Family Dilleniaceae
Description: Generally shrubs, sometimes trees or climbers.
Leaves alternate [or rarely opposite], simple, commonly entire, rarely toothed or lobed; stipules absent or minute and either falling or fused to the petiole.
Flowers solitary or in terminal or axillary cymes or racemes. Flowers actinomorphic or almost so, bisexual [or unisexual], often showy, mostly yellow. Sepals 3–many, usually 5, imbricate, persistent. Petals 3–many, usually 5, imbricate, often falling early. Stamens 3–many, hypogynous, free or united; occasionally staminodes present; anthers dehiscing by terminal pores or longitudinal slits. Carpels generally 2–20, superior, free or united at the base, styles free, stigma simple.
Fruit usually dehiscent, a cluster of follicles [or berry-like]; seeds often with an aril.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 10–12 genera, c. 400 species, tropical to subtropical regions in South-East Asia to temperate Australia. Australia: 5 genera, 110 species, all States.
External links:
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (Family: Dilleniaceae, Order: Dilleniales)
Text by G. J. Harden & J. Everett Taxon concept:
| Key to the genera | |
1 | Stamens 10 in 2 whorls, filaments flattened and fused into a short tube at the base | Adrastaea |
| Either stamens few to many and free, or if stamens united then less than 6 and in 1 whorl and filaments not united into a tube | Hibbertia |