Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, simple or compound; lamina often large and highly dissected; petiole often broadened and sheathing at base, rarely with stipules.
Inflorescence terminal or axillary, sometimes leaf-opposed, usually compound, or sometimes a simple umbel or head or reduced to 1 or a few flowers; umbels usually with bracts (involucre) and umbellules with bracteoles (involucel) at their bases. Flowers actinomorphic, 5-merous, bisexual or unisexual and the plants monoecious, polygamous or rarely dioecious; floral parts epigynous. Sepals 5 and small or absent. Petals 5, valvate or somewhat imbricate in bud. Stamens 5; anthers 2-locular, introrse, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Carpels rarely 1, usually 2 joined to form a 2-locular inferior ovary; styles 2, free, swollen at base to form a nectariferous disk (stylopodium); ovules pendent, 1 per loculus.
Fruit dry, separating at maturity from the central axis (carpophore) into 2 indehiscent mericarps; mericarps often flattened laterally or dorsally and with 5 conspicuous or inconspicuous longitudinal ribs and often secondary ribs and furrows between them, the surface smooth, ornamented or sometimes hairy; seeds with endosperm, embryo minute.
| Key to the genera | |
1 | Leaves segmented by transverse septa | 2 |
| Leaves not segmented by transverse septa | 3 |
2 | Inflorescence compound | Aciphylla |
| Inflorescence of simple umbels Back to 1 | Lilaeopsis |
3 | Flowers in more or less sessile heads surrounded by large or conspicuous bracts or bracteoles | 4 |
| Flowers stalked, in umbels; bracts or bracteoles less conspicuous or absent Back to 1 | 7 |
4 | Leaves and bracts spinose, or with prickles on margins | Eryngium |
| Leaves and bracts not spinose Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Leaves stem-clasping, simple | Bupleurum |
| Leaves not stem-clasping, deeply dissected or compound Back to 4 | 6 |
6 | Fruit pubescent to villous, mericarps smooth | Actinotus |
| Fruit glabrous; mericarps finely ribbed Back to 5 | Xanthosia |
7 | Flowers in simple umbels or few-flowered irregular compound or contracted umbels | 8 |
| Flowers in compound umbels, usually many-flowered Back to 3 | 21 |
8 | Leaves deeply dissected or compound | 9 |
| Leaves simple or lobed, not deeply dissected or compound Back to 7 | 14 |
9 | Fruit with 2 horizontally spreading apical appendages | Trachymene |
| Fruit lacking apical appendages Back to 8 | 10 |
10 | Leaves pinnately dissected | 11 |
| Leaves ternately or palmately dissected or tripartite Back to 9 | 12 |
11 | Leaves in basal rosette; umbels spreading, long-pedunculate; mericarps 5-ribbed | Oreomyrrhis |
| Leaves cauline, alternate; umbels more or less globose, very shortly pedunculate; mericarps of 2 types, tuberculate and long-bristly Back to 10 | Torilis |
12 | Leaves with scarious stipules; plants stoloniferous | Hydrocotyle |
| Leaves without stipules; plants with taproot or woody rootstock Back to 10 | 13 |
13 | Leaves subsessile or very shortly petiolate; sepals prominent; mericarps 7–9-ribbed | Xanthosia |
| Leaves with long petioles; sepals minute; mericarps hairy, tuberculate or rarely indistinctly 5-ribbed Back to 12 | Trachymene |
14 | Leaves more or less circular in outline or reniform | 15 |
| Leaves spathulate or ovate in outline Back to 8 | 19 |
15 | Plants with fleshy taproot or rhizomatous; leaves in a basal rosette | 16 |
| Plants stoloniferous or erect or ascending with branched stems; leaves not in a basal rosette Back to 14 | 18 |
16 | Flowers in a regular simple umbel; petals yellow-green | 17 |
| Flowers in an irregular simple or compound umbel; petals white Back to 15 | Dichosciadium |
17 | Leaves with scarious stipules, partly fused to petiole, acuminate or laciniate above; umbels 4–8-flowered; bracts ovate, fused at the base | Schizeilema |
| Leaves without stipules, the petiole sheathing at the base; umbels 10–20-flowered; bracts linear, free to base Back to 16 | Diplaspis |
18 | Leaves with scarious stipules; mericarps smooth to rough or tuberculate between ribs | Hydrocotyle |
| Leaves without stipules; mericarps reticulate-patterned between ribs Back to 15 | Centella |
19 | Leaves in basal rosette; peduncles long, erect | 20 |
| Leaves alternate on branching stems; peduncles short, often reflexed. (Xanthosa tridentata) Back to 14 | Xanthosia |
20 | Leaves ovate, obtusely lobed; fruit oblate, laterally compressed, the mericarps smooth or minutely tuberculate. (Trachymene humilis) | Trachymene |
| Leaves spathulate, acutely toothed at the apex, fruit ovoid, the mericarps evenly ribbed Back to 19 | Oschatzia |
21 | Fruit with a conspicuous beak to c. 7 cm long | Scandix |
| Fruit without a beak Back to 7 | 22 |
22 | Bracts and bracteoles absent or when present few and inconspicuous | 23 |
| Bracts and bracteoles always present Back to 21 | 28 |
23 | Leaflets broad-elliptic or ovate, with toothed margins | 24 |
| Leaflets ovate-cuneate or lanceolate with lobed margins, or linear or filiform Back to 22 | 25 |
24 | Petals yellow; bracts and bracteoles sometimes present; fruit elliptic, conspicuously winged | Pastinaca |
| Petals white or pink; bracts and bracteoles absent; fruit ovoid, ribbed, not winged Back to 23 | Aegopodium |
25 | Ultimate leaf segments filiform, less than 0.5 mm wide | 26 |
| Ultimate leaf segments more than 1 mm wide Back to 23 | Apium |
26 | Fruit more or less elliptic; mericarps with slender dorsal ribs, the lateral ribs winged | Anethum |
| Fruit oblong-ovoid or ovoid-globose; mericarps with 5 equally prominent ribs Back to 25 | 27 |
27 | Umbels terminal; bracts sometimes present; petals yellow or yellow-green; fruit oblong-ovoid, 4–10 mm long | Foeniculum |
| Umbels leaf-opposed; bracts absent; petals white; fruit ovoid to globose, 1–3 mm long Back to 26 | Cyclospermum |
28 | Fruit with spines | Daucus |
| Fruit without spines Back to 22 | 29 |
29 | Leaves undivided, lobed or 3-foliolate | Platysace |
| Leaves pinnately compound, 1–4-pinnatisect or ternatisect Back to 28 | 30 |
30 | Rays more than 20 per inflorescence; bracts 3-fid or pinnatisect | Ammi |
| Rays less than 20 per inflorescence; bracts lanceolate to subulate, undivided Back to 29 | 31 |
31 | Fruit ovate, oblong or ellipsoid, more than 5 mm long | Gingidia |
| Fruit globose to ovoid, less than 5 mm long Back to 30 | 32 |
32 | Leaves 1-pinnate, the leaflet margin toothed | 33 |
| Leaves 2–3-pinnate, the leaflet margins lobed Back to 31 | Conium |
33 | Bracts 4–7 at the base of the flower umbel | Berula |
| Bracts 0–2 at the base of the flower umbel Back to 32 | Helosciadium |