Family Surianaceae
Description: Trees or shrubs.
Leaves alternate, simple; stipules present or absent.
Inflorescences axillary or terminal, paniculate or flowers solitary in axils. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, mostly 5-merous. Sepals 5, usually free or nearly so, persistent and sometimes enlarging in fruit. Petals 5, free. Stamens 10, in 2 whorls, free; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Disc absent. Ovary superior; carpels usually 1–5, free; ovules 2 in each carpel.
Fruit a drupe or cluster of 2–5 drupes.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 genera, 4 species, tropical & subtropical regions. Australia: 3 genera, 4 species, Qld, N.S.W., N.T., S.A., W.A.
External links:
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (Family: Surianaceae, Order: Fabales)
Wikipedia Sometimes included in the Simaroubaceae
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
| Key to the genera | |
1 | Ovary solitary; fruit solitary; sepals not enlarged in fruit; apex of leaves acute to acuminate; coastal rainforest species | Guilfoylia |
| Ovary of 5 separate carpels; fruits 1–5 per flower; sepals enlarged in fruit; apex of leaves obtuse or emarginate; inland species of sclerophyll forest or woodland | Cadellia |