Family Boryaceae
Description: Rhizomatous or tussocky xeromorphic perennial herbs, sometimes resurrection plants. Often rooting at nodes, sometimes roots wiry, stilt-like (Borya, not in N.S.W.). Stems branching, sometimes aerial.
Leaves spirally arranged, crowded, sessile; lamina narrowly linear, sometimes deciduous; base sheathing, persistent; apex acute or pointed; venation parallel.
Inflorescence axillary or (Borya, not in N.S.W.) terminal, scapose, head-like or umbel-like, bracteate; bracts sometimes involucral. Flowers bisexual. Perianth lobes 6, in 1 or 2 whorls, free or fused at base. Stamens 6, free or partly fused to perianth; anthers basiflixed, introrse or latrorse. Ovary superior; locules 3; ovules few to many; stigma (sub)capitate.
Fruit a loculicidal capsule, sometimes partly enclosed by persistent perianth; seeds few, black, smooth or ornamented.
Distribution and occurrence: Endemic to Australia, 2 genera, c. 13 species, W.A., N.T., Qld, N.S.W., Vic.
External links:
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (Family: Boryaceae, Order: Asparagales)
Wikipedia Formerly considered monotypic but now includes Alania as well as Borya (in WA, Vic and NT).
Text by KL Wilson (June 2013); updated by K.L. Gibbons, 20 June 2023. Taxon concept: Angiosperma Phylogeny Group IV; I.R.H. Telford, Alania and D.M. Churchill, Borya, Flora of Australia Online [accessed 20 June 2023].