Family Calceolariaceae
Description: Perennial or annual herbs, subshrubs or lianes; indumentum of simple trichomes.
Leaves opposite or whorled, simple, pinnatifid or pinnate, petiolate or sessile; margins often toothed, sometimes joined at the base; stipules absent.
Inflorescences in paired cymes or thyrses, or sometimes reduced to a solitary flower. Flowers bisexual, 4-merous, strongly irregular. Calyx 4-partite, the sepals valvate. Petals fused, 2-lipped (or 3-lobed in Calceolaria triandra, not in Australia); upper lip arched or hooded (rarely saccate), entire or 2-parted (in C. triandra), the lower lip usually large and saccate and ± slipper-like or not saccate (in C. triandra and Jovellana, neither in Australia); inner side of lower lip usually with a dense patch of oil-secreting glandular trichomes, the neck often with red or brown spots. Stamens 2 or rarely 3 (in some Calceolaria); filaments free from each other but attached to petals; anthers basifixed, each anther often dehiscing by a single slit or dehiscing apically (in C. triandra); staminodes absent; nectary absent. Gynoecium of 2 connate carpels. Ovary superior to semi-inferior, placentation axile, locules 2; styles 1, apical, simple; stigma small or capitate or obscurely bilobed, sometimes proximally with stalked glands. Ovules numerous.
Fruit a capsule, septicidal and secondarily loculicidal, dehiscing into 4 valves. Seeds small, ellipsoid, with longitudinal and often transverse ridges with an overlying reticulate pattern, seldom colliculate.
Distribution and occurrence: Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 genera, 274 species, native to tropical and South America, Falkland Islands and New Zealand. Australia: 1 species (naturalised) W.A., Qld., N.S.W.; N.I. (doubtfully naturalised).
External links:
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (Family: Calceolariaceae, Order: Lamiales)
Text by Val Stajsic, adapted by Kerry Gibbons, 12 Apr. 2023. Taxon concept: APG IV, Flora of Australia [accessed 11 Apr. 2023]. Distribution and occurrence: Kew Plants of the World Online [accessed 11 Apr. 2023]; Australian Plant Census [accessed 6 Apr. 2023].
One genus in NSW: Calceolaria |