flower heads yellow to bright yellow. | Acacia leucoclada |
| New growth yellow to golden to rust-coloured; mature leaves light to dark green; branchlets and leaves with short appressed yellow to whitish hairs; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured. Back to 405 | Acacia deanei |
407 | New growth yellow to golden to rust-coloured; branchlets and leaves ± densely hairy with short appressed yellow to whitish hairs; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured. | Acacia deanei |
| New growth green; branchlets and leaves glabrous, or sparsely to densely hairy with spreading or appressed white to grey hairs, but hairs not yellowish; flower heads bright yellow to pale yellow. Back to 405 | 408 |
408 | Flower heads bright yellow; pinnules 4–10 mm long and 0.4–0.6 mm wide; petioles with 1–5 prominent glands; pods 6–17 mm wide, pruinose. | Acacia filicifolia |
| Flower heads pale to bright yellow; pinnules 2–7 mm long and 0.5–1 mm wide; petioles with 1 to several small glands; pods 3.5–9 mm wide, not pruinose or only slightly so. Back to 407 | 409 |
409 | Heads with 14–20 flowers, pale yellow; buds divergent in heads; branchlets densely hairy with appressed or spreading greyish white hairs; bark silvery or blackish grey. | Acacia parvipinnula |
| Heads with 25–50 flowers, pale to bright yellow; buds compact in heads; branchlets glabrous or with short appressed hairs; bark greenish black to dark brown. Back to 408 | Acacia parramattensis |
410 | Pinnules >1 mm wide, 1 or 2 secondary veins often visible; jugary glands present or absent. | 411 |
| Pinnules <1 mm wide, mostly 1-veined; jugary glands regularly present at base of all pinnae pairs or rarely irregularly present or absent (A. parvipinnula). Back to 403 | 415 |
411 | Heads with 7–10 flowers; mature plants usually with some phyllodes; pinnules 2.5–6 mm long and 1.5–2 mm wide; pods 3.5–6 mm wide; jugary glands absent. | Acacia nana |
| Heads with 15–50 flowers; phyllodes not present; pinnules 6–34 mm long, or if <6 mm then pinnules 0.4–1.3 mm wide; pods usually 6–13 mm wide; jugary glands absent or irregularly present. Back to 410 | 412 |
412 | Flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured; pinnae usually with 7–45 pairs pinnules. | 413 |
| Flower heads bright yellow; pinnae usually with 4–14 pairs of pinnules. Back to 411 | 414 |
413 | Heads with 27–50 flowers; pinnules glabrous or sparsely ciliate, 6–23 mm long and 1–5 mm wide; interjugary glands absent; Lane Cove R. To Maitland (NC, CC, ?CWS). | Acacia schinoides |
| Heads with 15–30 flowers; pinnules sparsely to moderately appressed-hairy, 1.5–5 mm long and 0.5–1.3 mm wide; interjugary glands absent or 1–3 sometimes present; widespread, chiefly on the Slopes (NWS, CWS, SWS, NWP, SWP). Back to 412 | Acacia deanei |
414 | Pinnules 3–13 mm long; petioles 0.3–1.5 cm long; jugary glands usually not present at base of all pinnae pairs; pods usually 4–8 mm wide, often twisted and constricted between seeds; north from Sandy Hollow (NWS, CWS, NWP). | Acacia polybotrya |
| Pinnules 10–34 mm long; petioles 1.3–4 cm long; jugary glands present at base of all pinnae pairs; pods 7–11 mm wide, not twisted, ± flat; confined to Bega district (SC). Back to 412 | Acacia blayana |
415 | Ridge on the underside of petioles continuous with the branchlets and forming wing-like ridges on branchlets. | Acacia decurrens |
| Petioles not continuous with branchlets; branchlets without ridges or ridges not wing-like. Back to 410 | 416 |
416 | Pinnules widely spaced, 4–9 mm long and 0.25–0.4 mm wide; confined to the Goulburn R. N.P. (CWS). | Acacia dangarensis |
| Pinnules otherwise; more widespread species. Back to 415 | 417 |
417 | Leaves greyish green to silvery. | 418 |
| Leaves light to dark green. Back to 416 | 419 |
418 | Young leaves whitish yellow to golden-yellow; glands ± orbicular; pods glabrous, pruinose. | Acacia dealbata |
| Young leaves silver grey or rusty; glands ± hemispherical; pods densely silvery grey to rusty-hairy. Back to 417 | Acacia mollifolia |
419 | Branchlets and leaf axes with greyish long and spreading or tuberculate-based hairs. | Acacia irrorata |
| Branchlets and leaf axes ± glabrous or with appressed hairs, but hairs neither long and spreading nor tuberculate-based. Back to 417 | 420 |
420 | Stems blue-glaucous or blue-brown or blue-black; petiole with 1-several glands; 1–3 interjugary glands usually present on rachis between each pair of pinnae or sometimes absent; new growth white or cream-coloured to dark yellow. | Acacia parvipinnula |
| Stems brown or blackish or green or grey-brown, not glaucous; petiole with 1 gland; 1–3 interjugary glands usually irregularly present on rachis between each pair of pinnae, but not present on all leaves; new growth yellow or greenish yellow. Back to 419 | 421 |
421 | Heads with 20–50 flowers; pinnules glabrous except for appressed-ciliate margins; leaves usually with 8 or more pairs of pinnae; chiefly east and south from the CT (mainly in the Sydney Basin). | Acacia parramattensis |
| Heads with 15–30 flowers; pinnules densely to sparsely hairy, or ± glabrous; leaves usually with 8 or fewer pairs of pinnae; mostly north, south and west from the CT. Back to 420 | Acacia deanei |