Leaves opposite and/or alternate, often in a basal rosette, margins entire to deeply lobed, membranous to leathery; stipules absent.
Inflorescence a solitary head on a scape, or several heads in a compound inflorescence; sometimes with the heads aggregated into compound heads; each head surrounded by an involucre of 1–several rows of bracts, sometimes spinose; florets ± sessile on a receptacle, sometimes each subtended by a scale, bisexual or unisexual, rarely in unisexual heads. Calyx modified as a pappus of scales, bristles, barbs, horns, scarious cup or ring or absent. Corolla of 3 types: (1) disc florets that are tubular with 3–5 equal lobes, usually fertile; (2) ray florets where the corolla tube is slit along one side and an extended limb forms the ray (ligule) of the floret; often female or neuter by abortion of styles; (3) outer female florets filiform with corolla tube slender and tapering to a minutely toothed apex; or corolla sometimes lacking. Within a single head flowers may be (1) all tubular, (2) tubular and filiform, (3) tubular and ligulate, (4) allligulate. Receptacle usually a fleshy flat disc, sometimes an elongated club-shaped structure. Stamens 5, alternate with petals and the lower part of filaments usually fused to the corolla tube; anthers 2-locular, usually cohering to form a cylinder. Ovary inferior, 1-locular; ovule solitary, basal; style with 2 stigmatic branches or unbranched in sterile florets.
Fruit an achene, often with a persistent pappus of hairs, bristles or scales; achenes produced by different floret types are often different.
| Key to the genera | |
1 | Heads (i.e. whole inflorescence) forming burrs in fruit, or spiny and borne sessile in axils of leaves along stems | 11 |
| Heads not forming burrs in fruit or if with stiff barbed bristles then borne in terminal heads | 2 |
2 | Flower heads with all florets ligulate (not including petaloid stigmas that sometimes look like ligules); with milky latex | 37 |
| Flower heads with all florets tubular or some florets ligulate and some tubular; lacking milky latex Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | All florets tubular and/or some filiform, or if some ligulate then ligules less than 3 mm long (involucral bracts sometimes coloured and resembling ligules or sometimes lobes of corolla long and resembling ligules) | 4 |
| Outer florets with ligules more than 3 mm long Back to 2 | 9 |
4 | Receptacle bearing inner tubular florets with scales or bristles; leaves usually spinose (thistles); styles with tuft of hairs below stigma branches | 60 |
| Receptacle glabrous or if with scales then leaves not spinose; styles glabrous Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Leaves opposite, at least lower ones | 71 |
| Leaves alternately arranged and/or in basal rosette Back to 4 | 6 |
6 | Involucral bracts in 1 whorl, rarely with a few much shorter ones at base; usually fused, although sometimes only at the base; flower heads simple | 71 |
| Involucral bracts in 2 or more whorls and free, or with compound flower heads Back to 5 | 7 |
7 | Flower heads clustered into compound heads with scales or leaves more or less densely arranged around it, rarely without | 100 |
| Flower heads solitary and/or stalked Back to 6 | 8 |
8 | Pappus absent or reduced to a vestigial scarious cup | 121 |
| Pappus of bristles or scales at least subequal to the achene Back to 7 | 150 |
9 | Leaves opposite, at least lower ones | 11 |
| Leaves alternately arranged and/or in basal rosette Back to 3 | 10 |
10 | Pappus present and usually prominent | 202 |
| Pappus absent, reduced to less than 1 mm or cup-like Back to 9 | 235 |
11 | Fruit (i.e. achenes plus fused involucral bracts) spiny or burrs, in axils of leaves along stems (flower heads sometimes in spike-like inflorescences) | 12 |
| Achenes not inside a fused fruit-like structure (sometimes enfolded by a conduplicate, unfused bract or scale); flower head not forming a burr, if spiny or with barbed hairs then borne in terminal heads Back to 9 | 14 |
12 | Leaves opposite, sometimes alternate above; fruit consisting of 1 ray achene enveloped by one of the modified inner involucral bracts; 1–several borne on the common receptacle, within the outer involucral bracts | Acanthospermum |
| All leaves spirally arranged or in basal rosette; all the involucral bracts united to form a hard burr or nut enclosing 1 or more achenes; 1–several fruits borne in the leaf axils Back to 11 | 13 |
13 | Leaves entire, toothed, or if lobed then fruits covered with recurved spines | Xanthium |
| Leaves deeply divided Back to 12 | Ambrosia |
14 | Bracts and whole plant covered with glandular hairs | 15 |
| Bracts and whole plant without glands Back to 11 | 16 |
15 | Leaves linear, opposite below, alternate above | Madia |
| Leaves lanceolate to elliptic, opposite Back to 14 | Sigesbeckia |
16 | Corolla of outer florets longer than 8 mm | 17 |
| Corolla of outer florets up to 5 mm long Back to 14 | 27 |
17 | Leaves entire, toothed, or shallowly lobed | 18 |
| Leaves, at least lower ones, deeply lobed Back to 16 | 25 |
18 | Leaves sessile and usually clasping stem | 19 |
| Leaves petiolate or constricted towards base and not clasping stem Back to 17 | 20 |
19 | Leaves usually entire; involucral bracts in at least 3 rows | Zinnia |
| Leaves usually toothed; involucral bracts in 2 rows Back to 18 | Guizotia |
20 | Pappus of many hairs | 21 |
| Pappus of few hairs, absent, or otherwise Back to 18 | 22 |
21 | Plants prostrate | Tridax |
| Plants erect shrubs or subshrubs Back to 20 | Olearia |
22 | Achenes winged | Verbesina |
| Achenes angled or compressed but without wings Back to 20 | 23 |
23 | Receptacle conical | Acmella |
| Receptacle flat or convex Back to 22 | 24 |
24 | Heads in groups of 3; leaves ovate to rhombic, toothed | Wollastonia |
| Heads solitary; leaves narrow-lanceolate, more or less entire to toothed or minutely lobed Back to 23 | Apowollastonia |
25 | Lobes of leaves up to 2 mm wide | Cosmos |
| Lobes 4–50 mm wide Back to 17 | 26 |
26 | Shrubs 1–4 m high; ligules of florets white | Montanoa |
| Subshrubs less than 1 m high; ligules of florets yellow Back to 25 | Coreopsis |
27 | Receptacle naked | 28 |
| Receptacle with scales or chaffy Back to 16 | 29 |
28 | Involucral bracts in 1 row and fused; plant with pungent smell | Tagetes |
| Involucral bracts in several rows, free Back to 27 | Schkuhria |
29 | Pappus consisting of bristles or scales | 30 |
| Pappus absent, rarely a cup, very short hairs or scales Back to 27 | 31 |
30 | Leaves pinnately divided | Bidens |
| Leaves entire or toothed Back to 29 | Galinsoga |
31 | Bracts covered with stalked glands | Sigesbeckia |
| Bracts without glands Back to 29 | 32 |
32 | Tubular florets sterile; involucral bracts in 1 row or if in 2 rows then outer row with 2–5 bracts | 33 |
| All florets fertile; involucral bracts numerous, in 2 or more rows Back to 31 | 35 |
33 | Leaves opposite; plants aquatic to semi-aquatic with soft creeping stems rooting at the nodes | Enydra |
| Leaves alternate (lower ones often opposite) or clustered; lacking the above combination of features Back to 32 | 34 |
34 | Involucral bracts enfolding the ray achenes, with shortly spiny tips, sparsely hairy | Hemizonia |
| Involucral bracts not enfolding the ray achenes, with membranous margins, woolly Back to 33 | Eriocephalus |
35 | Receptacle conical | Acmella |
| Receptacle flat or slightly convex Back to 32 | 36 |
36 | Outer achenes triangular in section, inner ones compressed | Eclipta |
| All achenes in flower head similar Back to 35 | Wedelia |
37 | Florets blue or violet, rarely white | 38 |
| Florets yellow Back to 2 | 39 |
38 | Pappus of feathery hairs | Tragopogon |
| Pappus of minute scales Back to 37 | Cichorium |
39 | Receptacle of flower head with scales | 40 |
| Receptacle naked Back to 37 | 41 |
40 | Stems with spiny wings; plants spiny | Scolymus |
| Stems without wings; soft herbs Back to 39 | Hypochaeris |
41 | Involucral bracts in 1 whorl | 42 |
| Involucral bracts in more than 1 whorl and often with much smaller ones at base of flower head Back to 39 | 43 |
42 | Pappus feathery | Urospermum |
| Pappus scaly or bristle-like Back to 41 | Leontodon |
43 | All leaves in basal rosette | 44 |
| Leaves basal and/or on erect stem (cauline leaves often much smaller) Back to 41 | 47 |
44 | All, or most achenes with a filiform beak longer than the fertile portion; scaly-muricate or muricate-spinulose in upper part | Taraxacum |
| Achenes lacking filiform beak or beak not filiform and less than half the length of the fertile portion Back to 43 | 45 |
45 | Pappus of free scarious scales with acuminate apices produced into barbellate bristles | Microseris |
| Pappus of numerous plumose or barbellate bristles Back to 44 | 46 |
46 | Bristles barbellate; pappus of inner and outer achenes similar | Youngia |
| Bristles plumose; pappus of inner and outer achenes frequently dissimilar Back to 45 | Leontodon |
47 | Achenes drawn into long neck | 48 |
| Achenes abruptly truncated at apex Back to 43 | 52 |
48 | Pappus hairs feathery | 49 |
| Pappus hairs simple Back to 47 | 50 |
49 | Achenes tapered at apex or more or less truncate; hairs 2-fid, base not expanded | Picris |
| Achenes abruptly narrowed at apex into a filiform beak; hairs 3–5-fid, base expanded Back to 48 | Helminthotheca |
50 | Achenes strongly compressed | Lactuca |
| Achenes not compressed Back to 48 | 51 |
51 | Achenes with at least 1 ring of teeth below beak | Chondrilla |
| Achenes without ring of teeth Back to 50 | Crepis |
52 | All achenes laterally compressed | 53 |
| Achenes not laterally compressed, or sometimes the outer ones dorsiventrally compressed Back to 47 | 54 |
53 | Achenes elliptic in outline, both ends narrowed, sometimes cylindrical, margins wingless or narrow-winged; ribs never raised to form small wings | Sonchus |
| Achenes flask-shaped in outline, constricted at the apex, margins with broad flat wings; ribs may be raised to form smaller secondary wings Back to 52 | Actites |
54 | Pappus hairs feathery | 55 |
| Pappus hairs simple or absent Back to 52 | 56 |
55 | Achenes with a pale thickened hollow base c. a third as long as achene | Scorzonera |
| Achenes not thickened at base Back to 54 | Picris |
56 | Pappus absent, achenes with 20 ribs | Lapsana |
| Pappus present, rarely absent and then achenes with 4 ribs Back to 54 | 57 |
57 | Achenes with 6 to several ribs | 58 |
| Achenes rough and 4-ribbed Back to 56 | 59 |
58 | Involucral bracts and upper peduncle with glandular hairs | Crepis |
| Involucral bracts and upper peduncle glabrous Back to 57 | Youngia |
59 | Pappus scale-like broadened at the base | Tolpis |
| Pappus fine silky hairs Back to 57 | Reichardia |
60 | Flower heads with 1 floret, grouped into globose (compound) heads | Echinops |
| Flower heads usually with many florets, not grouped into compound heads Back to 4 | 61 |
61 | Receptacle of flower head glabrous | Onopordum |
| Receptacle with scales or bristles Back to 60 | 62 |
62 | Receptacle with scales | 63 |
| Receptacle with bristles Back to 61 | 65 |
63 | Achenes more or less cylindrical and ribbed | Hemisteptia |
| Achenes compressed or flat Back to 62 | 64 |
64 | Involucral bracts with spreading spines | Cirsium |
| Involucral bracts without spines and recurved or hooked Back to 63 | Arctium |
65 | Involucral bracts loose and leaf-like | Carthamus |
| Involucral bracts scale-like and more or less appressed Back to 62 | 66 |
66 | Achenes obliquely attached to receptacle | Centaurea |
| Achenes vertically attached to receptacle Back to 65 | 67 |
67 | Leaves white-veined or variegated above; achenes compressed; anther filaments joined into a tube which encloses the basal appendages of the anthers | Silybum |
| Leaves usually uniformly coloured above; achenes terete, sometimes ribbed; anther filaments free Back to 66 | 68 |
68 | Pappus 2 rows of bristles; the outer long and scabrous, the inner much shorter (less than half as long) and ciliate | Cnicus |
| Pappus not composed of 2 rows of bristles of markedly differing length Back to 67 | 69 |
69 | Involucral bracts ending in spines | 70 |
| Involucral bracts not ending in spines Back to 68 | Rhaponticum |
70 | Pappus hairs simple | Carduus |
| Pappus hairs feathery Back to 69 | Cynara |
71 | Leaves opposite at least at base, rarely in whorls | 72 |
| Leaves alternately arranged and/or radical Back to 6 | 92 |
72 | Flower heads compound | 100 |
| Flower heads simple Back to 71 | 73 |
73 | Leaves lobed to deeply divided | 74 |
| Leaves entire or toothed Back to 72 | 78 |
74 | Pappus absent; water plant with soft branches; involucral bracts 4 and free | Enydra |
| Pappus hair-like or with bristles or scales; not a water plant; involucral bracts more than 4 or fused Back to 73 | 75 |
75 | Upper leaves clasping stem; pappus of fine hairs | Emilia |
| All leaves not clasping; pappus of few bristles or of scales Back to 74 | 76 |
76 | Involucral bracts fused into tube; plant with pungent smell | Tagetes |
| Involucral bracts free; plants usually odourless Back to 75 | 77 |
77 | Pappus of 2–4 stiff, barbed awns; receptacle scales present, but not persistent | Bidens |
| Pappus of 8–10 membranous scales (sometimes darkly striated at the apex); receptacle scales absent Back to 76 | Schkuhria |
78 | Achenes narrow-cylindrical with a long straight or curved beak; outer florets strongly decurved and overhanging involucre | Millotia |
| Achenes and florets lacking the above combination of characters Back to 73 | 79 |
79 | Pappus absent or very small | 80 |
| Pappus at least half as long as achenes or gland-tipped Back to 78 | 84 |
80 | Flower head covered with glandular hairs | 81 |
| Flower heads without glands Back to 79 | 82 |
81 | Style branches slightly exserted but not petaloid; ray florets with very small ligules; receptacle with somewhat persistent scales | Sigesbeckia |
| Style branches long-exserted and petal-like; all florets tubular; receptacle naked Back to 80 | Gymnocoronis |
82 | Achenes flat with involute herbaceous wings with large incurved appendages at the apex; small annual herbs | Ceratogyne |
| Achenes lacking involute wings with apical appendages; large annual to perennial herbs Back to 80 | 83 |
83 | Receptacle naked (occasionally with innermost involucral bracts scale-like or scales sporadic); all florets tubular; inconspicuous pappus present | Ageratum |
| Receptacle with scales; ray florets shortly ligulate; pappus absent Back to 82 | Enydra |
84 | Involucral bracts fused at base and with glandular hairs; flower heads with 4 or 5 florets | Stevia |
| Involucral bracts not as above; flower heads with numerous florets Back to 79 | 85 |
85 | Involucral bracts membranous | 86 |
| Involucral bracts herbaceous sometimes with membranous margins Back to 84 | 87 |
86 | All florets bisexual | Rutidosis |
| Few outer florets female Back to 85 | Helichrysum |
87 | Pappus hairs gland-tipped | Adenostemma |
| Pappus without glands Back to 85 | 88 |
88 | Leaves linear to oblong, entire | 89 |
| Leaves lanceolate to ovate, toothed Back to 87 | 90 |
89 | Involucral bracts linear to linear-lanceolate | Glossocardia |
| Involucral bracts broad Back to 88 | Acmella |
90 | Pappus of 5 or more fragile bristles, soon falling from the achene | Ageratina |
| Pappus of scales, awns or rudimentary Back to 88 | 91 |
91 | Pappus of scales, usually with awns | Ageratum |
| Pappus 2–4 stiff, retrorsely barbed awns Back to 90 | Bidens |
92 | Pappus purplish-mauve | Erechtites |
| Pappus white or almost so Back to 71 | 93 |
93 | Florets orange to deep red or purple at least at top | 94 |
| Florets yellow to white Back to 92 | 95 |
94 | Leaves clasping upper stems | Emilia |
| Leaves not clasping stems Back to 93 | Crassocephalum |
95 | Marginal florets sterile | Arrhenechthites |
| Marginal florets fertile Back to 93 | 96 |
96 | Achenes narrow-cylindrical with a long straight or curved beak; outer florets strongly decurved and overhanging involucre | Millotia |
| Achenes and florets lacking the above combination of characters Back to 95 | 97 |
97 | Outer achenes flattened | Cineraria |
| Outer achenes not flattened Back to 96 | 98 |
98 | Plants erect or decumbent, occasionally prostrate but never scandent, twining nor diffuse | 99 |
| Plants scandent semi-succulent twiners or trailers Back to 97 | Delairea |
99 | Annual to perennial herbs, or shrubs with ligulate ray florets | Senecio |
| Shrubs or small trees, florets all tubular Back to 98 | Bedfordia |
100 | Leaves opposite; dichotomously branching (repeatedly branching from below terminal inflorescence) | Flaveria |
| Leaves all or mostly alternate, or crowded Back to 72 | 101 |
101 | Leaves 1–2-pinnatifid; margins spinose | Echinops |
| Leaves with margins toothed or entire, margins not spinose Back to 100 | 102 |
102 | Branches with herbaceous wings extending from leaf bases down the internode; leaves mostly toothed | Pterocaulon |
| Branches not winged; leaves entire Back to 101 | 103 |
103 | Common involucre surrounding the compound head of numerous scarious, opaque white or yellow bracts | Myriocephalus |
| Common involucre of few green leaves, scales or absent Back to 102 | 104 |
104 | Heads with 2 types of florets (tubular and more or less filiform) | 105 |
| Heads with 1 type of floret Back to 103 | 107 |
105 | Leaves spathulate with petiole usually distinctly longer than the broad-circular to broad-obovate lamina | Stuartina |
| Leaves linear, lanceolate, or oblanceolate Back to 104 | 106 |
106 | Plants with erect stems | Gnaphalium |
| Plants stemless Back to 105 | Isoetopsis |
107 | Inflorescence sessile at ground level, usually in a rosette of leaves | 108 |
| Inflorescence terminal on aerial stems or scapes Back to 104 | 109 |
108 | Pappus of 4 or 5 stiff bristles fused at the base | Actinobole |
| Pappus absent Back to 107 | Chthonocephalus |
109 | Pappus absent | 110 |
| Pappus present Back to 107 | 116 |
110 | Corolla hairy; common involucre absent; florets 20–40 per individual head | Eriochlamys |
| Corolla lacking hairs; common involucre present; florets 1 or 2 per head Back to 109 | 111 |
111 | Involucral bracts papillate at tips; leaves hairy at the base only | Pogonolepis |
| Involucral bracts not papillate at tips; leaves usually densely hairy Back to 110 | 112 |
112 | Pappus of 8–12 subplumose bristles, united at the base for about half the length of corolla tube. Plants prostrate, with reddish, somewhat wiry stems terminating in very woolly compound heads | Lemooria |
| Pappus absent or not as above; plants lacking the above combination of features Back to 111 | 113 |
113 | General receptacle with long bristles | Trichanthodium |
| General receptacle glabrous Back to 112 | 114 |
114 | Achenes with dense, entwined hairs | Gnephosis |
| Achenes papillose, glabrous Back to 113 | 115 |
115 | Bracts subtending heads more or less similar to involucral bracts (except sometimes more concave); achenes brown | Angianthus |
| Bracts subtending heads unlike involucral bracts; achenes pink or purple Back to 114 | Gnephosis |
116 | Achenes tapering to long terminal beak | Waitzia |
| Achenes otherwise Back to 109 | 117 |
117 | Pappus much shorter than the corolla | Gnephosis |
| Pappus more or less equal in length to corolla Back to 116 | 118 |
118 | Achenes glabrous to papillose | Calocephalus |
| Achenes hairy Back to 117 | 119 |
119 | Inflorescence branching, heads and branches subtended by large cordate leaves or bracts that ± enclose the head | Elephantopus |
| Inflorescence simple, rarely branching from within the heads; heads with or without small enclosing bracts that in no way envelope the heads Back to 118 | 120 |
120 | Heads pedunculate within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs white (or bracts brown-tinged) | Craspedia |
| Heads sessile within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs yellow Back to 119 | Pycnosorus |
121 | Leaves entire or toothed | 122 |
| Leaves deeply divided and pinnatifid Back to 8 | 144 |
122 | Achenes drawn into a terminal beak | 123 |
| Achenes more or less abruptly truncated at apex Back to 121 | 126 |
123 | Rosette forming perennial | 124 |
| Erect or low-growing annual, biennial or perennial Back to 122 | 125 |
124 | Ray florets with small but well-developed ligules; beak of achenes well-developed, often densely glandular, apex with a thickened pale collar | Lagenophora |
| Ray florets with ligules rudimentary or absent; beak of achenes rudimentary or absent, glands lacking or rarely with a few near the apex, thickened apical collar absent Back to 123 | Solenogyne |
125 | Achenes with short beaks (less than a quarter the length of achene), glandular near apex; erect herb 30–60 cm high, flower heads nodding | Carpesium |
| Achenes with long beaks (more than half the length of achene), woolly near apex; small more or less prostrate herb with stems 1–4 cm long, flower heads erect Back to 123 | Millotia |
126 | Florets blue to purple | 127 |
| Florets yellow or white to light green, sometimes tinged red Back to 122 | 128 |
127 | Achenes usually 4-angled or ribbed; glandular, with thickened apical ring resembling pappus | Ethulia |
| Achenes 8 to 10 ribs; non-glandular, pappus of bristles (often caducous) Back to 126 | Centratherum |
128 | Receptacle with scales; flower head usually surrounded by numerous white, papery involucral bracts 5–10 mm long | Ammobium |
| Receptacle naked; flower head, if surrounded by white involucral bracts, with a pappus of non-persistent bristles Back to 126 | 129 |
129 | All florets tubular to campanulate | 130 |
| Outer florets reduced, filiform or with a small ligule; differing in shape from the inner florets Back to 128 | 136 |
130 | Achenes dark brown to black, tuberculate; herb to c. 60 cm high, more or less woolly | Acomis |
| Achenes not dark brown to black, nor tuberculate; habit various Back to 129 | 131 |
131 | Involucral bracts multiseriate | 132 |
| Involucral bracts in 2 rows Back to 130 | 133 |
132 | Shrubs; glabrous to minutely glandular hairy, viscid; involucral bracts pale golden brown to straw-coloured | Haeckeria |
| Biennial herbs; more or less woolly, aromatic; involucral bracts pale brown tinged with pink, occasionally almost colourless Back to 131 | Calomeria |
133 | Annual herbs with wiry stems; corolla woolly at base, glandular near apex | Eriochlamys |
| Annual or perennial herbs lacking wiry stems; corolla glabrous and non-glandular Back to 131 | 134 |
134 | Leaves lyrate-pinnatifid; outer florets tubular, inner ones campanulate | Dichrocephala |
| Leaves entire to pinnate; florets tubular Back to 133 | 135 |
135 | Achenes pedicellate, dimorphic; outer glandular-hairy, winged; inner sparsely glandular-hairy, with narrow marginal ridge | Cotula |
| Achenes non-pedicellate; outer glabrous, not winged; inner failing to develop Back to 134 | Abrotanella |
136 | Pappus of bristle-like hairs present when flowering, caducous at achenes maturity | 137 |
| Pappus absent or minute throughout floral development Back to 129 | 138 |
137 | Achenes sparsely to densely hairy; involucral bracts never clawed, herbaceous with scarious margins | Blumea |
| Achenes glabrous; involucral bracts with scarious claw, inner bracts with white or coloured lamina Back to 136 | Hyalosperma |
138 | Flower heads sessile; achenes with spines (2 ciliate horns) at apex | Ceratogyne |
| Flower heads on a distinct stalk; if sessile, achenes without horns Back to 136 | 139 |
139 | All leaves in a basal rosette | 140 |
| Leaves along erect or creeping stems and at base Back to 138 | 141 |
140 | Ray florets with small but well-developed ligules; beak of achenes well-developed, often densely glandular, apex with a thickened pale collar | Lagenophora |
| Ray florets with ligules rudimentary or absent; beak of achenes rudimentary or absent, glands lacking or rarely with a few near the apex, thickened apical collar absent Back to 139 | Solenogyne |
141 | Flower heads solitary on terminal peduncles | Cotula |
| Flower heads either in terminal panicles, racemes or axillary and almost sessile Back to 139 | 142 |
142 | Ray florets with small, deeply 3-lobed, yellow ligules | Madia |
| Ray florets tubular to filiform Back to 141 | 143 |
143 | Achenes with 3–5 obtuse ribs which frequently fail to extend to the apex, usually pubescent | Centipeda |
| Achenes with 8–10 fine ribs reaching to the apex, glabrous except for a few bristles at the base Back to 142 | Epaltes |
144 | Shrub with persistent woody stems | Artemisia |
| Annual or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs with a short woody base Back to 121 | 145 |
145 | Flower heads sessile among the leaves; achenes with 1 or more apical spines | Soliva |
| Flower heads pedunculate; achenes spineless Back to 144 | 146 |
146 | Flower heads numerous in dense compound corymbs or large terminal panicles | 147 |
| Flower heads solitary or in corymbs of 2 or 3 Back to 145 | 148 |
147 | Receptacle scales absent | Tanacetum |
| Receptacle scales present Back to 146 | Parthenium |
148 | Florets sessile on the receptacle, which appears slightly pitted when the achenes have fallen; plants erect to ascending | Matricaria |
| Florets raised above the receptacle on minute pedicels which persist when the achenes have fallen, plants erect; or florets sessile, plants creeping Back to 146 | 149 |
149 | Disc florets usually fertile, style bifid; achenes with blunt uniseriate hairs on surface; plants usually erect or decumbent | Cotula |
| Disc florets sterile, style ending in circular disc; achenes glabrous; plants usually prostrate creeping herbs rooting at the nodes Back to 148 | Leptinella |
150 | Plants dioecious (i.e. individual plants with flower heads containing either male or female florets) | 151 |
| Plants monoecious (i.e. flower heads usually with some bisexual flowers or male and female flowers on same plant) Back to 8 | 154 |
151 | Plants low-growing soft herbs | 152 |
| Plants shrubs or undershrubs with persistent woody stems Back to 150 | 153 |
152 | Achenes glabrous, dimorphic; pappus persistent; outer involucral bracts scarious | Parantennaria |
| Achenes with appressed hairs; pappus not persistent; outer involucral bracts papery white at tip Back to 151 | Ewartia |
153 | Flower heads terminal, solitary; leaves sessile | Cratystylis |
| Flower heads in panicles; leaves petiolate Back to 151 | Baccharis |
154 | Leaves crowded, spathulate, indented at apex and clasping stem | Facelis |
| Leaves not as above Back to 150 | 155 |
155 | Pappus a cup or scales; margin of scales sometimes hair-like and feathery | 156 |
| Pappus of simple, barbed or feathery bristles Back to 154 | 160 |
156 | Receptacle scales present | Ammobium |
| Receptacle scales absent Back to 155 | 157 |
157 | Achenes densely hairy | 158 |
| Achenes glabrous or with short globose hairs Back to 156 | 159 |
158 | Tufted herb; flower heads basal, sessile, densely crowded amongst long linear leaves | Isoetopsis |
| Decumbent to ascending herb; flower heads terminal, pedunculate, overtopping short linear leaves Back to 157 | Elachanthus |
159 | Leaves deeply dissected to pinnate; ray floret ligulate, solitary, yellow; pappus scales darkly striated at apex | Schkuhria |
| Leaves entire; ray florets absent; pappus scales not darkly striated at apex Back to 157 | Rutidosis |
160 | Shrubs with persistent woody stems | 161 |
| Annual or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs with a short woody base Back to 155 | 165 |
161 | Branches spine-tipped | Acanthocladium |
| Branches not spine-tipped Back to 160 | 162 |
162 | Flower heads with outer fertile female florets surrounding bisexual or functionally male florets | 163 |
| Flower heads with all florets similar Back to 161 | 164 |
163 | Female florets uniseriate; inner florets fertile, producing achenes | Olearia |
| Female florets multiseriate; inner florets functionally male, not producing achenes Back to 162 | Pluchea |
164 | Tips of involucral bracts straight to incurved; receptacle with scales | Cassinia |
| Tips of involucral bracts spreading; receptacle lacking scales Back to 162 | Ozothamnus |
165 | Ray florets with small ligules | 166 |
| Ray florets absent or lacking ligules Back to 160 | 175 |
166 | Outer involucral bracts sessile; inner bracts with scarious lamina on longer more or less herbaceous to hardened claws | Podolepis |
| Outer involucral bracts not differing markedly from the inner ones; inner bracts lacking claws Back to 165 | 167 |
167 | Ligules and disc florets all yellow | 168 |
| Ligules white to blue, purple or pink; disc florets usually a contrasting colour, typically yellow or violet Back to 166 | 170 |
168 | Dwarf shrub with terete more or less succulent leaves | Kippistia |
| Herbs with flat non-succulent leaves Back to 167 | 169 |
169 | Annual, sticky and aromatic due to glandular hairs; anthers tailed at the base | Solidago |
| Perennial with rhizomes, non-glandular; anthers obtuse at the base Back to 168 | Dittrichia |
170 | Achenes with long neck | Ixiochlamys |
| Achenes lacking a long neck Back to 167 | 171 |
171 | Disc florets sterile, producing abortive achenes | Minuria |
| Disc florets fertile Back to 170 | 172 |
172 | Involucral bracts a dark purple-brown, with white margins | Dichromochlamys |
| Involucral bracts green Back to 171 | 173 |
173 | Flower heads numerous in panicles | Conyza |
| Flower heads solitary or in loose groups of 2–4 Back to 172 | 174 |
174 | Involucral bracts reflexed in fruit; disc florets yellow; achenes flattened | Erigeron |
| Involucral bracts not reflexed in fruit; disc florets purple; achenes terete Back to 173 | Streptoglossa |
175 | Leaves serrate to dissected or lobed | 176 |
| Leaves entire Back to 165 | 180 |
176 | Inner involucral bracts with fringed apices, far exceeded by the florets | Rhaponticum |
| Inner involucral bracts with entire apices, subequal to the florets Back to 175 | 177 |
177 | Fertile achenes lacking a pappus of bristles (aborted achenes sometimes with 2–5 weak barbellate bristles) | Epaltes |
| Achenes with a pappus of free bristles Back to 176 | 178 |
178 | Inner florets functionally male; achenes sterile | Pluchea |
| Inner florets bisexual or functionally female, capable of producing fertile achenes Back to 177 | 179 |
179 | Pappus uniseriate | Blumea |
| Pappus 2-seriate; outer bristles shorter than the inner ones Back to 178 | Vernonia |
180 | Involucral bracts (at least the outer ones) with ciliate margin | 181 |
| Involucral bracts lacking a ciliate margin (but outer ones sometimes woolly or lacerate) Back to 175 | 184 |
181 | Lamina of the involucral bracts conspicuous, petaloid, papery, white to coloured; achenes with a distinct filiform, sterile beak | Waitzia |
| Lamina of the involucral bracts inconspicuous, scarious to plumose, if conspicuously petaloid and white or coloured then achenes lacking beak Back to 180 | 182 |
182 | Flower heads terminal on long peduncles; not surrounded by a cluster of leaves | 183 |
| Flower heads terminal on short branches, sessile; usually surrounded by a cluster of leaves Back to 181 | Triptilodiscus |
183 | Corollas overhanging the margin of the involucre; achenes 3- or 4-ribbed, often with a distinct sterile beak | Leptorhynchos |
| Corollas not overhanging the involucre; achenes without ribs and lacking a beak Back to 182 | Chrysocephalum |
184 | Involucral bracts uniseriate or almost so, equal, herbaceous | Millotia |
| Involucral bracts multiseriate, frequently with inner bracts longer then the outer ones, herbaceous to scarious or coloured Back to 180 | 185 |
185 | Involucral bracts with lamina never petaloid, white or brightly coloured | 186 |
| Involucral bracts with lamina petaloid, papery, white to brightly coloured Back to 184 | 194 |
186 | All florets filiform | Scorzonera |
| Florets tubular and filiform or all tubular Back to 185 | 187 |
187 | Outer filiform florets in 2 to several whorls | 188 |
| Filiform florets few to absent Back to 186 | 189 |
188 | Flower heads sessile to subsessile in dense globose to spicate clusters, frequently subtended by a whorl of leaves; involucral bracts scarious; plants woolly, especially lower leaf surface | Gnaphalium |
| Flower heads pedunculate, usually in large panicles, not subtended by a whorl of leaves; involucral bracts herbaceous, sometimes with scarious margin; plants not woolly Back to 187 | Conyza |
189 | Creeping, aromatic herb with glandular hairs; achenes on short pedicels which persist on the receptacle; florets tubular | Podotheca |
| Habit not creeping, lacking the above combination of characters Back to 187 | 190 |
190 | Receptacle with scales; plant a white-tomentose aromatic herb with amplexicaul leaves | Apalochlamys |
| Receptacle lacking scales; plant lacking the above combination of characters Back to 189 | 191 |
191 | Pappus 2-seriate; outer bristles shorter than the inner; not fused | Cyanthillium |
| Pappus uniseriate; shortly fused at the base Back to 190 | 192 |
192 | Achenes with a slender sterile beak below the pappus | Leptorhynchos |
| Achenes without a slender sterile beak below the pappus Back to 191 | 193 |
193 | Outer bracts often extending down the peduncle, broad and membranous, the herbaceous base reduced and broadly triangular | Leptorhynchos |
| Outer bracts never extending down the peduncle, linear or oblong, green and herbaceous throughout except for membranous apex Back to 192 | Leiocarpa |
194 | Outer and inner involucral bracts uniformly scarious, never clawed; flower heads yellow | Pseudognaphalium |
| Inner and intermediate involucral bracts divided into a cartilaginous-herbaceous basal claw and a conspicuous lamina; colour of bracts various Back to 185 | 195 |
195 | Pappus plumose from the base (broader basal region sometimes lacks ornamentation) | 196 |
| Pappus either barbellate from the base, or plumose only at apex, or more or less subplumose at the base and barbellate at apex Back to 194 | 198 |
196 | Achenes hairy | Rhodanthe |
| Achenes glabrous Back to 195 | 197 |
197 | Achenes ellipsoid, verrucose; pappus persistent, eventually breaking shortly above base; leaves with more or less flat lamina | Leucochrysum |
| Achenes oblong to obovoid, smooth or papillose; pappus united in a ring at the base and falling as a unit; leaves more or less terete Back to 196 | Hyalosperma |
198 | Florets purple, at least apically | Vellereophyton |
| Florets yellow Back to 195 | 199 |
199 | Inflorescence a dense terminal cluster of small subsessile heads; female florets more numerous than the disc florets | Pseudognaphalium |
| Inflorescence not as above; female florets less numerous than the disc florets Back to 198 | 200 |
200 | Pappus bristles shortly plumose at the apex | Anemocarpa |
| Pappus bristles barbellate Back to 199 | 201 |
201 | Achenes prismatic, glabrous with papus yellow throughout; flower heads large, with many florets; involucral bracts numerous, all brightly coloured | Xerochrysum |
| Achenes lacking the above combination of characters; flower heads usually smaller with few florets; outer involucral bracts hyaline, brownish or white Back to 200 | Helichrysum |
202 | Involucral bracts in 1 whorl, rarely with a few much shorter bracteoles at base; often slightly fused at base | 203 |
| Involucral bracts in 2 to several whorls, usually free Back to 10 | 206 |
203 | Pappus scale-like; heads solitary on long scape | Gazania |
| Pappus of hairs; heads usually in terminal clusters, rarely solitary on long scapes Back to 202 | 204 |
204 | Leaves palmately veined; woody shrubs | Roldana |
| Plants lacking the above combination of characters Back to 203 | 205 |
205 | Achenes not compressed | Senecio |
| Achenes, at least those of the ray florets, compressed Back to 204 | Cineraria |
206 | Receptacle with scales | 207 |
| Receptacle rough or pitted but without scales Back to 202 | 211 |
207 | Plants usually more than 1 m high and with 1 to several erect branches | 208 |
| Plants with basal rootstock, somewhat branched and with branches shorter than 50 cm long Back to 206 | 210 |
208 | Leaves deeply divided | Tithonia |
| Leaves entire or toothed Back to 207 | 209 |
209 | Pappus of short bristles; apex of ligule of florets lobed or distinctly toothed | Verbesina |
| Pappus of non-persistent scales; apex of ligule of florets scarcely toothed Back to 208 | Helianthus |
210 | Ligules of ray florets scarcely longer than involucral bracts | Glossogyne |
| Ligules large and spectacular, much longer than involucral bracts Back to 207 | Gaillardia |
211 | Involucral bracts fused into tube | Gazania |
| Involucral bracts in several rows, free Back to 206 | 212 |
212 | Leaves, at least some of them, divided or lobed | 213 |
| Leaves entire or toothed Back to 211 | 216 |
213 | Ray florets female, fertile | 214 |
| Ray florets sterile Back to 212 | 215 |
214 | Achenes with 3 wing-like ridges on one side; pappus of pinkish scales | Arctotis |
| Achenes variously ribbed but lacking wing-like ridges; pappus of white to brownish bristles Back to 213 | Vittadinia |
215 | Pappus double; outer obovate scales, inner bristles | Ursinia |
| Pappus of small scales Back to 213 | Arctotheca |
216 | Inner involucral bracts dry and membranous, with or without an herbaceous base | 217 |
| All involucral bracts herbaceous or sometimes with dry membranous margin Back to 212 | 218 |
217 | Achenes abruptly constricted below a short neck below the broader apex | Dittrichia |
| Achenes ellipsoid to cylindrical Back to 216 | Podolepis |
218 | Ray florets in 2 or more rows | 219 |
| Ray florets in 1 row Back to 216 | 228 |
219 | Achenes with a long neck | Ixiochlamys |
| Achenes lacking a long neck Back to 218 | 220 |
220 | Tubular florets sterile; sterile achenes with pappus of long free barbellate bristles and shorter bristles often fused into scales or a cup | Minuria |
| All florets fertile (but not always, producing achenes); pappus not as above Back to 219 | 221 |
221 | Involucral bracts of fruiting flower heads clasping; dark purple brown with white margins | Dichromochlamys |
| Involucral bracts of fruiting flower heads spreading or recurved; herbaceous, with or without a scarious margin Back to 220 | 222 |
222 | Ligules absent or inconspicuous i.e. more or less as long as pappus; flower heads numerous, in panicles | 223 |
| Ligules exceeding the pappus; flower heads usually solitary or in loose groups of 2–4 Back to 221 | 224 |
223 | Plant glabrous; involucral bracts tinged purple at apex and margins | Aster |
| Plant pubescent to scabrous, at least on the upper stem; if glabrous then with a purple spot at the apex of the involucral bracts Back to 222 | Conyza |
224 | Corolla of disc florets as long as or longer than the pappus, persisting | Camptacra |
| Corolla of disc florets usually as long as or shorter than the pappus, not persisting Back to 222 | 225 |
225 | Plant glabrous | Aster |
| Plant pubescent to scabrous Back to 224 | 226 |
226 | Achenes variously hairy but always with a basal tuft of hairs; base of corolla swollen around swollen style base; style branches flattened, with triangular appendages | Erigeron |
| Achenes variously hairy but lacking a basal tuft of hairs; base of corolla not swollen; style branches not as above Back to 225 | 227 |
227 | Receptacle convex; achenes always with a basal tuft of hairs, bristles free | Vittadinia |
| Receptacle flat; achenes hairy but lacking a basal tuft of hairs, bristles joined at the base Back to 226 | Streptoglossa |
228 | Pappus double row of bristles; inner long, barbellate; outer short and inconspicuous; brick red to rust coloured | Heterotheca |
| Pappus lacking the above combination of characters Back to 218 | 229 |
229 | Plants more or less resinous; involucral bracts 4–8-seriate, graduated, more or less indurated, middle and outer with spreading green tips | Grindelia |
| Plants lacking the above combination of characters Back to 228 | 230 |
230 | Pappus of scales and/or awns or absent | 231 |
| Pappus 1 or 2 rows of barbellate bristles Back to 229 | 232 |
231 | Pappus of rigid, usually barbed awns, often alternating with scales, occasionally an entire scarious collar, or rarely absent; achene faces sometimes hairy but not enveloped in wool; plants not fleshy, leaves variously hairy but not tomentose | Calotis |
| Pappus of scales; achenes enveloped in wool; plants fleshy, leaves tomentose, especially on lower surface Back to 230 | Arctotheca |
232 | Pappus less than a quarter as long as the achenes | Brachyscome |
| Pappus about as long as achenes or longer Back to 230 | 233 |
233 | Herbs with a basal rosette | Celmisia |
| Shrubs and subshrubs; if herbaceous, lacking a basal rosette Back to 232 | 234 |
234 | Perennial with seasonal stems arising from a woody rootstock; corolla of disc florets persisting on mature achenes; anther appendages lanceolate, with central strand of darker tissue | Camptacra |
| Shrubs and undershrubs; corolla of disc florets not persisting on mature achenes; anther appendages acute, lacking central strand of darker tissue Back to 233 | Olearia |
235 | Achenes drawn into short beak | Lagenophora |
| Achenes abruptly truncated at apex Back to 10 | 236 |
236 | Receptacle with scales | 237 |
| Receptacles naked Back to 235 | 240 |
237 | Flower heads small and in terminal clusters | Achillea |
| Flower heads larger and individually stalked or solitary Back to 236 | 238 |
238 | Leaves lobed to almost entire | Cymbonotus |
| Leaves deeply divided Back to 237 | 239 |
239 | Receptacle scales longer than outer florets, becoming hardened with age | Erodiophyllum |
| Receptacle scales shorter than florets Back to 238 | Anthemis |
240 | All florets producing achenes | 241 |
| Only outer florets producing achenes Back to 236 | 250 |
241 | Achenes from outer and inner florets different | 242 |
| Achenes all alike Back to 240 | 245 |
242 | At least inner achenes curved to C-shaped | Calendula |
| All achenes straight or almost so Back to 241 | 243 |
243 | Annuals covered with glandular hairs | Dimorphotheca |
| Perennials without glandular hairs Back to 242 | 244 |
244 | Ligules pale to golden yellow, rarely white but then usually yellow toward base | Glebionis |
| Ligules completely white Back to 243 | Leucanthemum |
245 | Receptacle flat, ray florets yellow; leaves grey-white, tomentose beneath, less hairy and more or less green above | Cymbonotus |
| Receptacle convex to conical, ray florets various; leaves concolorous, green Back to 241 | 246 |
246 | Achenes triquetrous; inner surface with 3 ribs; outer surface wrinkled, with 2 glands at apex; pappus a small crenulate corona; leaves mostly 3-pinnatisect, feathery in appearance | Tripleurospermum |
| Achenes lacking the above combination of characters; leaves various Back to 245 | 247 |
247 | Plants aromatic, with chamomile-like odour; involucral bracts thinly scarious with expanded obtuse apices | 248 |
247 | Plants sometimes with sparse glands but never aromatic; involucral bracts usually with narrow scarious hyaline margins | 249 |
248 | Perennial with rhizomes; flower heads in dense compound corymbs | Tanacetum |
| Annual; flower heads in loose cymes Back to 247 | Matricaria |
249 | Plant a shrub; involucral bracts in 1 row, fused below; ligules yellow | Euryops |
| Plant lacking the above combination of characters Back to 247 | Brachyscome |
250 | Achenes with fleshy outer tissue | Chrysanthemoides |
| Achenes all dry Back to 240 | 251 |
251 | Achenes with prominent wings | Osteospermum |
| Achenes without wings Back to 250 | Grindelia |