Family Aristolochiaceae
Synonyms: Hydnoraceae APNI* Lactoridaceae APNI*
Description: Climbers, [shrubs or perennial herbs].
Leaves alternate, simple, mostly entire, true stipules absent.
Flowers solitary or in racemes. Flowers mostly strongly zygomorphic, bisexual. Calyx usually tubular, petaloid. Petals generally absent. Stamens 4–many, most commonly 6 or 12, free or fused to the base of the style, the filaments and style forming a column. Ovary usually inferior, 4–6-locular, stigma short with 4–several lobes; placentation axile or parietal, ovules numerous in each loculus.
Fruit mostly a capsule, [rarely a berry].
Distribution and occurrence: World: 8 genera, 733 species, mainly tropical, also temperate regions. Australia: 1 genus, 18 species, WA (native and naturalised), NT, Qld (native and naturalised), NSW (native and naturalised).
External links:
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (Family: Aristolochiaceae, Order: Piperales)
Wikipedia Several species of Aristolochia (Dutchman's Pipe) have the tubular calyx variously bent and coloured and are grown as ornamental vines.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept: APG IV. Distribution and occurrence: Kew Plants of the World Online; Australian Plant Census [both accessed 3 May 2023].
One genus in NSW: Aristolochia |